"Carowind's Flyers"

Perfect post Brian, Even The Beast and most coasters at PKI get old. The flyers didn't, Not after dozens of rides in one day. If the ride wasn't kickin the friends were. Quite franky the only reason I will go this year at all is if friends visit. I can have more fun at Strickers Grove or HW or even, Dare I say? Kentucky Kingdom?

Chuck, who's made his last post on the subject and hopes that those not now living 800 miles from a good set of flyers enjoys them like I did KI's

^^ You're just mad Italian Job isn't a hyper like you expected!

Joe "likes PKI a lot and can't WAIT for Italian Job!" C. *** Edited 3/16/2005 3:20:50 AM UTC by Legendary***

OMG I have a new sig!!!
ApolloAndy's avatar
Vote with your wallets people. If you want your voice heard take the time and write a letter and then don't go to the park. Do something useful instead of just complaining.

<= makes it a point to visit guest relations for both positive and negative experiences.

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

Carowinds is my home park and I must say the flyers are cool! However, if they leave tomorrow I wouldnt be upset. I wouldnt be upset if anything leaves the park because change is inevitable at places like that. I dont understand because most people complaining are season pass holders so why not use that season pass for what its worth and get to the pther paramount parks!

Im going to pki with or without the flyers there (well kinda pointless to say that since they are now in my back yard) but still!

There are no bad coasters, only better coasters!!

I don't think it's anything to get worked up over. Great Adventure removed one of my favorite rides-the Frisbee and sent it to Great America. Was I upset? A little, but there are other alternatives out there for me. There's a Revolution at Hersheypark, and a Frisbee at SFNE. Both are within a days drive. I just try to remember all the good times I had on it.

You see, I think some people are thinking that there's some kind of contract that prevents removal of a ride for rotation or the scrap yard. It doesn't work like that. Nothing is secure in the business, and it's been that way since the advent of the amusement park. Nostalgia can only go so far. Remember, amusment parks are a business.

Next, the DDR comment seemed to have come out of left field. Here's why I think some may have a problem with it:

a) fear of failure
b) lack of coordination
c) multi-tasking a must
d) heavy cardio (depending on song choices and skill level chosen)
e) discomfort with the music since most of the choices are based around house, techno, trance, and drum & bass songs
or f) you just don't like to have fun *** Edited 3/16/2005 4:22:01 AM UTC by Intamin Fan***

'Gator: I hate to say 'I told you so', but I am pretty sure I did... :)

millrace: I don't 'get' DDR either. And yes, the Flying Eagles were easily Kings Island's best ride, removal of which was a huge error. I bought a season pass this year, but then, I bought it before they made it known that the Flying Scooter was going away. Oh, and I don't entirely 'get' Top Thrill Dragster either, except that when it is running it makes the line for Magnum a lot shorter.

I just hope there are some dramatic improvements in the coasters this season to make them more worthwhile. How about new trains for all three adult-size wood coasters, huh? How about third trains for Flight of Fear and Adventure Express? How about we lose that mid-course brake again on Flight of Fear?

Maybe if the Flying Scooter weren't one of the only rides in the park that was actually fun to ride, we wouldn't mind so much...

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

Jeff's avatar
Does anyone remember how to have fun at amusement parks? I'm so ready for summer that I'd have fun on a kiddie ride Wacky Work in a traveling fair at this point.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

I sure do. Hell, I got laid off today and I find myself thinking "Hmmmm, big honking check, no job, parks opening up again soon..."

I'll do the responsible thing and land a job first, but MAN is part of me thinking "Road Trip!"

"You seem healthy. So much for voodoo."

Just go to Stricker's Grove on one of 2 days every year, and it'll seem like the flyers never left. :D

rollergator's avatar
Dave, I don't think I've seen you at a park since we met at a PPP some 20 years ago or so, LOL. Hope to meet up sometime...:)

Greg, just remember to tell them you can't START work for a month or so...;)

And a reminder that both IB and Fun Spot still have "snappable flyers", so you all are STILL closer to those great sets than I am to Carowinds...I just knew that IB would relax their policy after a year, and am REALLY really happy they have! Show them sone support, visit Indiana for a week or two this year...:)

Whenever I get nostalgic for the Kings Island flyers I'll just remember the "no single rider" policy that always diluted the experience anyway.

For my money I have a heck of a lot more fun at Camden Park. :)

"Whenever I get nostalgic for the Kings Island flyers I'll just remember the "no single rider" policy that always diluted the experience anyway."

They must not like you. Although there was a sign posted, I never had any issue whatsoever riding single on the Eagles.



