My Bet is October. ;)
Late May or June sounds about right. The weather is getting better and the lower parts of the ride will get done quicker.
rollergator's avatar
....but JERSEY needs to go through the bureaucratic motions....anyone remember Tsunami - took FOREVER for them to get that ride certified...

While I hope that GAdv has more *clout* and therefore MIGHT be able to pull a few strings, I would NOT hold my breath for this ride to open, even AFTER completion of trackwork and trains....

I lived in Jackson NJ from 1978 till 2004. I seen the park go through highs and lows. I know they get far more guests than any other SF park but compared to other parks in the chain SFGA is one of the worst maintained parks in the chain.

What I am getting at is why build another wooden coaster when you counldn't maintain the one you already have.

Thats why they went with a prefabericated tracked wooden coaster that rides on polyurothane wheels.Because there staff cant handle the up keep of a real wooden coaster.

Maybe they should call Knoebels,Holiday World,and Kennywood for some pointers. Its funny how the (so called) smaller family owned parks coasters run better.

I miss Drachen Fire

BG Nut said:
Maybe they should call Knoebels,Holiday World,and Kennywood for some pointers. Its funny how the (so called) smaller family owned parks coasters run better.

OMG. How many coasters do these parks have? Is Knoebels or Holiday World going to give us pointers on how to maintain 12 steel coasters and 2 woodies per season? Do you really think these "family parks" could even imagine trying to take care of 2 LIM coasters and hyrdaulic launch systems while maintaining their prized woodies? Dealing with 30 train rehabilitations a year??

And I can't wait when you guys are so wrong about "OMG! El Toro won't be open till June! NO OCTOBER! NO!! 2007 (it's sux flags remember)!!

MrX. If HW had twelve coasters. All twelve would probably run every day. CP usually does and so do all the paramount parks for the most part run all rides every day (Unless somethin unexpected)

Theres no reason not to have spares and have enough manpower to run everything. Six Flags is just cutting corners.

I don't hate Six Flags but when you visit and half the stuff don't run, I have reason not to return.

Chuck, who hopes this is all behind us now.

Six flags should be on an up rise now. One contributing factor to excessive down time for many of the rides is due to the mis-distribution of funds for maintenance up-keep to purchase new mega million dollar coasters. Now that Management has had a wrench tossed in it with the addition of Snyder, Shapiro and the rest of the team; it's probably safe to say that the already existing portfolio of rides (not just coasters) will be better maintained to ensure that their guest will want to come back and ultimately spend even more money. Obviously past management didn't see this concept which left a bad taste in many visitors mouth.

I was skeptical about Snyder at first but his and Shapiro's vision are suddenly starting to make sense to me.

Six Flags is a Diamond in the rough!
I hope you're right, Magicmike. I really want to like the park.

MrX, I actually put a winky in my short post saying October. I was pulling legs.

And I am super uncool for still thinking this thing looks just okay. The Voyage looks like it will be 100 times more fun...imho.

ET does have some very cool drops and airtime crests, and the although the layout looks short to me, it still looks like a solid ride. At the bottom of the first drop is a very scary looking crossover.

I think what makes it look to short to me is that the begining of the ride looks like an out and back, but after only the second or third drop, it turns around and goes back. I know that there is more (twister elements) after it gets back to the station area, but the illusion to me is that it is too short.

I'm sorry for not loving you, El Toro. It's not you, it's me.

Acoustic Viscosity's avatar
It's more like a double out and back though. It is longer than most solid woodies. The pacing looks wicked!

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

It will probably seem even shorter than most already think it is due to how fast it will travel because the rest of the elements after that turn around are so low to the ground. Obviously this coaster was built to please many people (the Thrill seeker type) not just one group; It has great height, Consistant high speeds, Airtime in many spots, an Out and Back design with the bonus Twister finally potentially giving good positive and maybe a few lats. That pretty much covers everyone I think, so in my eyes this is a VERY solid ride with things for every taste.

And also that it should be smooth and very enjoyable.

The head chopper at the bottom of that first drop looks serious! Really scary, and no doubt will raise the adrenaline factor for this mass of wood.
*** Edited 3/31/2006 5:56:19 PM UTC by Magicmike***

Six Flags is a Diamond in the rough!
I still think they are making horrible progress with this coaster.
I was there yesterday and let me tell you pictures do not show just how massive this ride is. The rides layout reminds me of SROS at SFNE. The first drop is amazing looking and it towers over Rolling thunder, it makes it look like a kiddie coaster. They have alot of the high track done so they should start to make more progress as they work on the track that is lower to the ground. Looking at it from the top of GASM lift hill gives you a great veiw just how massive this ride is going to be. I can't wait to ride it in May when it opens.
^ lol, May. Opening this ride in may would not be SF's style.
I really don't think that this ride is going to be ready by May......

Don't Fight It, Ride It, RAGING BULL!!!!!!- Six Flags Great America

dexter said:
^ lol, May. Opening this ride in may would not be SF's style.

Is that right?

Kingda Ka - 5/21

Nitro - 4/7

Superman Ultimate Flight - 4/17

Medusa - 4/2

Batman The Ride - 5/1

Runaway Mine Train opened in June, but c'mon, that was 1974. Doesn't count. The others don't have exact dates listed but I can assure you most all of them were open by May. (except for maybe Chiller?) *** Edited 4/3/2006 3:40:32 AM UTC by MrX***

Thats true, but I do agree that since construction started in October, it seems as if they are putting up a plank at a time. Plus I havent seen any significant work done for Plaza Del Carnaval yet.
I guess you showed me.

But I really don't see this thing opening up in May.

I read over at GAinsider that El Toro was gonna open on Memorial Day.
rollergator's avatar
I guess they *could* get ET up and running and then finish the remainder of the themed area during the rest of the season (plus the next off-season as needed)...
So what's the deal with Tango the new ride over in Plaza del Carnival? Somebody said it was a rockin' tug ,but on the park map it says it's a rocking swinging ride and it's drawn like a swinging ship.

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