1) The train is going to leap a gap in the tracks. Provides an exciting new element and saves $197 off the cost of construction. (That last piece is always the hardest to fit in.)
2) In keeping with the Thanksgiving theme, the park will release live turkeys from the top of the lift hill. (Mr. Carlson, turkeys can't fly... Oh my Lord, they're hitting the ground like sacks of wet cement!)
RGB, apologizing for the politically incorrect, yet funny as hell, reference to a 70's sitcom episode. Not really.
*** Edited 11/15/2005 6:48:13 PM UTC by redman822***
--George H
Oh great were going to go crazy with hints again!!! Did I start what might be the second longest buzz?
woohooboy said:
So when are we going to hear something?
Jeff said:
I hear that you might even get to learn more about the change on a forthcoming podcast. So I hear.
About the secret element maybe there will be a bunch of LIM's that will accelerate the Voyage out of the park and through the turkey farm to the north. I can just imagine the scared look on all of those turkeys when a train flys through every minute or so. The big perk for the farmer is all of the feathers would be scared off of the turkeys so all you've got to do is kill 'em, dress them and throw them right into the oven. Yummm!
Have Fun
Negative-G Amusement Parks and Rollercoasters: www.Negative-G.com
Makes sense to me. ;)
The Flying Turns makes all the right people wet - Gonch
What is the purported angle again, based on prebuild specs?
The Flying Turns makes all the right people wet - Gonch
Joe "yeah, I'm still here" C.
Nonetheless, I've had every single one of MY *earth-shattering* rides on coasters that held no records whatsoever....well, maybe for "funnest"... :)
edit: What is Joe doin' here? Didn't anyone remember to lock the DOOR? ;)
*** Edited 11/16/2005 5:50:44 AM UTC by rollergator***
Reverse bank? There's a link on page 2 or 3 showing Hades' reverse banked bunny.
edit: here ya go! Notice banking is to the left but it turns to the right.
*** Edited 11/16/2005 6:58:00 AM UTC by Mamoosh***
How is the element? On Hades its pretty damn cool because you're still in the tunnel and can't see it coming. Uncomfortable? No.
Closed topic.