Cedar Point announces Siren's Curse tilt roller coaster

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

From the official Cedar Point site:

The legend and lore of mysterious creatures living beneath the surface of Lake Erie comes to life with Siren's Curse, North America’s TALLEST, LONGEST & FASTEST tilt coaster.

Often spoken of – but never spotted, the sirens of the lake who lured sailors to their underwater demise with their sweet, seductive songs will finally rise to the land above Cedar Point and attempt to entrap you in a sinister two-minute fate of non-stop roller coaster innovation.

The roller coaster will be 160 feet tall and reach a speed of 58 mph.

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think it's a letdown because of the "budget"

It’s a let down because it could be so much more with the same ridiculous budget. If they just pushed passed their own limits. Disney has the budgets and knowledge to put everyone else to shame. Hell the Matterhorn literally invented steel coasters, and is still the most fun Disney coaster, with DLP BTM right behind, then Guardians. Look at bloody slinky dog the most overpriced yet somehow neutered kids Vekoma coaster ever.

I have been to Germany but sadly with not enough time to go to any parks, but Europa, especially with Voltron looks like Disney level imagineering mixed with thrill, and for doing so awarded with best park in the world. And Universal with both How To Train Your Dragon and Fast & Furious Drift look like they finally figured out after Hagrids how to push the envelope of theme meets perfect thrill.

Now the Monsters Inc coaster and whatever coaster gets built in Villains land could actually prove they are willing to push further but we shall see.

I liked Tron a lot. Yes strip away the building and effects, and it’s pretty basic.

but that’s what made it cool for me. The building and the effects combined with that launch.

eightdotthree's avatar

Tron was a better ride than I was expecting but I feel like the theme didn’t real do anything to make it better. It’s just not very creative.

Jeff's avatar

I don't care for the bike seating. I sat in one of those at IAAPA years ago and it just felt like a dumb gimmick.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

hambone's avatar

Have you tried an RMC single rail coaster? Completely awkward. (I’ve been on the Zamperla steeplechase coaster, and it’s kind of silly and uncomfortable, but not nearly as bad.)

Odd. I though the Tron bike was reasonably comfortable, and did not notice anything awkward about RailBlazer when I rode this summer. I dug the Tron "gimmick" but I'm also squarely in the target market for the IP--I saw the original in the theater and it blew me away.

I also put more quarters into the cabinet arcade game than I'd care to admit.

Last edited by Brian Noble,
TheMillenniumRider's avatar

The RMC trains are a bit wide in between the legs, so I suppose if you are vertically challenged that it could be a bit awkward. Tron was extremely cool, the coaster isn't anything special, but the environment is what makes that ride. The bike seating may be gimmicky, but Tron wouldn't be half as cool if you were seated in a seat in a normal train.

I don't think Space Mountain would be half as cool (and hour plus waits most of the year) if it were not indoors in that environment. This might be an unpopular opinion, but I was one of those who like Disaster Transport much better as an indoor ride. Gimmicks aren't all bad.

"You can dream, create, design, and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality." -Walt Disney

TheMillenniumRider's avatar

How many people don’t even care about the ride but wait inside for the cold air.

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