Which 6 SF parks are getting new rides.

I think the bottom line of this SFDL issue is that SFDL gets nothing and every other park gets something.

You know what SFI doesn't care about our whining about it and neither do they care about the two "silly" posters that are going back and forth about this.

SFI will add something new to SFDL when they feel good and ready to or when they see a sharp decline in attendence until then we won't get anything new. OHH well we just have to deal with it.

BUT i refuse to go back to PCW because even with the lack of rides at SFDL, PCW still needs a lot of work to get to level of SFDL in terms of cleanliness, customer service and efficient ride ops. PCW really left a bad taste in my mouth like SFDL has never done so.

So get over guys when we do get a new ride we can all celebrate and jump up and down for joy.

Your Park only has 1 good coaster! That's too bad!
Olsor's avatar
I thought being clean and polite was Canada's forte! Paramount must have Americanized them...

DawgByte II's avatar
Actually... I'd have to disagree on that, darienlakefan.

Although I've only been to the park once in late June, I thought it was one of the most cleanest & best experiences I've been to at an amusement park.

The park was very very clean, very well laid out, and almost every single ride was in operation. The Sledge Hammer had a few problems, but we were lucky enough to get a ride or two on it before it closed down for the day.

Customer service was also extremely great there. The guy at this food place towards the entrance gave us a free candy apple when we purchased one... really for no reason at all. He said "hey, don't tell anyone"... I think mainly because they weren't moving them that well, and I had a craving for them...

...but overall, PWC is really clean, akin to Cedar Point's cleanliness..

Yeah PWC is very clean (sarcasm).

Your Park only has 1 good coaster! That's too bad!
DawgByte II's avatar
Ok, then... I'm glad you see it my way! (no sarcasm).

DawgByte II said:
Actually... I'd have to disagree on that, darienlakefan.

Well of course....


Mamoosh's avatar
LOL Pinkdoom...I bet they couldn't even agree to disagree ;)


Dawgbyte11 let's face it guys like Coasterdude13,whose local parks are spoiled year after year...or every other year don't know what it means to have a "neglected" park near them that they've got no other choice but to visit year after year because they lack the means to visit a better park.

If you're referring to Texas, give me a break. It's only three hours or so between the three Six Flags parks.

Do you ever notice that SFAW is now on the neglected side of things? SFAW used to recieve new rides on a regular basis.

They still do. What do you call SWAT and Diablo Falls?

The reasons why they don't recieve rides anymore is because SFI has a monopoly on the Texas market(which by the way in any business is highly illegal for anti-trust reasons)I mean why put money into SFAW,or even SFFT when they've got SFOT to spoil instead?

You are so off-base it's not funny. Sea World is a monster-sized park, with I'm sure a large chunk of the market. What do you call the three coasters at SFAW that are getting painted this year? Is that not putting money into a park? If SFFT never got a new ride (which hopefully won't happen), I don't think it would matter. It's an absolutely beautifully, well-themed park with a great ride lineup.

SFI has used a bait & switch method of sorts with their parks because they've made promises to the extent of saying"we'll take your failing little no name amusement park & we'll give it a shot in the arm with more rides that are bigger & better than before" & so far they havn't lived up to that promise.

What some people haven't even mentioned, is that we also got a Huss Breakdance, an ELP Octopus, and a Chance Alpine Bobs in addition to the coaster package at SFA.

DawgByte II said:
We've had basically the same old rides (mainly from Huss, since SFDL used to be the Huss testing grounds) since the early 80's. Our only modern FLAT ride is the Huss Top Spin. All our other rides are old and dated.

Many of those "old and outdated flats" are so rare in the States that Darien is the only place to find them. What's wrong with that? You're lucky to have a park that has flats you can't find elsewhere.

Why can't you get it thru head that this park (along with a couple of other select parks) were starting to show true potential, then just went down the pits shortly after they were branded, or just after a certain period of time (Not sure what Astroworlds story is). There are many many other peeps that would agree with me... you are the only one who seems to disagree.

Well I, for one, disagree. How do you know that Darien was just beginning to show its true potential, then went downhill? How do you know what Darien's potential is? The way I see it, SF added things to Darien to draw more people in. Then, when Darien reached it's potential - it's maximum - they stopped investing. That's good business. You don't keep adding big new attractions when you know you can't see any return on them. Maybe the maximum attendance for the park was already met. Maybe Darien didn't see a big enough attendance increase the year S:ROS was added to justify the expense. If SF were guaranteed huge return on new attractions at SFDL, of course they'd be adding to it like crazy! Clearly, however, that's just not the case. The reason other people on this board agree with you is because they're enthusiasts who tend to think it's logical to add big coaster after big coaster. There are enthusiasts, and then there are business men. Park officials are not enthusiasts.

who the hell cares about upcharge attractions. Like I said... EVERYTIME I've been at SFDL last season & the season before, there were maybe 1 or 2 people using the TurboBungee at MOST (sometimes empty), and a few using the Slingshot.

