Canceling trip to HW this world summer

sirloindude said:
I was referring to weddings in general. It was a light-hearted comment made in an attempt to lighten the mood. No snark was intended.

Oh I know. I don't think anyone took it any other way. Everyone of my friends said the same thing "who the hell has pizza at a wedding. Certainly not gays!!" It's the funniest line of the week.

Lord Gonchar's avatar

So now gay people are discriminating against pizza at weddings!?

When will the madness end?

Bakeman31092's avatar

ApolloAndy said:

...if there isn't some greater authority for morality, is it really just the whims of the people of the time?

Andy, I'm sure you'll make me regret hastily posting my thoughts, but I think it's a combination of the whims of modern-day people plus all of the lessons learned throughout history. I don't think it's too hard to imagine a utopian global society where every person enjoys the same set of legally protected human rights, similar to what we have. No discrimination. No slavery. No subjugation of women. Free speech. Freedom of/from religion. Everyone would be treated equally, except where differences matter (i.e. men and women have hormonal differences that produce different behavior; old people cannot work as long and hard as young people). Screw nationalism. Screw tribalism.

I'm sure there's some warts in there somewhere, but in general wouldn't most sensible people agree that this would be a good thing? And if so, do we really need religion to tell us that?

Bakeman31092's avatar

To answer your question more directly: is it really just the whims of the people of the time?

Yes. Yes it is.

rollergator's avatar

Bakeman31092 said:

I don't think it's too hard to imagine a utopian global society where every person enjoys the same set of legally protected human rights, similar to what we have. No discrimination. No slavery. No subjugation of women. Free speech. Freedom of/from religion.

John Lennon *likes* this....or would have.

slithernoggin's avatar

Screamlord said:

...being hetero is natural and is accepted while the gay and lesbian lifestyle is something they choose.

Sexual orientation, as a choice, only works if everyone chooses their orientation, gay, straight or otherwise.

If being hetero is "natural" and being gay or lesbian is "something they choose," then you are saying straights do not choose their sexual orientation.

So: what you're saying above is that the people who choose their sexual orientation are the people who are not straight. If they're not straight, what choice, exactly, are they making?

(This whole choice business -- it's like saying that right-handed people are being natural, while left-handed people are choosing that lifestyle.)

Screamlord, if you're solidly behind the idea that sexual orientation is a choice, there's a way for you to easily prove to me that's the case. Drop by my house some night, choose to be gay, and then make sweet, sweet man to man love to me all night long. If you're man enough.

Last edited by slithernoggin,

Life is something that happens when you can't get to sleep.
--Fran Lebowitz

Timber-Rider's avatar

I think these laws are so stupid, even if they have approval from whatever state enacts them. How is a business going to enforce this idiotic policy? Are they going to call the cops every time someone with a limp wrist walks into their business? A customer would pretty much have to jump around screaming I'm gay!! I'm gay!! Or come in carrying a sign, or a cheer leader outfit for any business to know their sexuality. There are millions of gay men that act more straight then straight guys.

Do these idiots even think about what impact these stupid ideas will have on the general public? I think if I was gay or not, I would question my safety just walking in the door of a business who might not want me to spend my money in there. What does the state do when a person who is not gay, (or whatever lame excuse they have to refuse service to that person), what do they do if that person should have received service, and sues the business?

I have lived in 2 college towns and worked at businesses where college aged guys came in dressed in women's clothes. And, when I worked at Meijer, saw several men who tried to see if they could pass off their drag, and would bet that those guys were straight.

I bring these points up, because this law is going to be impossible to enforce without lawsuits being filed. It's stupid, and if they think it is going to hurt the gay community, they are dead wrong. We will just take our money elsewhere. Any business who uses this law to boot gay customers, is going to lose more business than they can imagine.

A buzz that is going around the gay community, is that this will be good for gay businesses, and might even create gay business to get the unwanted gay dollar. And, believe it or not there is a lot of money in millions of the GBLT community. Gay bars are certainly have a return to better business as their customers who have started going to straight clubs might return, and bring straight customers who do not approve of this stupid law with them.

