From the official Cedar Point site:
The legend and lore of mysterious creatures living beneath the surface of Lake Erie comes to life with Siren's Curse, North America’s TALLEST, LONGEST & FASTEST tilt coaster.
Often spoken of – but never spotted, the sirens of the lake who lured sailors to their underwater demise with their sweet, seductive songs will finally rise to the land above Cedar Point and attempt to entrap you in a sinister two-minute fate of non-stop roller coaster innovation.
The roller coaster will be 160 feet tall and reach a speed of 58 mph.
No one can miss any candy more than I miss PB Max. I swear, if I got a time machine, first thing I'd do is go back, buy every PB Max that I could fit inside of it. Only then would I start planning my time travelling adventures.
(I suppose I would only really need to buy one at a time and just keep returning. You know, to save space. I suppose it would depend on if my time machine had 2 seats and gullwing doors, or was "Bigger on the inside.")
No one can miss any candy more than I miss PB Max.
Man, I forgot about PB Max. That stuff was stellar.
Well, I did the quick visit. I was the only one in "line" to ride the tour. That thing could use some help. I did get my free Hershey bar but would have preferred dark chocolate. I was tempted to buy a Whatchamacallit (my favorite) but decided to be good.
Interesting looking park as I drove around. The road through the middle is an interesting touch. The front gate coaster (Candymonium....I think) is very impressive.
"You can dream, create, design, and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality." -Walt Disney
Cedar Point shared this photo on their Twitter page yesterday. Can't wait to see it up close Saturday!
Counting down the days until I'm back at Cedar Point, the one and only place to be.
Per Tony Clark on Twitter, it appears the Siren's Curse trains will be unveiled tomorrow at the Winter Chill Out event.
Counting down the days until I'm back at Cedar Point, the one and only place to be.
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