Enthusiast ban list is real

ApolloAndy's avatar
Whether Robb was "more wrong" than anyone else in glorfying and selling, the point remains that thousands of enthusiasts and GP break (you can call it stretching/bending, but it's pretty much breaking) the rules. It doesn't make any sense to try to make a scapegoat out of Robb. Everyone who's ever done the lap bar slouch or taken a camera on a ride is to blame.

Be polite and ignore the idiots. - rollergator
"It's not a Toomer" - Arnold Schwartzenkoph
"Those who know don't talk and those who talk don't know." -Jeff

CedarPoint_Mark said:
Because Robb is the one that GLORIFIED all this. I didn't see any other people posting pics on their sites, showing how far up the lap bar was, or nearly standing when they shouldn't. The reason Robb has been brought into this is because he bragged about it and showed evidence.

I'm all for this list. Is the reason the list hasn't been publicized due to the fact that some people would feel un"fairly" singled out?

Now thats the biggest load of crap I've ever read, Robb glorified on ride footage.

To Captain obvious:

On ride footage has been done long before Robb was born.

I am not who you think I am. Or am I?

Charles Nungester.
It's official Lesourdsville Lake is closed for 2003

I was writing a post that said what CPlaya did above, but much less eloquently. So instead I will just agree with him.

I suspect that Robb and Elissa would not be considered Evil Villans if they had just said something along the lines of "This was all fun, but now that someone's been hurt and the parks are getting serious, we won't be doing it anymore."


*** This post was edited by Brian Noble 10/16/2003 1:38:18 PM ***

Andy, Im not defending Robb. Rob did not sell his videos. He only recovered the cost of making and sending them. $10 barely covers the cost of a tape and the shipping fee.

Charles Nungester.
It's official Lesourdsville Lake is closed for 2003

Guess Wal-Mart loses $4-$6 on half the tapes in their store...

I don't think anyone here is 'evil.' Thoughtless? Absolutely. Problem is, it's a big world out there and being thoughtless has a price.

But wait a minute! I don't know the Alveys and I don't even use my real name--so I have no right to an opinion nor a forum to express them. Isn't that the way the backwards story goes? Guess Jeff has to delete my account right away. Oooooooooooooooh.


(whos only beef was the 'one-clicks' anyway)


The scholar, the eternal question and a lot of stupid jokes. Celebrate Pancake Day 10/27. Check your local listings for events.

*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya 10/16/2003 1:59:43 PM ***

rollergator's avatar
My problem was the obvious implication(s) in their captions that anything you COULD potentially get away with was ALLOWED by the parks' policies...I only looked at the pics linked in a previous thread.

Anything not strictly, universally, and explicitly forbidden and enforced does *not* mean it's OK to do...but the statements made were to the contrary. Parks can and do read these and other forums, and statements like those made on their site, IMHO, are even more damaging to the relationship between parks and enthusiasts than anything else...YMMV...probably does...
Tact is for people not intelligent enough to comprehend sarcasm...;)

You know, I have never seen a ride sign that said you were prohibited from removing your pants while riding but I bet if you tried to they would tell you you can't.
You can't? Oooops.

Half of the people surveyed agree, half disagree and another half are unsure.

CoastaPlaya said:
'Independence Day' is a great movie, but there's no way in hell I'd broadcast on my TV station a few months after 9/11.

Likewise the 'one-click' photos may have been good for a chuckle at one time, but not right after an enthusiast falls to her death. In effect, you could say the 'disclaimers' were like arguing to 9/11 survivors that Independence Day was a great flick and they enjoyed it when it ran in theaters.


I hope this isn't meaning what I understood it as. I understood it as "Since Fellner died on Raven, they should take down all of their pictures of them riding with high lapbars." If that is what you mean, that's pretty stupid. I understand that someone died, but they shouldn't have to take down all of their pictures because of it. That's like telling anyone that has a picture of the twin towers that they can never show that picture to anyone because people died there. And I guess that "A plane crashes.....survivors buried?" riddle should have never been made, because people have died in plane crashes. Yes, I realize that it it a different situation, but the pictures on their website are not of the death or them unbuckling their seatbelts or anything.

CoastaPlaya said:
Guess Wal-Mart loses $4-$6 on half the tapes in their store...

Yeah, I realize you were being sarcastic, but of course it costs a lot less per tape to make 5000 tapes than it does to make 10 or so.

said by many people, but I'm quoting rollergator:
Anything not strictly, universally, and explicitly forbidden and enforced does *not* mean it's OK to do

Actually, that's pretty much how the whole system works. If it doesn't say you can't do it, then you can. How many cases have there been where people were doing things that common sense would tell you not to do and got injured, but won because nothing said they couldn't do it?

Swat at the sun alongside El Diablo in 2003!
Only at Six Flags AstroWorld!

wahoo skipper said:
You know, I have never seen a ride sign that said you were prohibited from removing your pants while riding but I bet if you tried to they would tell you you can't.

