2 Men banned from BGE

eightdotthree's avatar
Coasterphan, your the one who connected the dots and mentioned ACE. No one here even mentioned it.

I may sound really stupid for asking this, but just how can the park permanenely band them for the next year. All they have to do is buy tickets online. That would probably work. Or is everyone at the gate going to stop every person enterring the park who looks even close to these idiots.

-Eric: Major Parks: SFNE(homepark), SFA,SFGADV,CP,BGE,BGA,Kennywood,and Sea World: Track record 65 different coasters ridden #1 is Millennium Force #2 is El Toro and than there are all the others

Jeff's avatar
If they send you a noticed indicating their desire for you to not be there, and you go anyway, that's trespassing.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

When I worked for security at a park and you were given a no trespassing order in lieu of being prosecuted, your picture was taken and posted in the security office. Believe it or not, we did find people that actually thought they wouldn't get caught coming back on park property.

A day at the park is what you make it!

And the park doesn't even need to take their pictures. These idiots did it for them.

J7G3 said:

Agent Johnson said:

The guys look like idiots, and are probably in love with each other.

O wow. Another attempt at a gay joke.

Again, Idiocracy of America.

How bout some black jokes now

Why is this considered gay-bashing? And if the guys are in love with each other, why is it wrong to point that out? I hate political correctness because it always gets taken to the extreme- it's like no one can say anything the least bit negative about some kind of minority group. Why can't people lighten up already? Or is getting all PC some kind of cover-up for one's hidden failings?

It's the same thing at a mall. If you're told not to go there, for whatever reason, and you do, it's trespassing. I'm sure they won't be getting any SP's, either, as their names have probably been flagged. Does BGE ask for ID when they process passes?

Rob Ascough said:
Why is this considered gay-bashing? And if the guys are in love with each other, why is it wrong to point that out?

Perhaps because he said it as if it were a bad thing and used it as an insult?


Or perhaps it's because people "in love" sometimes get blindsided by their emotions when around each other and do stupid things? But whatever... people are way too sensitive. Everyone's a victim.

Rob Ascough said:

J7G3 said:

Agent Johnson said:

The guys look like idiots, and are probably in love with each other.

O wow. Another attempt at a gay joke.

Again, Idiocracy of America.

How bout some black jokes now

Why is this considered gay-bashing? And if the guys are in love with each other, why is it wrong to point that out? I hate political correctness because it always gets taken to the extreme- it's like no one can say anything the least bit negative about some kind of minority group. Why can't people lighten up already? Or is getting all PC some kind of cover-up for one's hidden failings?

Sorry man! You can say what ever you want, just like to stick up for myself. It was obviously a little 'gay-bash' in my eyes.

It's all well and good that you want to stick up for yourself but I still don't see the problem. Hetero people can be "dumb and in love" but not gay people?
Of course, you're right :)

So if it was about the Black ACE members eating up all the fried chicken and watermelon, that would be ok too? Because everyone loves fried chicken and watermelon, right? I'll close with that :)

eightdotthree's avatar
Uh...well thats just a stereotype, just like ACE members all being fat and liking gravy. Two men being stupid and in love is not.

If the two in trouble were a hetero couple that comment wouldn't even get a second read, thats why its odd you would take that as gay bashing. If it were a hetero couple would it be straight bashing?

I am with Rob here.

Rob Ascough said:
Or perhaps it's because people "in love" sometimes get blindsided by their emotions when around each other and do stupid things?

Well, that's not how I interpreted it, and I doubt that's how he meant it.

Not to start a witch hunt against AJ, because he's a valuable poster here and sometimes people say stupid things, but I don't see a problem with correcting people when they say something potentially offensive. In this case, I think it was a thinly veiled insult to the tune of "they're gay" rather than "they were blinded by love and did something stupid." I mean come on, is that really how you (or anyone else) interpreted that comment?

I don't think anyone is "playing the victim" here. If this was a hetero couple, I'm pretty certain nobody would saying, "They look like idiots and they're probably in love with each other." Making up silly excuses for the comment now only shows that it was ignorant in the first place.


It is obvious gay-bashing. That comment has absolutely nothing to do with the issue at hand except to suggest that in addition to being idiots they are also gay. As if the two go hand in hand.

It's not about politcal correctness. It's about making a cheap shot towards a repressed group in a lame attempt to be funny.

I'm not making excuses for the comment, just explaining how I interpreted it, as well as the myriad of responses to it. IMHO he was just stating the facts as he saw it, and I have no reason to believe it was meant to be the least bit offensive. And as far as people playing the victim, I think J7G3 pretty much did that when he felt the need to "stick up for himself" when nothing at all was aimed in his direction.

I stand by what my ignorant self said: People are way too sensitive. What happened to having a sense of humor and not having to self-censor every single word that comes out of our mouths?

*** Edited 9/12/2007 2:34:20 PM UTC by Rob Ascough***

What facts did he state? "They're probably in love with each other" is not a fact.
I said "the facts as he saw it." It was a personal observation. Why is it okay to point out hetero people being in love but not gay people, regardless of whether or not it's applicable to the conversation?

When some young guy does something stupid with his girlfriend, it's common to say something like "he's just dumb and in love", as if being in love clouds right vs. wrong and prohibits a person from acting intelligently. I assume the original comment was made because the two people that did something stupid are obviously into each other and that likely played a part in why they did what they did. Replace one of the guys with a girl and it would be perfectly okay to make the kind of claim that AJ made, but it's wrong because it's two guys?

Not starting a fight, just trying to understand...

matt.'s avatar

Rob Ascough said:
People are way too sensitive.

I agree.

But bringing up someone's sexuality or dating status when it's completely not pertinent to the conversation (not to mention total speculation) is more or less trolling for attention in it's most basic form.

I'm still at a loss as to what their dating status has to do with anything, other then AJ trying to make an attempt at...humor? Insight?

I'm gay and I'm not offended by what he said, I'm offended by the idea that it's somehow pertinent to the discussion at hand or the board as a whole. Oh they must be in love with eachother, hur hur. It's not offensive, it's just dumb.

But I do think it had something to do with the conversation, as I explained above... the idea being that people in love sometimes have their judgement impaired by being into each other. Gay, straight, I don't think there's a difference. No one called them anything derogitory, in fact the word "gay" was never even used. The only thing commented on was the nature of the relationship between the two kids, not the relationship itself.

Closed topic.

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