Who will go with me?

Moosh, I thought I read you weren't going to be there for this years SRM somewhere? Plans changed? yay! :)

nasai, as you can see from the meeting calendar, my group consisting of Julie Santiago, Sean Flaharty, Kyle Johnston, Chris Ward, Keith McVeen and myself will be at SFWoA on Wednesday. We will probably see y'all there as I'm assuming it will be rather empty that day!

Can't wait, I miss SFWoA (really, I do!)

"No honey, the monkeys have already done enough damage on this trip." - Guy coming out of front gate at SFGAd

Mamoosh's avatar
Joe - yeah, I was able to work it out. Hopefully we'll catch a ride together this year ;)

"God bless Atheists!" - Homer Simpson

nasai's avatar
Yeah... I will update my calendar listings as well... Either way, look for the freak with the Ethyl shirt on... ;)
I have been arrested more than you.

as opposed to all the freaks WITHOUT the Ethyl shirts on...??? ;)

--George H
---Superman the ride...coming to a SF park near you soon...
Currency tracking experiment... http://www.wheresgeorge.com (Referring to The "George" on the $1 bill - Not Me)

nasai's avatar
Oh man... those are fighting words, and we haven't even met yet! ;)

Just so you know, there are a few....
I have been arrested more than you.


That wasn't meant as a slam on you...believe me...if it's a coaster event, there will be freaks there...and the odds are extremely high that they will not be wearing Ethyl shirts... ;)

--George H
---Superman the ride...coming to a SF park near you soon...
Currency tracking experiment... http://www.wheresgeorge.com (Referring to The "George" on the $1 bill - Not Me)

d00dz - What are you talking about? Freaks at a coaster event? Never.
'The sickest thoughts I ever had make my day less of a drag.' - We Regazzi
rollergator's avatar
Borrowing the funniest line EVER seen on the buzz...."I want my 50 bucks back"....bASSiStiSt...;)
Acronymphomania (n): the socially unacceptable love of heights, and acronyms
nasai's avatar
Redman... oh no harm dude. Didn't you see the "sly" smiley? ;) Funny, as I have never been to a coaster event, I really can't say I have experience, but it doesn't take much to imagine the dorks that come out raging hard for wood. *pun absolutely intended*
I have been arrested more than you.
Mamoosh's avatar
They do come out in droves, Rob, but you can usually find them off in the corner with their stopwatches and note pads timing dispatches & cycles in an effort to discern which of the trains is fastest, pinpointing the exact location of loose bolts, arguing whether the coaster ran better this year than any previous year, and/or debating the pros and cons of PTCs versus Gerstlauers while the rest of us are just happy riding.

Meanwhile, the rest of us can just ride and ride and ride...


"God bless Atheists!" - Homer Simpson

*** This post was edited by Mamoosh 4/16/2003 5:56:22 PM ***

Too true, Moosh. The "articles" about ACErs on ARN&R are just too true sometime :) I will never forget my first ACE event. It was eye opening.

If you want to whine about trims, SF, and how PCW will never have a hyper, that's fine....I'll be on Raven :)

- "I used to be in the audio/visual club, but I was kicked out because of my views on Vietnam........and I was stealing projectors" - Homer Simpson

Mamoosh's avatar
Yo P! At my first SRM, when I really didn't know that many people and few knew me, I ended up sitting next to a guy on Raven who insisted on talking to me throughout the entire ride. I just smiled politely and made sure to avoid him the rest of the night.

But 'chris' can top that story. I'll have to remind him to tell his Indiana Beach story at the campfire Friday night ;)


"God bless Atheists!" - Homer Simpson

nasai's avatar
...but........ Chris can attest to you that I can top his... whatwith Ritalin Boy last year at PNE. This was just plain creepy. ;)
I don't take offense to idiots. I am an idiot. Hear me roar.
Mamoosh's avatar
There ya go again, Rob...always trying to top me and chris ;)

"God bless Atheists!" - Homer Simpson

Hey Nasai,

Well here's my SRM itenerary. We have some days the same, so I'd love to meet up.

Thursday 5/29 Fly into St Louis (arrive at 6:30 AM), SFStL until 7 PM, drive to Dale, IN

Friday 5/30 Drive to Louisville, SFKK until 4PM, drive to Holiday World for night 1 of SRM

Saturday 5/31 Holiday World (me might drive up to French Lick to go to the spa and visit Larry Legend's birthplace)

Sunday 6/1 Drive up to Indiana Beach until about 4:30PM, drive to St Louis, fly home.

Hope to meet up with you somewhere along the way.


P.S. This is my first SRM too. Yeah!!!
*** This post was edited by NWTPG 4/16/2003 8:12:42 PM ***

nasai's avatar
Mooshie, I always was the top... you know that! ;)

Aaron, looking forward to it. Funny how we live so close, and we have to go to Indiana to meet!
I don't take offense to idiots. I am an idiot. Hear me roar.

So, what have we got so far:

The freaks who wear Ethyl T-shirts....

The Freaks who obsess about the details so much they don't enjoy the rides...

The freaks who enjoy the rides, but spend the rest of their time making bad jokes on the internet...

Any others?

I hear America screaming...

Robocoaster's avatar
You capitalize the ones who obsess about the details, yet lower case the others...

Is there a freak caste system I'm unaware of;)

The Freaks that contemplate what other kinds of freaks there are....;)

Yeah, if coasters WEREN'T men we'd have Raging Cow instead!;)

Well, did I say I wasn't I freak? After all, I'm here, aren't I? ;)

Anyway, the capatilization thing was totally unitentional.


I hear America screaming...

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