Christian group says Disney no-fly zone interferes with free speech

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

The airspace above Walt Disney World has been free of aircraft since March, when the government said the resort was a terrorism target of symbolic value. But a Christian organization that wants to send banner-towing planes over the theme park during this week's Gay Days festivities thinks the no-fly zone equals no free speech.

Read more from The Tallahassee Democrat.

Last year I realized I was caught in the middle of Gay Day at IOA when I was leaving the park. When I saw hundreds of men walking together wearing see thru shirts and tight leather pants it finally made sense to me why I saw so many men cuddling and kissing in line earlier in the day. I mark Gay Day on my calendar from now on so I'm sure not to go on those days.

B Rad*** This post was edited by Brad2E 6/4/2003 1:08:06 PM ***


I'm just curious if you mark the balance of the days on your calendar "Heterosexual Days"?

Why doesn't this so called Christian group spend their money on the homeless in Orlando.

Aren't there other things to worry about.

I am gay, and I HATE gay days. All it does is make my home parks extra busy with too many red shirts. I am a firm believer that homosexuals don't need a pride day, as all it does is push back our drive for equal rights. Why can't we have a HUMAN pride day? And why can't the Christians figure out that Jesus loves EVERYONE ON THIS EARTH?
This is the great thing about the United States. We all have a constitutionally assured right to make an ass of ourselves.


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Foiled again.

Kick The Sky's avatar
You know, I dont know where you people have seen these men in tight leather pants and see through shirts and men cuddling and kissing in line on a gay day. The gay day that I happened to be at (I am not gay btw) I wouldnt have known had someone not told me. Everyone looked normal. And remember that gay day is just not for male gays, but also for gay females as well and I havent seen that brought up once. Is female homosexuality ok for some reason, but not male homosexuality?

To tell you the truth, I have seen far worse behavior by straight couples at the park. At CBCon I was waiting in line for that Space Shuttle simulator and a couple in front of me was getting it on hot and heavy. I told them to get a room and they acted as if I were crazy.

So before all of you out here stereotype gay behavior, think about the other side of the coin. Think about all the tight clothes all the teenage girls wear going into parks, showing as much skin as possible and see how silly your comments are about gay males supposedly doing the same... You cannot apply a double standard here...

Bob Hansen
Resident Airtime Whore

Now the big question is it really worth comprimising saftey over free speech, I can see the headlines already, terriosts attack Disney parks knowing that a christian group managed to get the no fly zones lifted, you know these people (terrorists) are very resourcefull and would know if the no fly zone was lifted, I know this is far fetched but is free speech really worth the risk?

It isn't so bad. . .
Once you're used to it

Think about all the tight clothes all the teenage girls wear going into parks, showing as much skin as possible and see...

Okay...thinking...thinking some more....HEY! Huh? Wha? Where am I? Is today Tuesday?

I swear there's a salient point in his post, but I always fog out around the same couple of sentences. Guess I'll have to try this again.

(who sez: Hey, he started!)

The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

While I myself am not gay, I work with a lot of gay males and females and they are some of the most "normal" people I know. I say "normal" because even most straight people arent totally normal. Stereotypes are not going to get us anywhere.

I was in the line that Bob was talking about for the Space Shuttle simulator. It was sick the way this couple was acting. I have never seen a gay couple act in such a way. Yes I have seen them hold hands, big freaking deal. Why shouldnt they be able to hold hands just like a straight couple. Nothing wrong with that. If you dont like see a gay couple in public THEN DONT LOOK! Simple as that. They have the same rights as straight people do.

I WILL marry The Legend. Please only refer to me now as Mrs. Legend.

The 11th Commandment: It hurts the baby Jesus when you gay-bash.

Mike Miller - SFMM: We don't care. We don't have to. You all keep coming back anyways, no matter how bad we treat you.

Whizzer Boi said

"...but is free speech really worth the risk?"


(BTW, I do not think that the no-fly zones constitute violation of free speech)

Remember that if you're one in a million, that means that there are 5000 other people on Earth just like you.

People like that give Christians a bad name. Pointing fingers and condemning people will only cause hate and scare people away; that was one of the reasons for the reformation from the old roman catholic church. Also, "Gay Day" sounds a lot like an exhibtion parade to me. If people want to be accepted, then dancing around in tight leather pants and pink feathers isn't the way to do it.

Back to the subject at hand, someone should explain to them that the air space was restricted for security reasons. If terrorists blew up Disneyland, then I'm sure the entire nation would be behind militatary actions, not to say that Americans are shallow.

Purple cows eat silver moon pies, among fiesty, glowing fireflies.

