Gay Marriage at Cedar Point: Please help us!

Break Trims's avatar

Don't you know how many tours of duty he's endured in the War on Christmas!?

Parallel lines on a slow decline.

Who is really being persecuted in this situation? Christians? Really?

Silly Rabbit... It is obviously the poor guy with kids standing in line who can't afford Fast Lane.

LostKause said:

So as long as a homosexual asks Jesus for forgiveness, just like a murderer or a thief, it's all okay? Than why do Churches focus on homosexuality so much and not other behaviors that could be considered sinful?

Homosexuality is not always a sinful behavior, as far as I see it. I disagree that homosexuality is a sexual sin, as long as the two people are in a committed relationship when they are intimate with each other. Something so beautiful as love between two adults shouldn't be viewed so negatively by those who are supposed to teach love.

The cultural prejudice towards homosexuality taught by religions and parents keeps people from coming out of the closet, which keeps people from being happy. The fear that they will lose friends, be shunned by their family, or even lynched and killed because of their sexuality keeps them from finding a partner. Christians are a big part of the problem concerning this. Many Churches will not accept a member who wants to live their life with their homosexual partner. Do you think that God smiles upon those who reject their family and fellow Church members for something like this?

Teen suicide, teen homelessness, runaways, drug abuse, bullying, school shootings, and mental disorders are part of the results of how people treat gays in America, even those who profess to be Christians. Gays are not causing these problems; bigoted people are.

And the really ironic thing is that many of those who are most vocal against gays turn out to be gay themselves. They use hate to deal with their own pain. It's not their fault though, because that leaned it from their surroundings.

I apologize to Tek and "everyone else" for this post. :p

I was trying to find a verse to explain to the Christians on this site who think homosexuality is ok what I am trying to say. I finally found one:

1 Corinthians 6:9-11 (new living translation)

"Don't you know that those who do wrong will have no share in the Kingdom of God? Don't fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin, who are idol worshipers, adulterers, male prostitutes, homosexuals, thieves, greedy people, drunkards, abusers, and swindlers -- none of these will have a share in the Kingdom of God. There was a time when some of you were just like that, but now your sins have been washed away, and you have been set apart for God. You have been made right with God because of what the Lord Jesus Christ and the Spirit of our God have done for you."

This verse is exactly my view on this. About half of those things listed are not considered sin by some Christians. All of them are sin, and all of them can be forgiven when you call on Jesus. He will come into your life and continuously change you for the better until you die where then you will remain perfect forever.

Edit: I forgot to actually include the verse initially, but now it's here.

Last edited by Tyler Boes,
Lord Gonchar's avatar

SquareOne42 said:

A low-income family who saves up all summer to go to CP and can't afford Fast Lane will have to wait in lines twice as long as a wealthy family who can afford it.

And an even lower income family who can't even save that much doesn't get to go at all.

And an even higher income family can buy VIP and jump in front of Fast Lane users.

Not sure how any of this qualifies as discriminatory.

On top of that, income doesn't equal buying choices. What if two families make the same income and one buys Fast Lane and one doesn't? How is that discrimination?

I don't think I even need to explain why the argument is broken. But I will...

Being gay isn't a choice. Fast Lane is.

Last edited by Lord Gonchar,
Carrie J.'s avatar

Tyler Boes said:

This is my last two cents about the situation.

If only this had been true.

"If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins." --- Benjamin Franklin

His account has been in the red for a while now. Deficit posting.

The way I see it, your rights stop where mine start. Noone is coming at fundies for being fundies, they are coming at gays for being gay.

Noone is stopping anyone from being a fundy..they want to restrict gay's rights to marry, fashionably decorate their homes, and dress better than the rest of us... (ok I kid)

I don't see how this thing can really be legislated, other than age of consent laws and things like that.

Raven-Phile's avatar

Honest question here, Tyler: What kind of clothes are you wearing right now? I mean, what kind of materials?

