Who are you???

Alright, I'll reveal something.

I'm Segun(bet you can't pronounce that) and I'm 21.
In high school I had a 1.9 GPA!!
I still graduated on time and I'm on my way to transferring to the Savannah School of Art and Design.

I dress like a thug(or hoodlums or gangbangers as reffered to by enthusiasts), listen to Barry White, Marvin Gaye, Bone Thugs-N-Harmony and Whitney Houston on lines. Oops, I meant in lines.

My hair is brown, I'm 6 foot 2 and weigh 230. I can bench press tacos.

There are gaps in between all of my teeth. I can shoot water through them.

I have 35 set of headphones, all broken.

I experience sidewalk rage often.

I used to work for Loews Cineplex. I have 150 free drink coupons. Want some?

In my spare time, I spare time.

It's 12:57 AM and I'm here posting at Coasterbuzz.

I used to eat styrofoam in grade school.

I can dance fast, but not slow. I'm pigeon toed.

There are 5 frozen eggs in my refrigerator right now.

I do a great Mayor Daley impersination.

That kid from AI looks like George W. Bush.

I will be able to run for president before DejaVu opens.

My ideal date is a peaceful stroll along a Chicago sidewalk, leading to a romantic dinner at one of the finest and luxurious fast food establishments; Prefferably Burger King. I then top off my dates with an breathless vista from atop the historical el tracks(while riding home of course). If I'm in the spending mood, I will provide my date with valet service(CTA Park-n-ride lots). Of course that's only if she has a car, I don't drive.

Anything else you want to know? *** This post was edited by goonsta on 7/6/2001. ***
goonsta ur such a dirty stoner(in a good way)
Age:24 Location: Mentor, Ohio Occupation: Parts Analyst at Marconi(Philips)Medical Home parks: SFWoA and CP.

Uhhhh, is this a singles website??? Just Foolin'.
I am 14 years old.
I am Scott Brown in Mtn. View CA. I am 22 and roam back and forth between PGA and SCBB and on occasion get to KBF, SFMM and SFMW. I work for Bank of america and am dating someone who's biggest fear is the Sun Wheel at Cal adventure, but loves all other rides. I love Flashback at SFMM and Stealth at PGA, and dislike the High Roller at stratosphere and the Demon at PGA. I listen to Faith no more and Rammsten (because I can understand it) and hope to get on the Mind Bender at the mall soon. Oh yeah I ran tidal wave at PGA for 6 years
2001 the year of the California roller coaster
Hey y'all!
My name is Aaron, and I am a male. (Aaron can also be a girls name) I live in Illinois, just outside of St. Louis Missouri. I am a Christian, and my Dad is the Pastor of the Church I attend. I LOVE Christian Music, some of my favorite artists are Luna Halo, Superchic[k], The Benjamin Gate, PFR, Plumb, Avalon, dc Talk, Rebecca St. James, Miss Angie, etc. If you want a full list, ask me! :-) My favorite coasters are:
Steel: Raging Bull and Mr. Freeze
Wood: The Boss, Raven, Texas Giant

For God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him may not die but have eternal life.
John 3:16
Name: Matthew Couts
Age: 14
Live: In the middle of Ohio
Home Park: Cedar Point
Hobbies: Recreate real parks on roller coaster tycoon, play Hockey, Football, Volleyball, and (did) Baseball.

-Matthew Couts
and your POINT is...
Name: Brian Ziak
Age: 16- Junior at HAHS
Location: Greensburg PA-45 min from Pittsburgh and 30 min away from Kennywood my home park
Hobbies: Coasters, computers, hockey, golf, Assistant Webmaster for two years and counting (check sig if haven't by now), movies, music (basically anything, which is what my online webcast has on its playlist)

Assistant Webmaster
Kennywood Park Unlimited
www.kpunlimited.com *** This post was edited by Beeman65 on 7/7/2001. ***
Finaly someone doesnt get good grades. Goonsta's the best. My GPA 1.7 *** This post was edited by # 1 coaster fan on 7/7/2001. ***
Name:David Loesch
Occupation:Teacher at a catholic school.
First Roller Coaster: Fire In The Hole at Silver Dollar City.
Favorite Steel Roller Coaster: (Tie)M Force and Magnum XL-200
Favorite Wood Coaster: Texas Giant
Hobbies: Reading,Rollerblading,Computers,Roller Coasters
Favorite Quote on Coasterbuzz: Bruce's "Bathroom 1 looks too intense for me."
Favorite sports teams: Buffalo Bills, St. Louis Blues, St. Louis Rams
Hi my name is Ivan i live in Kissimmee,Florida i am 51 years old ,I worked at Disney World for 12 years.I am on disability retirement and just injoying life.
Hi my name is Kevin. I live in the absolutely wonderful (dripping sarcasm) town of Lynchburg,Va home to none other than Jerry Fallwell (not going there.. so don't make me!). I am an electronic stripper...NO NOT THAT KIND! I work for a commercial printer here in Lynchburg doing page layout (aka stripping) in apps such as Quark, Photoshop etc etc.. In my spare time I run a full time website for Microsofts' upcoming console, The Xbox. [shameless plug coming] www.xboxaddict.com is my pet project with two other full time gamers who are all also Coaster freaks. Check us out if you're into games. [plug over]
My hometown parks (within 200 miles) include Kings Dominion, Busch Gardens and Six Flags America. My favorite current park would have to Islands of Adventure. My biggest dissappointment in a park would have to be Cedar Point. CALM DOWN!! NO FIGHTING!! My dissapointment came to the fact of CP overbraking every single coaster minus MF. CP should be referred to as "Americas Rollerbrakes". I'm not going into a big CP slam fest.. I enjoyed the park and it's beautiful atmosphere and the symmetry of the rides were awe inspiring, just not that fun to ride. Hey I don't like brakes..sue me.
Outside of pursuing new coasters to conquer, I play extensively in Photoshop to no end, I ride motocross from time to time of which I use to race every weekend in District 7 (#321). I share my home with two psychotic cats.. uhm... I drink lots of Mt.Dew... uhmm.. I try to catch at least two movies a weekend as well as at least 5 hours of sleep. :)

