Canadas Wonderland 2008 B&M Rumor!!!


Fine, I'm lying. We all know it's going to MiA.


NOTE: Severe fecal impaction may render the above words highly debatable.

DawgByte II's avatar

browntggrr said:

Starting in January 2008 passports will be required for re-entry to the US for all travel including land.

Actually, you are 100% incorrect on this.

Yes, I meant by car, as most people who travel to Canada to visit Wonderland, travel by car vs. plane.

Click Here, it is proof by an article where "Implementation of WHTI passport plan bumped back to summer 2009".

To put it plain & simple, I was right, as the passport plan has been delayed 18 months. It was on all the news stations locally, and I've been following this very closely since I can literally see Canada from my window & visit it often, but not often enough to justify a $110 passport.

*** Edited 6/18/2007 7:51:31 PM UTC by DawgByte II***

There is an awful lot of markings on sticks inbetween IJ and Orbiter;)

S:ROS = <3
It would be cool to see CW get a Hyper. I wonder if it would be simular to AC or RB.

Timbers crew 08

DantheCoasterman's avatar
^You mean an out-&-back or a twister?
Yea, that is what i was talking about.

Timbers crew 08

CoasterDiscern: Nope... I'm not kidding. A person I know has actual plans as he's bidding on a current tender.

SixFlagsDarienLake: Tons and tons of red-painted stakes all over the place back behind Orbiter. Including stakes on the banks of the lake behind Italian Job.

rollergator's avatar
The strength of the Canadian dollar vs. the US dollar, the attendance of PCW, the quality park that is there already, Kinzel's comments about the "hidden gem", the room available on that spot - it all does make sense. And it's certainly a park worth investing in, heavily.

Would be nice if they'd do *somthing* about all of those wood coasters while they're building the new ride, though....the weakness coaster-wise of the park, it's lacking a REALLY good coaster, wood or steel... ;)

CoasterDiscern's avatar
^That is the sond of you hitting the nail on the head. I couldn't have said it better. ;)

Ask not what you can do for a coaster, but what a coaster can do for you.
matt.'s avatar

Jason Hammond said:
Who knows what the future holds though.

Essentially, this stuff being said about B&M isn't really new. What I take it as is B&M just doesn't want to build coasters they aren't positive are going to work perfectly every time out of the box.

Intamin, on the other hand, is obviously a lot more comfortable with pushing the envelope because they are more comfortable with building rides that don't operate very consistently, open months late, need restraint modifications, need additions to their structural supports, need inversions replaced with s-turns, etc.

Not that I don't love the rides when they do run. If PCW is building a good quality Intamin hyper you're pretty much assured it will be one of the best coasters in the world. Just pray it's not a Morgan.

rollergator's avatar
matt. said:

Just pray it's not a Morgan.

*bows head solemnly* ;)

good news, a show stopping coaster would make this an almost perfect park.

DawgByte II said:

It was on all the news stations locally, and I've been following this very closely since I can literally see Canada from my window & visit it often, but not often enough to justify a $110 passport.

Great site!

They even have coupons for Iams dog food there as well.

Perhaps we should tell the Customs & Boarder Patrol that you can see Canada from your window and they are wrong as well?

DawgByte II's avatar

browntggrr said:

Great site!

They even have coupons for Iams dog food there as well.

Perhaps we should tell the Customs & Boarder Patrol that you can see Canada from your window and they are wrong as well?

Can you smell the sarcasm? That was one of many sites, genius.

It was in the Buffalo News as well as other local news sites & print media... maybe if you did a little more research other your little government propaganda sites, you'd see that it has indeed been pushed back 18 months until June 2009.

What's the problem with Morgan's. Having only been on Dorney's and Kennywood's, I don't have as much experience as with B&M or Intamin's, but I've never found anything too objectionable about the Morgan's.

matt. said:

...Just pray it's not a Morgan.

Boy, the Buffalo News. Now that is the source we should all flock too.

My bad. Those darn government sites have it all wrong! Such propoganda!As early as January 1, 2008, U.S. citizens traveling between the United States and Bermuda/Caribbean by land or sea (including ferries), may be required to present a valid U.S. passport or other documents as determined by the Department of Homeland Security. Ample advance notice will be provided to enable the public to obtain passports or passport cards for land/sea entries. American citizen travelers are encouraged to apply for a U.S. passport, or the passport card when it becomes available, well in advance of anticipated travel. American citizens can visit or call 1-877-4USA-PPT (1-877-487-2778) for information on applying for a passport.

matt.'s avatar

Walt S said:
What's the problem with Morgan's.

I've never ridden Phantom's Revenge, which I'm sure is very good.

But otherwise they're the bottom of the barrel as far as hypercoasters go. I'll take a B&M or Intamin any day.

I really love the way Titan and SFMM's Goliath feel, I'd love to see what they could do with an expanded layout with more hills.

But Gio is not in the business of building coasters anymore, correct?

Wasnt Walter Bolliger and Claude Mabillard once with Gio(as far as my spelling lets me go) before they started up B&M, also the track on Titan and Goliath looks very similiar to B&M track but I know they were gone by the time it was time to build Titan and Goliath.

Bolliger/Mabillard for President in '08 NOT Dinn/Summers

What's the problem with Morgan's. Having only been on Dorney's and Kennywood's, I don't have as much experience as with B&M or Intamin's, but I've never found anything too objectionable about the Morgan's.

The one at KennyWood is built by Arrow.

Timbers crew 08

Acoustic Viscosity's avatar
^Only about a 1/3rd of Phantom's Revenge is original Arrow "handywork".

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

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