This law is also being discussed here in Michigan. And our lame gov Snyder might approve it. It is my personal belief that the republican party has completely lost touch with the world.

They say that Obama is coming out of his shell. Well, as one comedian once put it, when he is finished coming out of it, shove the republicans back in.

I didn't do it! I swear!!

slithernoggin's avatar

And on the third of April, 2015, I found myself agreeing with T-R.... where, oh where, did I leave that box of wine.....

Timber-Rider said:

How is a business going to enforce this idiotic policy? Are they going to call the cops every time someone with a limp wrist walks into their business?A customer would pretty much have to jump around screaming I'm gay!! I'm gay!!

Well, yes. If your deeply held religious beliefs demand that you not bake cakes, arrange flowers or deliver pizzas to the gays, how do you make sure none of the gays slip past?

There are millions of gay men that act more straight then straight guys.

I'd quibble with the "millions", but yeah: there's lots of straight-acting gay guys, and lots of gay-acting straight guys.

It is my personal belief that the republican party has completely lost touch with the world.

There's a nugget of truth in there. You've got conservatives who live inside a bubble, where they only pay attention to those media outlets that support and encourage what they believe. (For example: Ted Cruz, presidential campaign day one: I will repeal Obamacare. Ted Cruz, presidential campaign day two: Now that my wife is leaving the job I get health insurance from, Obamacare is the cost-effective way to get health insurance.)

Life is something that happens when you can't get to sleep.
--Fran Lebowitz

Pardon me for logging on one more time but I just had to put my final two cents worth. Today I booked my flight to Indiana, the name I'm giving it is the longest name name ever given to a trip. I'm calling it "The Bible-Thumping Bigoted Homophobic Politically Incorrect Indiana Thrill Tour"

The Left is calling us Christians "Bigots and Homophobic" in their VAIN attempt to shame us. Guess What? I'M WEARING THAT NAME LIKE A BADGE! Today is Good Friday, where Christians observe the death of Jesus Christ, who died for ALL the World to pay the price for our sins. That's me (Yes, I'm a Sinner like all of you). One day after I'm raptured or are called home to be with the lord I will stand before Jesus at the bemus seat of Judgement(This is where all Christians will face the lord in judgement), and I will be judged for all the things I did. and when it's over I will be crying like a baby. Then God himself will wipe the tears from my eyes and I will enter the gates of Heaven. A much different form of Judgement awa8its those who rejected Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. When they die, they will go to Hell.

Here's something that will surprise you. Hell is TEMPORARY. Does that mean you will get out someday? The answer is yes, but only for as long as it takes for you to stand before God at the Great White Throne. After that it's off to a place FAR WORSE than Hell, a place referred to as Gahenna, The Lake of Fire, THE SECOND DEATH, and all those who are damned will spend ETERNITY there. (Read all about it in the book of Revelation). That is all. I leave this donnybrook of a flame war behind me. I WILL BE PRAYING FOR ALL OF YOU.

Goodbye. (For all of you who reject God) But, for those who have taken up their crosses and have deposited them at the foot of the Cross of Jesus, I know I'll see you later. God Bless all of You.

Last edited by Regulus,
Answer my Prayers, Overbook my next Flight!
slithernoggin's avatar

Regulus said:

I'm calling it "The Bible-Thumping Bigoted Homophobic Politically Incorrect Indiana Thrill Tour"

Well. Bully for you.

The Left is calling us Christians "Bigots and Homophobic" in their VAIN attempt to shame us.

Actually, they're calling you that because you're a bigot and homophobic.

...and I will be judged for all the things I did. and when it's over I will be crying like a baby. Then God himself will wipe the tears from my eyes and I will enter the gates of Heaven.

Unlikely. Why would God "wipe the tears" from the eyes of someone who so clearly reviles His teachings?

Last edited by slithernoggin,

Life is something that happens when you can't get to sleep.
--Fran Lebowitz

Tekwardo's avatar

I'm not calling Christians that. I'm calling you that, and I'm hardly left leaning.