"They have the same rights as straight people do."

NoLimitChic,While I love your attitude, and I think you meant what you said in the nicest way possible, so you know - GLBT people (that's Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgendered folks) have only a fraction of the same rights as heterosexuals do. I don't feel like getting in to all of that on here, but our rights are denied in regards to marriage - two people of the same sex are not allowed to "marry"...and that extends further into income & taxation issues, child adoption, your partners visitation rights if you go into a hospital. So on and so forth.

This sounds like a group trying to create a media circus to get some publicity. They probably realize they have no chance to get the regulation overturned. First of all, they can’t go after Disney because Disney has every right to allow or disallow which persons enter their parks. Second, to show that the federal airspace regulation is invalid they would have to show that the airspace regulation was made to prevent that group from exercising its right to free speech. A federal regulation that is facially neutral (it affects all groups the same way) and was enforced for an independent reason other than to curb free speech (i.e. to prevent terrorist attacks) is constitutionally valid. Just as it is perfectly valid to prevent all groups from having a political rally in downtown at 12 am, it is also valid to prevent all persons from flying banners near notable cultural icons. This group would have to show that somehow the regulation was really made and enforced to prevent that group from exercising its right to speech. Good luck. This is all just a way to get media attention to this group’s protest in front of the park that day.

This controversy puts Disney between a rock and a hard place. Although Disney doesn’t officially recognize the event as a gay day, if they start turning people away, they alienate a segment of the population. If they oppose the flying variance, another group feels alienated. Now they may have a media circus which will steer other customers away. Disney’s in a no win situation. Just by getting press attention, this group has gotten what it wanted.

"Now the big question is it really worth comprimising saftey over free speech, I can see the headlines already, terriosts attack Disney parks knowing that a christian group managed to get the no fly zones lifted."

If you think you are safer with the no-fly zone than without, I have some land down here in the Everglades I'd like sell you.


You mean terrorists won't turn around and go home rather than fly into area they're not supposed to? What is this world coming to? ;)

--George H
---Currency tracking experiment... (Referring to The "George" on the $1 bill - Not Me)

Do these Christians have anything better do? Like I said I am Christian and I don't feel it is my buisness to say ANYTHING to others about tha things they do , people will do what they do, There are churches everywhere if they choose to go isn't any of my concern, nor is telling them they are living in sin (because I don't believe they are) and they need to be forgiven or helped or anything of that sort, persicuting gays and other religions is not what the Church teaches, loving everybody is what it teaches and this group is an embaresment to the Church as a whole

It isn't so bad. . .
Once you're used to it

Wow, my local newspaper got on this site. No expceptions should be made to the no fly zone or others may ask to get this priveldge also.
Whizzer Boi, I'd actually suggest that it *is* the business of a Christian to tell others about the things that they do. The 'Great Commission' says "Go ye therefore and teach all nations". So a Christian is supposed to tell others, especially about sin and most importantly forgiveness. And the so-called "Golden Rule" does not mean that a Christian should not rebuke her brother, but merely to do it in love. Good parents punish their children when the kids do wrong because they want the kids to do better. *** Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends. *** But love does not necessarily mean "Leave people alone". Sometimes there are things that people must face.

On topic, these are fringe elements of the Christian faith. You have your radicals and zealots on everything from religion to radio to rollercoasters (lest we forget our local "fanboys"). I think these people never actually read Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John (and certainly not Acts). Otherwise, their tone would be vastly different.

lata, jeremy

*** = 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 Revised Standard Version

The world's next Miss Universe?*** This post was edited by 2Hostyl 6/4/2003 5:07:27 PM ***

This is riduclious, but it is DISNEY a FAMILY park, 5 year olds cant comprehend homosexuality. I am all for free speech, but i wouldnt want to get off of space mountain and have my 6 year old ask me what homosexuality is. I didnt know what it was utnill i was maybe 10. Of course they ahve free speech, but they also have to follow the law. And since they are a christian group, please allow me to post a quote from the bible, dont worry, im not hardcore christian, but it seems that these guys are,

"Let every person be subordinate to the higher authorities, for there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been established by God. Therefore, whoever resists authority opposes what God has appointed, and those who oppose it will bring judgment upon themselves." -Romans 13:1-2

These people need to realize that even though they are gay, they are just as American as you and me, and deserve the safety that we are entitled to. Just becasue they do not agree with who they sleep with, does not give them the right to become better than the law.

[url=]Brophy Teenage Republicans
"Park in Arizona? It will happen!"*** This post was edited by CRVeck 6/4/2003 5:18:57 PM ****** This post was edited by CRVeck 6/4/2003 5:22:45 PM ***

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