And what about all those gay animals? Do penguins get sent to hell? 'Cause that sounds like something out of a Happy Madison movie.

Brandon | Facebook

Lord Gonchar's avatar

djDaemon said:

And what about all those gay animals? Do penguins get sent to hell? 'Cause that sounds like something out of a Happy Madison movie.

Being the completely objective guy I am, I would like to point out that it has also been observed that Humans are the only species to exhibit exclusively homosexual behavior.

A more correct statement is that animals exhibit bisexual behavior.

(not to push the argument back any, but I think that's a statement that gets thrown around a lot in a 'not quite complete' fashion in order to make a point)

Gemini's avatar

Tyler Boes said:

I was trying to find a verse to explain to the Christians on this site who think homosexuality is ok what I am trying to say. I finally found one:

It's not about whether something is right or wrong. It's about priority. It's about where you spend your energy. It's saying, "it's just one thing in a long list of bad things," then turning around and focusing on that one thing. You can accept that any act is wrong without having to go on a crusade against it. That doesn't mean you condone it. It simply means you understand there are more important things to worry about. It also means you understand that showing love and compassion is WAY more effective than judgement and admonishment when sharing the love of Christ.

Zach Hunt said:

… as a church we’re so willing to invest this sort of time, energy, and emotion to argue over our sexuality, but get conspicuously silent about the countless children who will go to bed hungry, the homeless men and women who will die from exposure on the street tonight, or the thousands of people who won’t find the healing they need because they can’t afford health insurance.

Last edited by Gemini,

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz

Lord Gonchar said:
Being the completely objective guy I am, I would like to point out that it has also been observed that Humans are the only species to exhibit exclusively homosexual behavior.

I have no reason to doubt that, other than this snippet from another Wiki page:

One species in which exclusive homosexual orientation occurs, however, is that of domesticated sheep (Ovis aries). "About 10% of rams (males) refuse to mate with ewes (females) but do readily mate with other rams."

Unfortunately, "Gay Sheep Burning in Hell" doesn't sound like a very funny movie. Then again, that might make it an even better candidate for a recent Happy Madison production.

Brandon | Facebook

sirloindude's avatar

Gemini, I can't vote up that post up enough. There are just so many more important things in life like, you know, helping people.

Tyler, go back and read that recent post from Tek where he mentioned tact. Your comment about wanting the rapture to happen soon was completely uncalled for. Christ didn't spend his time on Earth wishing he could just get away from everyone who didn't agree with him. You shouldn't be doing it either. I can't wait for heaven, but I'd rather focus my energies on trying to convince as many people as I possibly can to come join me rather than making it seem like they're somehow less deserving of it than me because guess what? I don't deserve it any more than anyone else.

Last edited by sirloindude,

13 Boomerang, 9 SLC, and 8 B-TR clones

djDaemon said:

Unfortunately, "Gay Sheep Burning in Hell" doesn't sound like a very funny movie.

Though it does sound like a pretty good Far Side comic.

My author website:

Lord Gonchar's avatar

djDaemon said:

I have no reason to doubt that, other than this snippet from another Wiki page:

Humans and sheep, then.

But you know what I meant.

rollergator's avatar

Humans and sheep, oh my!

"Night on Earth", Jim Jarmusch, Rome.

Do not watch without a sense of humor...content warning!

Who gets to decide what is required to be a true christian, jew, muslim, buddhist, atheist, wiccan, etc? And what the priorities of each should be? And how does said person know they got it right? Seems to me to be one of the most, if not the most, personal deteminations we ever get to make. And strikes me as at least somewhat arrogant to believe that anyone of us has the answers.

ApolloAndy's avatar

LK, Even if homosexuality isn't a choice and is a natural predisposition (which I believe) does that mean it's right? I am naturally predisposed to do a lot of things, but acting on those impulses is still wrong.

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

Human impulse is sin. Sin isn't right.

Tyler, you're not right. I vote you "person most likely to shoot up a school, aged 17"

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