Gay buzzers

well, not entirely 16... i'm 21. But i knew i was gay when i was 13.

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Helios, I am sticking up for you here. I am 15 years old and this topic doesnt offend me or scare me in ANY way. Homosexuality (sp?) is something everyone has to live with!

The former CPJunkie. CB Club Member. 120 coasters :)

Why do people post on a topic if it doesn't relate to them. The simple solution is don't read or post to the topic if you're offended. Personally i'm offended by a lot of the topics on the board. Guess what i don't bother to read them. One I wish I had passed up recently was one called Beer. Many peoples religious beliefs prohibit drunkenness. To me that was offensive. Get over it and Don't read it that way you won't be tempted to be UnGodlike and Criticize others beliefs.

First of all, I'm straight. Second of all, there are way too many of you guys that are blowing this whole topic way out of proportion. You are under no obligation to read any topic or post in any topic that you don't want to. No, sexual preference does not relate to coasters. Neither does where everyone is from. Neither did Jeff's grass. If you don't want to read this it's fine, but grow up and show some respect for other people.

"Hate is's too short to go around being pissed off all the time" - American History X

Coasterrod said: Why do people post on a topic if it doesn't relate to them. The simple solution is don't read or post to the topic if you're offended. Personally i'm offended by a lot of the topics on the board. Guess what i don't bother to read them. One I wish I had passed up recently was one called Beer. Many peoples religious beliefs prohibit drunkenness. To me that was offensive. Get over it and Don't read it that way you won't be tempted to be UnGodlike and Criticize others beliefs.

Amen! this is enough said right here. I coudl not agree with you more. If you dont like it then dont read. If you read and dontlike it you have nothing to say because no one forced you to read it.

The former CPJunkie. CB Club Member. 120 coasters :)

I know this is a tad off topic, but I find it amusing as a gay teen that almost everyone who is posting on this thread has somewhere in their post mentioned that they are straight. Hehe.

Sorry, gotta find some humor away from us "sexual predators" roaming around CB.

"If two coaster trains almost hit each other, why is it called a near miss and not a near hit?"

Well.... that beer topic also got a bit out of hand because of me i think. (Sorry for the xtc incident haha)

Anyway, many of you answered my first question and i'm happy with that. Conclusion: of all the people that visit Coasterbuzz regularly, a considerable percentage is gay. My question is answered, so if anyone of you still want to have the opportunity of flaming at eachother, please proceed. For me, this is the last post on this topic. Period.

This season:
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28 rides

It ain't a choice. Never has been. Never will be. The only choice is whether to hide in a closet in shame, or to live your life openly and honestly.

I've been to a few "gay days" at some amusement parks (PKI and CP to name two), and they've been nothing but fun. It's just really weird to me to see how bent out of shape some people can get over something that really just doesn't affect them.

So to them, and to the few irate and/or hateful posters here, I have some very good advice: "get over it". :-)

Oh no im not getting into this, last time i did i wound up making a whole lotta people pretty mad.

Helios, your very welcome. And please don't get the impression that we are all insensitive, ignorant bigots, making assumtions about people we don't even know. Most of us here are tolerate people looking for fun and friendship, no matter what color or sexuality. On the surface, this topic may not have much to do with rollercoasters. But you also want to know if there are people who have something in common with you, or how will you feel comfortable posting here.

I'm straight, but my hand of friendship streches far beyond straight, male cliches. This isn't a dating service, but we all or human, and to be human is to want to know about the humanity of others.

*******Steps off the soapbox********

"Escuse me, can you tell me where the heck the Mystery Lodge is"?

Not gay and happy as a straight playa

Gays are against religon. God made Adam and Eve not Adam and dennis.

Track Record: 111 and counting.....

TrBiggar said:
PointMan, I have to disagree. I doubt Helios, a 16 year old from the Netherlands,

Uhh... he's not 16, he's 21. Like you, from his first message in this thread, I thought he was 16 also. You know, sexual predators often lie about their age to gain the trust of teenagers.

is looking for small children.

Are there small children here, I was talking about teenagers. What are you talking about?

This does not make me have bitter hatred towards gay people. Why? Because thats stereotyping. You are basically saying gay people want little children.

Why do you think I have a problem with gay people. I don't have a problem with gay people, I have a problem with people who hang out a websites that atract minors, lie about their age, and then ask the minors about their sexual preference. Please point about what I've said about gay people.

True, very few do, but so do a very few number of straight men and women.

Absolutely, couldn't agree more.