I guess they didn't like me because I usually had a problem. Oh well, the feeling's mutual!
Note to self: Do not visit an amusement park with Charles Nungester, millrace or Homey G.

Why is it that "coaster enthusiasts" complain more about rides than anyone else? Just *being* at PKI is fun for me, even if I don't ride anything.

Gosh! <---- Napoleon Dynamite voice

*** Edited 3/16/2005 2:58:42 PM UTC by Den***

[url="http://www.livejournal.com/users/denl42"]My blog[/url] You said, "I'm gonna run you down." I heard, "I'm an orangutan."
Jeff's avatar

Den said:
Just *being* at PKI is fun for me, even if I don't ride anything.
Amen to that. Last year at BeastBuzz we spent more time hanging out with Cousin Dave and his fiancé Nikki, onceler and his fiancé Artimisa, and even Scott and Howard for beers near close. We didn't ride much during the day at all.

Call me crazy, but I see parks a lot like I do coaching. A decade from now, I won't remember our win/loss record, but I'll remember the people and the companionship.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

Den said:
Note to self: Do not visit an amusement park with Charles Nungester, millrace or Homey G.

Why is it that "coaster enthusiasts" complain more about rides than anyone else? Just *being* at PKI is fun for me, even if I don't ride anything.

Gosh! <---- Napoleon Dynamite voice

*** Edited 3/16/2005 2:58:42 PM UTC by Den***

Your loss Den, Im a fun guy to be around and I enjoy parks. Even Kings Island.

Now, Where in who's rulebook does it say that a person doesn't have the right to show their disspleasure in something? I hear all the time about people hating G trains, Arrows, Morgans ect. Yet they don't get bashed for saying so. I personally enjoy the hell out of most of em.

I fully realize this wasn't the move of the good people at PKI. I love them all also and wish them well. They are great people.

My analogy goes like this, If a restaraunt stoped serving the meal you visit for. Do you visit that restaraunt or do you find another that serves it?

IJST? I hope it's a great ride. I really do! and Im not dissing it at all. I'll be at media day.

And to answer Joe's accusation, Id rather get nothing at all and keep the best ride in the park than get a hyper. Thats happened many times like last year.

Chuck *** Edited 3/16/2005 3:59:23 PM UTC by Charles Nungester***

Actually, I would not go to a restaurant just for one meal. I get different things every time I go to a restaurant. So no, I would not stop going.

I'm just sensing a bitterness about you. I personally don't like, say, the trains on Magnum, but I still ride it every time I go to CP, and I don't complain at all. The trains are what they are, and complaining is not going to change anything. I'm certainly not going to ruin the rest of the park for myself just because one thing has changed.

[url="http://www.livejournal.com/users/denl42"]My blog[/url] You said, "I'm gonna run you down." I heard, "I'm an orangutan."
I guess you can add me to that list as well. The loss of the Flying Eagles has greatly decreased my desire to go to PKI. Maybe it seems ridiculous to some that the loss of one flat ride would impact my desire to go to the park... whatever. Sometimes it's one ride that makes all the difference. Disneyland wouldn't be the same without Pirates of the Caribbean, Kennywood wouldn't be the same without Noah's Ark and Sea World wouldn't be the same without Penguin Encounter. That's just the way it is for some people and it's pretty senseless to ridicule them for feeling that way.

And while we're on the subject, TTD and Kingda Ka do not really interest me. As Rideman said, the best thing about them is that they do/will cut back on the lines for other upper tier coasters. As for DDR, it's not fear of failure that makes me hate the thing. It's the fact that a bunch of kids stomping around to some kind of techno garbage think that they suddenly developed a knack for real dancing.

-Rob, woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning

Eventually every park you know is going to get rid of something you like. Will you cease to be a coaster enthusiast at that point and just stop going to parks altogether?

And regarding DDR and dancing - I don't know any DDR players who actually think they are good at dancing, or even *like* dancing for that matter. I hate real dancing. DDR is not dancing any more than Mocap Boxing is boxing.

[url="http://www.livejournal.com/users/denl42"]My blog[/url] You said, "I'm gonna run you down." I heard, "I'm an orangutan."
rollergator's avatar
"You mean you dance WITHOUT a machine telling you where to step next?"

Sorry, just the South park DDR reference had me in tears. I don't DDR, but a surprising number of my friends do....and they ALL seem to be in better shape than I am.....hmmmm....;)

If PKI felt the need to lose their flyers, I sure am happy that Paramount saw fit to relocate rather than scrap them...although I must admit to being VERY pleasantly surprised that the *snappage* continues...:)

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