Which park is the most notorious for line jumping?

My friend and I had just recently visited PKI this summer on July 5th. This was a one of the parks special days for their "night of fire" which is a big fireworks display. Due to this large spectacle many rides had to close for they day. So my friend and I had a genius plan, why not sit a watch the fireworks in front of drop zone and wait for the ride to reopen. About 15 min. into the display a large crowd started to crowd around our little area the we had been holding for well over an hour. As the fireworks began to wrap up the small crowd became a mad rush of people. At one time my friend and I we at the front of the line, but by this time we were getting pushed further backwards into the sea of crazy riders. Finally as the gates began to open my friend and i rushed through. We didn't make it first in line but we did barely made it on the first ride of the reopening. This was my experience of line cutting at Paramount's Kings Island.
Boy Sam, you TOTALLY screwed up that sign on the food stand in the Eagles line! What it says is that if you stop to make a purchase all members of your group must wait with YOU. Meaning that if you stop, we all stop. SFGAm does not allow nor condone placeholding (unless of course you have a FastLane ;))

"To get inside this head of mine, would take a monkey-wrench, and a lot of wine" Res How I Do

BassHedz said:

And when they do get caught by the rent-a-cop, he might just get a good whoopin' like the brave guy in line did. Is that worth it?

It's up to the general public to help them out. Like I was saying, it's a self-governing society. Everyone has to chip in in order to create a pleasant atmosphere. If enough people gang up on some punks, they won't do it again.

Make up your mind...first you say that security might get beat up, then you tell us to govern ourselves. If security people are going to get beat up, what freakin' chance do I have.

Honestly, I don't believe that the security people are in any true danger, and if they are, they are trained on how to deal with it.

For those who don't believe that any park is more susceptible to line-jumping than another, you are being incredibly naive. Parks with inadequate security are much more susceptible.

Case-in-point on how simple prevention methods are a good measure against line-jumpers....On a recent trip to SFNE (during one-train ops on S:RoS), the line during the morning/afternoon hours was about 1 hour 15 minutes. There was a security guard posted watching the line very carefully. Not once did I see anyone attempt to line jump in two rides...that's a total of 2 1/2 hours of waiting in line without seeing one line-jumper. Then later in the day, I got in line again and the line was a similar length, but this time, no security guard. I saw 5 different people from 4 different groups line-jump in about a 20 minute span before the security guard returned.....coincidence, I don't think so.

Happy Coastering!


"Have fun stormin' the castle!"

At SFOG it has gotten so bad that they give a numbered ticket, when you get on one of the major attractions, and at the turnstiles they have a security gaurd take the tickets and make shure none of the numbers are way off, as long as the numbers are within 10-15 of each other, it's all cool, but when some dude cuts in front of every one, and the numbers are way off look out. Last sunday we went and were waiting in line for S:UF. me and my wife were 1102 and 1103 and dude was like 1220, and he got ejected from the park, for jumping in front of 100 or so people.

It is a stsyem that can be abused I'm shure, but so far it works ok, and now people hav't been line jumping as much since I've been going since they have started with the ticket system. At least a SF park is tring to do something to stop the problem.

Its always fun when people are chanting line jumper. When I worked at PKI we kicked quite a few people off cause the whole line was chanting and pointing.

Part of a Flight Attendant's arrival announcement: "We'd like to thank you folks for flying with us today. And, the next time you get the insane urge to go blasting through the skies in a pressurized metal tube, we hope you'll think of us."

Yeah, SFOG does ticketing on busy days at Scream Machine, SUF, Scorcher, and sometimes BTR. It works pretty well.. The bad thing is, it simply can't be done all the time due to staffing issues.

Yesterday at SFWOA two kids were in line for the Villain in the second seat but as soon as the air gates started to open they quickly jumped over and sat down in the front seat. Apparently they knew the two girls that were waiting for the front so they just told the ride ops to let them ride. The ride ops allowed them to ride but they made sure their lap bar was EXTRA tight by using his foot to push it down. And for anyone that has rode the Villain, you know how much a tight lap bar can suck, especially on the second up of the double up coming into the brakes. They learned their lesson because they came back into the station cursing out the ride ops. RllrCstrDude187 and I were laughing so hard we almost forgot it was our turn to ride.

mmm, roller coaster
(Homer Simpson)

I think location is a factor to the type of people who come into a park.
staticman00's avatar
I think people are gonna be a**holes regardless of location, which is why the "equalizer" travels with me... :)

Crito, ergo sum.

yah, line jumping is horrible. i work at sfgam and i'm a lead. when i started i've always had my employees watch for smokers and line jumpers and have started cracking down on them. the generation that started when i did, 4 yrs ago, is really cracking down on these things and we're even being more tough on our employees too, cause they are starting to slack also.
Kings Dominion has to take the title. Most of the park goers there are incredibly rude.I would be more specific, but the terms and conditions of the web site pop up when trying to post.

Jim Hansen
Number of coasters ridden: 171

The worst case of line jumping I ever saw was at Valleyfair!

The line for Mad Mouse was full, and one guy entered the the line and walked all the way to the front and got on the ride without waiting at all!

I'm not saying the park is bad for line jumping, only that this was the worst case I've ever seen. No one said anything to him either, including the staff.

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I've only been to PKD and BGW, but I agree with most people that PKD is pretty bad. It's just trashy there, trashy people in general. Line-cutting too, just as bad. It makes it that much weirder, though, that BGW is so perfect. I can get to PKD in half an hour and BGW in an hour, so they aren't that far apart. I guess no one will understand why they are so different.


freakylick said:

Make up your mind...first you say that security might get beat up, then you tell us to govern ourselves. If security people are going to get beat up, what freakin' chance do I have.

By people governing themselves, I mean a group of 20 or more guys standing up against 2 or 3 line jumpers. If a rent-a-cop came to get those guys without the public's assistance, it's still a 3 on 1 fight. 20 on 3? They don't stand a chance.

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