You should really watch what you say before you start calling all the gay people here on CB sexual predators.

I didn't call all gay people on CB sexual predators. I am only calling the behavior of those people(gay or straight) that go around asking for the sexual preferences of minors predatory.

Basically TrBiggar, you need to quit accusing me of gay bashing. I have not commented on anyone's sexuality here.

"Gays are against religon."

I'm sure all the very religious gay people out there in the world would find this to be quire surprising. But if you really want to go there, Divorce is against religion too. You don't see that stopping anyone. So is eating shellfish. Wearing clothes of two fibers. And many other things I'm sure you do on a regular basis. So I think you can tone down the ignorant judgmentalism, thanks.

I find it amusing to have people denounce gay bashing but then pre-emptivly insult other people for differing opinions.

Uh, PatMan007, that's Adam and Steve . . .not Adam and Dennis.

If you're going to preach propoganda, at least get it right!

..and please, realize I'm joking. If that's your bag, baby, good for you. (I've been watching Austin Powers all night!)

...and hey, I'm not gay, really . . . or maybe I am. The People Who Know (TM) can figure that out for themselves. It makes no difference to me. Gay people rock, straight people rock. . .Hell, even bi people rock. It's all about personality, folks.

On one hand, it's so sad that we devalue our existance by destroying one another; while on the other hand, it's also amazing to see the resolve of the human spirit.

Oh, and Intamin Guy - your theories regarding biology are a-okay in my book. But if I ever find out that you've had casual, recreational intercourse . . . well, I'll be waiting at your doorstep with a biology textbook

~~~ Maddy ~~~

*** This post was edited by Chernabog on 7/21/2002. ***

I find it amusing that people "with differing opinions" would have any interest in this thread other than to stir up trouble. That STILL has not been answered. Hymmm, I wonder why...

"Escuse me, can you tell me where the heck the Mystery Lodge is"?

Intamin Guy said:
I do not get it! I do not come on here talking about who people prefer to date. I talk about coasters and I only expect others to do the same. BTW-I am straight, white and Irish and very proud of it. Jews, the Germans, the Italians, the Polish, the English, the Mexicans, retarded people, Japs, Chinese people, Russkies, the Dutch, the Aussies, Gays, Africans, Welfare Idiots, Indians and Eskimos are dirt at my feet! I'll quit being sarcastic now!

I agree with u all the way!!!!. I am a 100% straight. But this is a coaster site not a gay site. I have nothin wrong with talking to gay people on this site about coasters but i dont want to talk to gay people on this site about whether they are gay or not. does anyone else agree with me?

PointMan, you're still accusing someone of being a sexual predator. I misread what Helios said. He has been out since 16, I understand that now. It was a mistake on my part for not reading it correctly, and the same mistake you probably made. He isn't looking for any "small children" aka teenagers (which, for the most part, almost all of us know how to look out for ourselves.) to molest, like it sounds like you think. Again, I'm sorry your child was molested. It's sick, but stop taking out your anger on a perfectly well-intentioned, good people.

Patman, of course they are, you know what all gays are for, and against, because you yourself are god...

I'm going to bed now. Maybe this thread will be here in the morning, maybe not. If it is, I'm sure it'll make some interesting reading.

*** This post was edited by TrBiggar on 7/21/2002. ***

staticman00's avatar
Pointman, I would probably just stop feedin the trolls before you dig yourself a hole you cant get out of. This topic was started just so gay buzzers can see who else is here, not to force their sexuality on anyone else. Reading this topic, the only offense I have taken are to your comments to them. Maybe you aren't directly calling gay people sexual predators, but you sure aren't trying hard to make a distinction, either. I might not be gay myself, but some of the better people I have known have been, and I'll be damned if I will listen to someone try to insult their character.

Crito, ergo sum.

I agree with u all the way!!!!. I am a 100% straight. But this is a coaster site not a gay site. I have nothin wrong with talking to gay people on this site about coasters but i dont want to talk to gay people on this site about whether they are gay or not. does anyone else agree with me?

Not I. If you think that way, then don't participate.

My god, the hypocrisy of homophobes.

No, I'm not gay; however, I'm not against them at all. They're free to be gay and talk as they please. No need for you to tell the wonderful moderators at CoasterBuzz how to run the site.

As appropriate (in my opinion, moderators: please feel free to edit/delete) for this thread, I choose to quote this: "Live free or die."

The Jet Coaster ROARS!
Will Johansson, Webmaster of Xtreme Paramount Parks

Closed topic.

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