I found coasterbuzz shortly just about two months ago and I have thoroughly enjoyed the site and reading what it's visitors have to say. Props to the admins and everyone who contributes. Im done.

Riding the rails from the East Coast to the West Coast *** This post was edited by CoasterBearVa on 7/8/2001. ***
My name is Kelley! I am a social worker,and single mother from the Western end of Maryland. And I am 34! (I see there are a few of us!)
I love the coasters too! In winter, which we all hate, I have my own cub scout troop.
Hey ya all, let's quit talkin and start ridin!
My name is Bill Yost. I'm from Cincinnati, Ohio. I'm 26 years old and single(a hint to all the single ladies out there;)). I work at a label factory running a press. I like hard rock like Godsmack (sorry, Jeff :)), Heavy metal like Pantera, and some classic hard rock like Led Zepplin. I also play drums and run a puppet ministry at a church I go to. I have other nick names like Wild Bill, Mac Daddy, and Pimp Daddy:).

Bill Yost a.k.a. THE BEASTmaster
www.geocities.com/byostie &

*** This post was edited by THE BEASTmaster on 7/8/2001. ***

I'm Natalie, a.k.a. Nat the Cat.

I live all kinds of different places, most recently Sandusky, OH, where I am a ride operator on the Cedar Creek Mine Ride here at CP.

I went to school at Northeastern University in Boston, MA for a few years, and am transferring to Youngstown State University in well, Youngstown, OH this fall. Computer science is my major.

I love rollercoasters, and Quake III (I will own any of you at it), and I play ice hockey and rugby whenever I still can.

Find me on AIM under little cat 00. That's two zeros, in case your font is all screwed up or something.

Check my profile for picture, or check any of the following URLs:



That is all.

Good night.

I must have missed this thread, so Ill put in my info.

Name is Cornelius*. Im from Madison Heights, MI. Im currently employed as an accountant. I consider myself VERY spontaneous. If its fun, Im all for it. I like things from weightliftin to dancing with my shirt off at a club in Miami, Chicago. I consider myself a casual coaster enthusiast. Dont really have a favorite, cause I change my mind too often.

*I was named after a biblical character (In case your wondering) NO, not *Don Cornelius* or *Cornelius* from Planet of the Apes:)

Dayuum, Your HOT!

My name is Mike. I will be 42 in January. I live in Baltimore, Md. I am a career fire lieutenant with 23 years on the job. My home park is SFA, which is about 25 minutes away. I have two kids, a daughter 13 and a son 7, that I am training to become coaster fanatics.
Mt name is Steve.  I am 17 years old and live in Littleton, Colorado.  I go to Mullen high school, which is a private catholic school in Denver.  The school mascot is the Mustangs, hence my screen name.  I play Goalkeeper on the school soccer team, and am a 4.0+ student.  When not riding coaster, (shich happens a lot in Denver), I enjoy playing computer game, swimming, and mountain biking.  In the wnter I usually go skiing at least once a week, sometimes more, usually at Copper Mountain.  My favorite coasters are Riddler's Revenge, Goliath, and Mr Twister (RIP)  I am planning on attending Washington University in St. Louis where I will earn a degree in Architecture or MEchanical Engineering, or maybe both.  Next summer I am looking forward to my first visit to Cedar Point. I am curently looking for a girl who enjoys coaster but doesn't have to be obsessed with them, and will basicly accept my imperfections and like me for who I am.  So, have any Denver Girls had their intrests sparked?  Im waiting to hear from you!  :-)
"If somebody throws a rock and knocks a man off his donkey, do we say that he's stoned off his ass?
My name is Steve.  I am 21 and soon to be a graduate with a degree in Tourism Management (Watch out Dick Kinzel lol) .  I work at Lake Compounce ...hence the name.  In January, I will be working at WDW as a Attractions Host.   Hopefully i'll get Space Mountain
nasai's avatar

Watashi ha Robu Desu. My name is Rob. Like all of you, I too enjoy riding, and reading about riding coasters. I am 35 years old, married, have 3 kids (which to this day freaks me out), and play drums for a living. Who woulda thunk it? I get to travel a lot, and I have ridden a ton of coasters, many of which as a youngster. I have moved many times in my life, so I have witnessed both coasts, as well as Europe, and Japan. I love Japan more than anyplace else in the world, and if I had my way, I would become a citizen. My band is great! Check out the link below for more info on me. Later:)

*** This post was edited by nasai on 7/19/2002. ***

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