Actually, Most parks have a policy of shirts and shoes must be worn while in the park at all times. It says nothing about pants.

Chuck, who doesn't even want to picture it!

Charles Nungester.
It's official Lesourdsville Lake is closed for 2003

Houston Thrills said:

That's like telling anyone that has a picture of the twin towers that they can never show that picture to anyone because people died there.

Hold on, the usual shoulder-mounted artillery just won't do. I gotta go to MOJ and fire up the van-mounted Fossilized Super-Thick Skull Cannon. Set the park brake for me, will you Stalkee? This one's got a kick.

You DID see 'Independence Day', right? Or 'Armageddon'? Don't pretend I don't know what I'm talking about. Go read my post over and over till it sinks in. It's more like saying a picture of the Twin Towers on fire, gettin blown up or people falling out of tall buildings to their death while New York City landmarks get destroyed cuts too close to the bone and just isn't appropriate at the time.

Furthermore, it's one thing to simply have pictures up and another to add text that says, "Yeah, these are here and they upset you. SFW?"

To say nothing of the fact that published insistence that this is accepted park policy threatens the profitability of family parks that have them as guests. Let's not even consider insurance companies have investigators that surf the web too. We won't even touch the 'urinating on people with livelihoods' issue. Save that for later.


The scholar, the eternal question and a lot of stupid jokes. Celebrate Pancake Day 10/27. Check your local listings for events.

*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya 10/16/2003 3:24:40 PM ***

coasterqueenTRN's avatar
Sawblade5 said:

I am wondering if CP will still have a CoasterMania next year or not. I remember this years event it felt like that so many people felt like CP owed them something when TTD was closed down due to problems with the launch system. CP was nice enough to give everyone a front of the line pass for TTD and one for the other rides in which most everyone used it for MF. And still they felt CP owned them something for TTD being down. To this day I am still upset of the behavior of these individuals at CoasterMainia.

I was annoyed by a few people, especially the ones who kept dwelling over the fact that TTD was down....the same type of people that dwelled over X being down for CCon last year in LA. Thankfully I had enough sense NOT to hang out with the whiners and let their negativity ruin my good time. :-)

It's sad that people just cannot enjoy themselves and NOT let the minor setbacks ruin their day. Sure, it's a bummer that you may not be able to ride that coaster you were SO looking forward to riding but it's not the end of the freakin world. Get a life people!

I remember talking to a couple of guys in line for Magnum who said that they fly out to CP at least once a year from Oklahoma. They said they were really looking forward to Dragster but didn't really mind it was down cause they would "catch it next year" and decided to focus their attention on all the other rides and attractions that CP has to offer

The guys' attitudes were refreshing, considering most of the people that were crying about TTD being down lived near CP or within a day's drive from CP.

I thought the exit passes were a very nice gesture and they did NOT have to do it. Hell, they didn't even HAVE to host the event but they did and I respect that.

I haven't heard anything officially as to whether Coastermania will happen next year but I am assuming it will and I will attend, as well as Coaster Con. :-)


<---who's *real* beef was with those annoying muffleheads in our cabin that night!

Gimme speed, height, airtime and plenty of LAUNCH!!!

*** This post was edited by coasterqueenTRN 10/16/2003 3:08:02 PM ***

CoastaPlaya said:
It's more like saying a picture of the Twin Towers on fire, gettin blown up or people falling out of tall buildings to their death while New York City landmarks get destroyed cuts too close to the bone and just isn't appropriate at the time.

So pretty much the classic 9/11 picture with the 2 burning buildings or the one with one burning building and a plane approaching?

Swat at the sun alongside El Diablo in 2003!
Only at Six Flags AstroWorld!

How could you think that's stupid Houston Thrills?

I think Playa' meant exactly what you thought he meant. It seems perfectly justifiable to me. Take a certain "Superman" picture on Rob's site. It probably should have been removed after the Holiday World accident. Not only is it a sign of disrespect, but it show's the "wrong" way to ride the coaster.

I can assure you that I chuckled at the photos when I first saw them. The caption saying something like "I hope you don't die!" might have been somewhat humorous at the time. Now that the accident at Holiday World has occurred, it's clear that riding improperly is a SERIOUS matter.

Sure, all of those "high lap bar" and "unsafe" photos on Rob's site weren't a problem before. If they were removed after the accident it still wouldn't have been a problem. The fact that they are still being shown is wrong. The ban list is out and enthusiasts are getting a bad reputation. It's time to show more respect and follow the rules. Clearly by keeping certain pictures on that site, Rob and crew are ignoring current events.

Also, if anyone's been to the site recently, it's clear that Rob IS aware of what's going on. He just doesn't seem to care. They said there would be no POV videos or pictures until the "witch hunt" is over. That to me is sad. They aren't done with POV videos, they're just waiting a little while until people calm down.

