There's definately been a change of tone with whomever it is that answers the questions on Kosmo's facebook page..
I'll have to take your word for it. Kozmo de-friended me years ago - the little b*stard..
The Knoebels resort hotel thread hasn't broken out yet, so there is still unrealized potential for me to get defriended.
Photo by Vater, uploaded to CoasterBuzz, and decorated by Lost Kause. If Vater doesn't want this posted, just say so, and I'll take it down. I thought it was really funny...
LostKause said:
...just say so, and I'll taer it down.
Fixed it for ya.
AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf
13 Boomerang, 9 SLC, and 8 B-TR clones
I think you meant "success". Looks like an interesting weekend to be in Elysburg.
^Of course. "Sucks" is an abbreviation.
And incidentally, why is "abbreviation" such a long word?
The amusement park rises bold and are huddled on the beach in a mist
I think to abbreviate abbreviation you use abbrvtion.
Who are those humanoids on the ride, anyway?
A buddy of mine was at the park tonight and he got a couple of rides in on it. His thoughts on it, was it's a very fun ride.
The more weight in the train made for a better ride. 400 lb limit per car. Heaviest person or couple sits in front. Lightest in back.
884 Coasters, 34 States, 7 Countries My YouTube
I rode it twice last night. Once in the front car and once in the middle car. Middle car was a wilder ride, but we also had more weight on the train that time.
I really like it! I never expected it to be any more than just a fun, quirky ride and that's what it is.
AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf
According to someone there today the line wraps around the coaster.
Put a bunch of coaster nerds at a coaster nerd event next to the coaster nerdiest roller coaster on Earth the weekend it opens and you'll have coaster nerd lines like that.
I'm still not disappointed that I stayed home. :)
I'll get on it when I get on it.
Same here. I'd rather go when it's not so giddy up in there.
Plus, it's 88 degrees. PPP is supposed to be cold. My first time there, it snowed.
Back in my day...
Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."
Jason Hammond said:
The more weight in the train made for a better ride. 400 lb limit per car. Heaviest person or couple sits in front. Lightest in back.
Wait, Theres actually a coaster where being heavy is a bonus?
Hope these things are Mass Produced :)
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