
I am not nearly coordinated enough for this kind of thing... I am better at watching, back in the days when I worked in the arcades at Knotts.

So here's a question: How many DDR machines does your homepark have?

Knotts has 4.

Disneyland has 1.

4 at Knotts, 1 at Disney ... Cool I'll be there in September.

I heard IOA and WDW have them at the AMC in Downtown. Can anyone confirm?

If Lifes a Rollercoaster, I want a Flawless

rollergator's avatar
IoA has a DDR machine in the arcade between Cafe4 and Dr. Doom....which version, I have no idea....but we often watch the DDR players while eating....
Paramount Kings Dominion has one. I think BGW has an american machine.

Den, I must wholeheartedly concur with your thoughts on the Police Trainer...you know your either good or overly obsessed when you beat everything from Trainee to Commissioner on just two quarters...

As for DDR, I have played several times and find that it's VERY difficult to coordinate yourself unless you really do know what you're doing. Needless to say, I do an awful lot of jumping and skipping and missing, all of which adds up to embarrassing myself even more than when I'm with my friend Jeff, who is a DDR god.

As an interesting sidenote, he demanded we play on Monday at SFGAdv...man, do I suck! He scored the solid B, while I settled for an E. But hey, I DID get a C on the third song! Go uncoordinated people!

Nitro Dave -- 69 Laps
Track Record: 29 and counting...
...who still thinks "Oh Nick, Please Not So Quick" is a REALLY dirty song......

*** This post was edited by Davie the Luv Monkey on 6/11/2002. ***

I have yet to play it, although I almost have a few times. Does CP have a DDR? If so, I will play it there.

"Nothin wrong with a little airtime"

Davie, I can finish the entire Police Trainer without continuing pretty easily. The only thing that gives me trouble sometimes is the visual acuity (colors), as I am mostly colorblind. I just have to hope the targets with rings around them pop up!

As far as DDR goes - the bowling alley near my house has one, and one o' these days, I'm gonna go down there during lunch and play it. As long as no one's watching. ;)

btw, that same alley also has Point Blank, another *great* target-shooting game. Also very good on PSOne.

He let the contents of the bottle do the thinking; can't shake the devil's hand and say you're only kidding.

hypersonicxlc said:
I have yet to play it, although I almost have a few times. Does CP have a DDR? If so, I will play it there.

Yeah, CP has a DDR Machine, its the US First Mix, I believe. It doesn't have many songs but its still a really fun game. And I find the prices to be actually reasonable, for $.75 you get 5 songs. In my hometown of Cleveland there is only 1 DDR Machine, and it costs $.75 for 3 songs, granted its the 3rd mix, but still.

Anyway, I can't believe how many people here play this game! I thought that I was the only one. I'm probably not addicted to it, but I love to play it.

Just sit back, and enjoy your record breaking ride on Millennium Force!

Ermm...none of that is really that difficult. I'm not trying to act cocky or anything.. but always try to remember that no matter how good you are at something..there'll be someone better. I just beat (and AAed) Maxx Unlimited yesterday and got the Encore secret stage Kakumei. If any of you are in the NorCal area..I'll let you try my edits *grin*

*** This post was edited by Impulse on 6/11/2002. ***

Coaster131 said:
"I am a DDR god. Don't question my skillz.

Name someone from the boards who can do Afronova, Dead End, and PARANOiA Rebirth SSR. No one, that's right. I'm a god.


-Kyle Brylczyk
KoRn - Untouchables, June 11th, 2002"

I challenge you to a duel!! (smacks Kyle in the face with a glove)
God is Good!

Bgw has three american third mix machines.

When you go to bgw don't go in festhaus,IT"S SCARY AS HELL!

It just sucks that there's no such thing as an American third mix machine huh?
Ellissa White and Robb Alvey over at www.themeparkreview.com are evidentally obsessed with it....its on like everyone of there galleries with captions like "no trip to an amusment park would be complete without some DDR!"...from there galleries it looks like they ahve some wierd antics and a whole lotta fun at the parks....lol..as for me...I'm okay at DDR..i play it at the secluded arcade by beast...no looking!

No Limits is every enthusiasts best friend! :)

I love that game. Unfortunately college life has meant less and less freetime for DDR (at least we have a 5th Mix in the Student Union) When I went to Disneyland in April I tried the Disney version at Innoventions...it was pretty cool although a bit cheesy!
Rob and Ellissa sound just like me....I can't leave a park without playing at least one game of DDR! I've played many games and I just seem to keep going back to this one every time. It's the first thing I play when I get to Carowinds and it's the last thing I do before I leave. The game is just so much fun!

Top Gun: The Jet Coaster flights-Approx. 304-(93 in 2002)
Ricochet laps-Approx. 30

DDR is kinda old-school though...if you can find a ParaParaParadise machine or a Drummania Mix, consider yourself lucky =)
joe.'s avatar
I dont have foot coordination to play DDR... But I watch people do it. I also laughed my butt off when watching my newly aquired Robb Alvey video featuring much DDR dancing intertwined with coasters.

Live on the edge and remember the Twist of Fate.

Uh oh... somebody said DrumMania too...

haha, don't let me express my obsession for this as well..... :)

hypersonic, DDR is in the main arcade. personally, i think it sux. if im goina spend 4 quarters on a video game, im goina go john woo style on some unlucky ( insert curse words here) zombies in house of the dead 2.

If your really evil in this life, do you come back as toilet paper????
ladies and gentlemen, due to an increase in line jumping, people caught cutting in line will no longer be ejected from the park. u will be ejected from the ride

Paraparaparadise is quite strange. If you REALLY want to feel absurd, play it.

Texas Coasters... wow I'm lucky... IM me if you feel like talking about coasters.

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