Ok, here's a better example then. The Discovery Channel shows POV footage. Should they stop? It is encouraging and "glorifying" POV footage.

Swat at the sun alongside El Diablo in 2003!
Only at Six Flags AstroWorld!

It never ceases to amaze me...is it just me, or is 'Playa the only one out here who has enough sense to see through all the bulls*** and actually tell everyone what the real matter is?

The bottom line is that everyone here is trying to justify skirting the rules, ducking around the laws using little loopholes in order to justify doing all the dangerous things that get people injured and, most unfortunately, killed. Yet still you ask, "But what about this?" and "Technically, if I do this..."

Doesn't anyone else realize that it's questions like this that got everyone in trouble in the first place? That's called "testing the line," trying to get as close to illegal as you can without getting caught. Hasn't it sunk in enough yet that, while the line of illegal may be black and white, the parallel danger line is a lot wider and a lot more grey?

'Playa's on the money: it's their park, it's their money, it's their rules. And if you break those rules, you pay their consequences. No grey area, no middle ground -- it's clear cut. If you don't like it, find yourself another hobby where these practices are acceptable. But the purposes of laws and community are to present you with the rights to perform certain actions under the pretense that you align yourself with the responsibilities that come with assuming those rights. The people who forfeited those responsibilities lost their right to go to the parks. They paid the price they deserved.

There's no way around that: you wanna duck the responsibilities, you don't get the rights. It's as simple as that.

[Nitro Dave -- 145 Laps] [Track Record: 89 and counting...]
Princeton University -- Class of 2007
In the Nation's Service, and in the Service of All Nations
PPP '03 -- High Speed Thrill Coaster Nonuple-lapper

I hardly think that encourages POV footage, as most people know that the cameras are usually attached to the trains themselves.
Actually I think Houston Thrills has a valid point--'cuz the Discover channel folks waltzed in with their hand-held videocameras one day and just asked a rideop it was okay. You win.



The scholar, the eternal question and a lot of stupid jokes. Celebrate Pancake Day 10/27. Check your local listings for events.

*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya 10/16/2003 3:25:41 PM ***

beast7369's avatar

Houston Thrills said:
Ok, here's a better example then. The Discovery Channel shows POV footage. Should they stop? It is encouraging and "glorifying" POV footage.

Swat at the sun alongside El Diablo in 2003!
Only at Six Flags AstroWorld!

Most likely they have the camera's professionally mounted to cars so that they will not harm anyone riding the coasters. Also they likely get permission to video the rides LONG before they actually show up at the park. Being the entity they are I doubt that they will not have dotted all their I's and crossed all there T's (in triplicate I might add).

While it may contribute to the desire to get on ride videos, they likely are perfectly legal.

Zero G Thrills - Moved and Improved

Jeff said:
If you're not doing anything wrong, then what difference does it make? It's not a witch hunt. Follow the rules and go about your business.

I realize this is sorta late, but for people who are worried about this (myself included), I think you're missing their point.

There was an earlier post from someone who said that their lap belt got disconnected by the lap bar and they didn't realize it. I've also seem times where people *think* that the lap bar has locked, but it wasn't quite connected right, and came loose. In another situation, lets say someone goes to guest relations when they get to a park and asks about a camera policy on a certain ride. They are told they can do it, they go to the ride, get on with the camera in full view, and the ride-op loses it. In both of these cases, I think the rider didn't even realize they were doing anything wrong, and certainly didn't intentionally try to break the rules. What we're all worried about, especially with a "Zero-Tolerance" policy, is that somebody will make an honest mistake somewhere and get banned for life from a park.

I think we'd all like some reassurance that the people getting banned are the kind who stand up on a coaster and scream "HEY EVERYBODY! LOOK AT ME! I'M STANDING UP!!!". We don't want a situation where we thought the lap belt was buckled, and when the ride-op comes by and yanks on it, it turns out it isn't and flops out. That might look like we were purposefully trying to make it look like it was buckled when it wasn't. None of us want to get banned for an honest mistake.

I know I'm worried about something like this happening. Heck, I almost got thrown off Psyclone because I had my hands in my lap when the ride-op came to push the bar down. That's pretty much a standard sitting position for me, and I didn't even think about it until the ride-op yelled at me to move my hands, threatening to take me off the train. I wasn't trying to prevent him doing his job, and I wasn't trying to cheat the restraints, I was just sitting the way I normally do, especially after a 10 minute wait in the train while they got enough people to dispatch. Under Zero-Tolerance, would I have my SFMM pass revoked and not be allowed in any Six Flags park again?

*THIS* is why people want to know the reasons why people are on the ban list, and want some clarification instead of this hidden, mysterious list. None of us want to be on it, and it would certainly make people feel a little bit better if they knew that they wouldn't be banned for something they didn't even realize they were doing.

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