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Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.

I was at dinner tonight trying to show some friends that hilarious fake website but now when you click on it it goes straight to the It Gets Better donation page.


sirloindude's avatar

Regulus, are you some kind of sitcom character?

13 Boomerang, 9 SLC, and 8 B-TR clones

No, he's an extra from the movie Red State.

"Look at us spinning out in the madness of a roller coaster" - Dave Matthews Band

Timber-Rider's avatar

Hey Slithernoggin. It just so happens that I am gay. And my point that there are millions of straight acting gays, had more to do with who they are going to reject or accept, then how their customers act. And there are Millions. I have been to 3 prides. The one in Chicago had 750,000 in attendance. Toronto had 2 million and Montreal also had 2 million.

Even gay Days at Great America has a big gay turnout. Went to the one at La Ronde in Montreal, and they received 60,000 signatures on a gay rights issue in Canada. That was also during Montreal Pride.

It may seem that Indiana might not have a large gay population, but with a good portion of Chicago southern burbs, and Gary indiana, you can bet there is large gay population right on their door step.

The businesses who want to turn us away, can't imagine the power of the gay dollar. Why do you think Cedar Point and Six flags have special days just for us. Because they know that we will come.

I didn't do it! I swear!!

Jeff's avatar

ApolloAndy said:
But regarding the above thought, if there isn't some greater authority for morality, is it really just the whims of the people of the time?

Yes, it is. As you can only take anything regarding the existence of a greater authority on faith, because you can't prove or disprove her existence, logically it is the whim of the people.

And honestly, because I'm a pretty optimistic guy, I think that's fine. I still think that most people are inherently good. Well, in most cases...

Regulus said:

The Left is calling us Christians "Bigots and Homophobic" in their VAIN attempt to shame us.

I pretty much can't take anyone seriously that treats politics and life like a sports rivalry. I don't think there is any organized agenda set to bring you down my friend. It must suck to live with so much fear and hate. And you know what Yoda says about that.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

sws's avatar

You know it's a fracked up situation, when Timber-Rider is the voice of reason.

LostKause's avatar

Screamlord said:

...the gays lifestyle...

You mean like going to work, coming home to your family, eating dinner and watching TV until bedtime? That kind of gay lifestyle? lol Sounds a lot like straight people's lifestyle to me.

Screamlord said:

being hetero is natural and is accepted while the gay and lesbian lifestyle is something they choose.

As far as it being a choice, it's not, but so what if it were a choice? I don't get the argument.

You know what IS a choice? Being a Christian. THAT'S a choice. And to take it even further, being a Christian who thinks about gay people and what they do in their bedroom is a choice too. Why think about it so much that "being against" it is within your identity? If you ask me, some people who claim to dislike it so much seem to talk about it a lot.

Regulus said:

The Left is calling us Christians "Bigots and Homophobic" in their VAIN attempt to shame us. Guess What? I'M WEARING THAT NAME LIKE A BADGE!

Why yes, you are. I don't know anyone who would dispute that fact. You are wearing your homophobic bigotry like a badge. Way to go.

But you say "us Christians" as if all Christians share in your homophobic bigotry, and I have to disagree with that. The majority of Christians show love and acceptance, as do the majority of non-Christians. It's the right thing to do.

Also, Regulus, you are one creepy dude. Weren't you supposed to be going away or something? Weren't you working on starting some kind of ridiculous Civil War, Gays Vs. Homophobics? You sound less like a Christian and more like ISIS. Religion shouldn't make you feel so negative about things. You are doing it wrong.

slithernoggin's avatar

^^^^ What LK said. (And, may I say, is well said.)

Life is something that happens when you can't get to sleep.
--Fran Lebowitz

sws's avatar

LostKause said:

Weren't you working on starting some kind of ridiculous Civil War, Gays Vs. Homophobics?

Not quite sure who would win that war, but I'm willing to bet that the gays would have the better looking uniforms. :)

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