HW Has reported!

Jar said on Page 2: 2 of those coaster def are not the coaster they were when they opened..and the other, Hades just opened

Yeah I just rode Hades a couple of days ago in the back seat. I only took one ride, but from what I can tell you, that coaster is a little smooth in some places, but pretty rough in others. Avalanche is a lot rougher though.

Kyle Says: Diamondback was a lot of fun! Made his first time at Kings Island worth it all!

Well buckyeye I have site picture and there are trees everywhere. And for those of you who do have NL GG guys have a pro version that has bigger plots to work with. Ole did some custom work for GG on this.

I have to find a place to post the pictures of Thanks giving site walk back. *** Edited 7/15/2005 12:16:28 AM UTC by cycloneriders***

So are the ride ops going to be in Pilgrim outfits with the big buckle on the hat and shoes? That would flippin rule.
RavenTTD said:

So are the ride ops going to be in Pilgrim outfits with the big buckle on the hat and shoes? That would flippin rule.

lol. That would be funny!

Paula, I'm curious who the architectural designer is for the new Thanksgiving section. Who is it, and have they done any other theme park designs?

I survived a Japanese typhoon and the Togo flat ride of death!!!!!!
Do You think The Voyage will have lights on its first three drops? I think it would be kinda cool to have lights like SD2K. They could be blue, sea green, or orange. i think it would be cool.
I took some construction photos.... HW 2006 Construction Photos. Please don't use them without permission. Ask and it will probably be granted.

Exception to this rule -- Paula (RAVEN MAVEN) gets whatever she wants!

See ya! *** Edited 7/15/2005 4:52:40 AM UTC by cycloneriders***

When will TGG update their site?!?!?!?!?

Well the pic on HW site the one that's wallpaper of Voyage at night, looks like the three big hills will have some type of lighting.

The amazing part is that after the first three big hills, all hell is gonna break lose, just think about it long terrained twisted out n back, pitch black forrest droooooools:O)~

I know i would hate to be an employee in the Thanksgiving section if they had to wear those outfits mentioned above.

john peck's avatar
Paula, I Have a few questions.

First off, I really love the announcement. I would go on, but so many have said similar things (the positive ones) to how I feel.

Where will the New Tilt-A-whirl go? Will it be themed?

I have only seen illustrations of the new land with a map of the area up to the dark ride, will there be anything beyond that?

What kind of restuarant will you have? A buffet style Thanksgiving I hope?

When did you guys decide to add another coaster?
I Take it that Larry Bill and the gang were the main reason for choosing GG, right?

What has happened to the Banshee and Roundhouse... (meaning: did you sell or scrap and to who?)
And will the current Tilt follow suit?

Thats all I can think of

Playa I have done Hades and Avalanche. Complete opposite of overbraked High Roller. In other world Avalanched @ #1, Hade #2, and Shivering Timbers #3. If The Voyage delivers as promised all of those coaster will fall down a notch! Meanwhile High Roller takes last place of all the woodie I've ridden because of extremely poor operations. BTW my friend The Pinball Lord on RRC called Gravity Group and aked then how Hades with its big drop and very high speeds can run so smoothly and I guess it is because of some new type of construction technique that provides a smoother ride. It is still laminated wood track but something to do with either the metal and the way the track is bolted together. Somehow they use a much better construction method than CCI or Curtis Summers so maybe we have enter a new era of giant smooth riding airtime filled trimless woodies with Hades and The Voyage! :-)

It is a FACT that The Voyage is the greatest thing on the planet!!
What is he if not predictable, folks? :)

NOTE: Severe fecal impaction may render the above words highly debatable.

Anyone notice that in the OnRide Video for The Voyage, a Raven flies overhead at 0:13 seconds. I thought it was pretty neat.
Nope, it's not a Raven (or a Wild Turkey) as some have speculated, SFGAdv Lover...

That was answered in (one of) yesterday's Holi-Blogs...

--George H

janfrederick's avatar
^last page^After the first three big hills? Those hills look quite a bit shorter than the lift. I think hell will be breaking loose over those hills too! But I know what you mean. I think this thing will be wild. Can't WAIT! I think we'll have to bring our latest edition even though he'll be WAY too short to ride. :)

*** Edited 7/15/2005 3:50:35 PM UTC by janfrederick***

"I go out at 3 o' clock for a quart of milk and come home to my son treating his body like an amusement park!" - Estelle Costanza
Nobody has asked Paula the most important question yet! How far is the walk going to be between Raven/Legend and Voyage? ;)
Okay - a day and a half now since the announcment, and I have finally stopped shaking enough to type. We truly have something to be thankful for. Can not wait for '06, and put me down for one of those lifetime passes.

One question for Paula - Was there ever any thought to tring to carry on the tradition of giving the coaster name from classic litrature? I have racked my brain to come up with something that would have worked for the Thanksgivng section, and other than "Pilgram's Progress" (which I don't like for a coaster) I have come up with nothing. But it would have been nice for Raven and Legend to have a big brother with a name along the same theme.

And two suggestions for Will. 1) Later park hours! A 9 or 10 pm closing in Southern Indiana in the middle of summer only gives us a little over an hour of riding in the dark. Raven and Legend are both great "dark" rides and I am sure that Voyage will be the same.

2) How about some extra weekends in the fall to enjoy the holidays on the holidays. I would love to ride Raven and Legend on October 31 and I would gladly give up watching big balloons and football to come and eat Thanksgiving dinner and take a Voyage the last weekend of November. You could sell Holiday World Parkas and offer ice skating in Bahari.

Life is an amusment park -and I can't get off of the damn spinning teacups!
Paula, You know I don't bug you much other than speculation and showing my excitement. I have only emailed you a couple times over the years and I'll not do so now.

That being said,
How many total ft of Tunnels will The Voyage have? Also what is the longest tunnel? Im assuming it's the Triple Down but Im not sure.

Chuck, just curious

I agree with Kraven on the hours and extending there open days.

A park with attractions like Holiday World has should be up weekends at least until october 31st. I also think a "Hollweenfest" would work wonders as a last minute "Money Booster" for the park, plus with there reputation, it would surely be top notch.

I agree that the park should be open later too, like maybe 10pm weekdays through summer, and 11pm weekends surring summer... 10 pm weekends everyother day and 9pm weekdays through the week.

Just a suggestion, plus Kraven needs someone to back up that claim.

Landon Parks Holiday World Fan (HWF) from Bloomington, Indiana.
Thanks Landon

Life is an amusment park -and I can't get off of the damn spinning teacups!

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