Considering Darien spent the extra money to install their own permenant slingshot after having a portable one there for a season, it's obvious it earns big bucks for the park. The same goes for the Turbo Bungy. The park wouldn't spend the money to keep these rides operating and staffed if they weren't making the money to justify it. So who cares? The park, obviously. And the large number of people who choose to ride it; those who spend the money that effectively keeps those rides in operation.

Again, that counts for like less than 10% of the total guests who want to ride that, and even less who WILL pay to ride it. I never mentioned Sky Coaster.

Okay, let's figure this out. Darien's attendance last year was estimated at 1,460,000. 10% of that is 146,000 (the number of people you claim ride those upcharge attractions). Darien is open each year for about 130 days. Let's be conservative and divide that in half (two upcharge attractions). Then divide that by 125 (approx. number of days SFDL is open each season). That figure comes out to 584 people per day, per upcharge attraction. 584 * $7 (approx cost of Turbo Bungy) is $4,088. 584 * $20 (approx cost of Singshot ride) is $11,680. So, we have almost $16,000 earned every single day off those upcharge attractions (an astrounding two million dollars each year). That doesn't sound like a waste to me.

Nobody at C-Buzz is going to go out of their way to travel to SFDL when their homepark is anything but...

Actually, I was making a trip through the Ohio area, and drove the extra 500 miles (round-trip) to visit Darien. Why? Superman. And it was well worth it.

if you want to walk to Twister thru Darien Square, logically... you have to go thru 2 check-points. Where the hell does that make any sense?

Because you're effectively leaving the park and then coming back into it. Every time you re-enter the park, you have to go through the metal detectors. It's that simple.

The park was a much more efficiently ran park wtihout the metal detectors. It got people thru the gates quickly, there were never any problems with unruly guests before with regards to weapons & other shiny metal objects.

You imply that there weren't problems with weapons before but there are now. How does that work?? Six Flags made a chain-wide decision to install metal detectors at all of their parks for safety reasons. So did other theme park companies. I respect that.

Did I ever say I was a fan of the park? I never once said I claimed to be a fan.

Let me answer your quote with another of your quotes (from page three): "I, as well as many other SFDL fans on this site (which obviously ain't you), would be estatic with waterpark additions."

You got a family? Hahahahahha...that's the funniest thing I've heard all day.

Actually, it sounds to me like Volcano:TBC would be far more likely to have a family than you. Why? Because you're the one ranting about how SFDL doesn't have enough big attractions (mainly coasters) and claiming there isn't enough in the park to keep anyone occupied. Meanwhile, you're overlooking the tons of other rides - family attractions - that you apparently don't participate in if you can't be occupied for a whole day.

Oh yea, I'm a spoiled brat... suuuuuuure... spoiled how? Because I make more money on a yearly salary than you?

Wow, that's maturity. Tell me, how the hell would you know how much anyone else on this site makes each year? I'd certainly expect someone who apparently made so much money to be able to spell a whole lot better than you do.

Because my homepark is "better" than yours?

I don't see Volcano:TBC complaining about a "neglected" home park. You, on the other hand...

The park is a freakin' joke... aside from you... show me one person on this board who could stay at the park the whole day without getting bored... the ENTIRE day.

I occupied myself at SFDL for a day with no problem. And I didn't have a family with me. However, I do agree that most enthusiasts probably couldn't spend a whole day there, because it's not Cedar Point. Anyone with a family, however, should have no problem. When I was there I didn't see any families at a loss for things to do.

Sure SFA has gotten a handful of coasters for the first 3 seasons since being rebranded but out of those 5 S:ROS is the only one that's really any good.

Really? This coming from someone with the screenname "Batwing Fan"? As Coasterguts said, "You have said repeatedly how much you enjoy Two Face, Roar, Wild One, JJ and Superman." And then you have a Batwing screenname!! It sounds to me like those coasters you got are plenty good.

Where are our B&M's at huh? I'll tell you where they are...they end up at SFMM or SFGRAM season after season

No, because those were never your B&M's to begin with. Why would SFA get a B&M flyer when they have a Vekoma? SFA certainly wouldn't get a floorless the size of Scream!. You just don't know what you're talking about, and that's clear as day. "Your" B&M's were never "yours" to begin with. Do you really expect you're going to get more coasters than the big four?

heck SFNE stole B:TDK from us back in 02..(the info was given from a credible source within the park who isn't an op or dippin dots employee)

Please. That's about a phony as Sam Marks claiming the SFA and SFNE Superman coasters were switched. You constantly refer to the plan Six Flags submitted to the planning board. Where is the floorless on there? SFNE was always meant to get the floorless. Always. SFNE has higher attendance than SFA. And yet, SFA still received one more new coaster than SFNE did. And SFNE lost their Invertigo for a Boomerang. Stop whining.

We could've had a reliable B&M stand up but no! SFI had to go & give us a vekoma flying dutchman

Yes, you could have had a stand-up that everyone would complain about being rough. Generally, enthusiasts don't like stand-ups. I don't see anyone but you whining about losing that. And instead of a stand-up, you got a brand new state-of-the-art flying coaster. You got your flying coaster before the much larger SF parks did. The capacity problems are, for the most part, the fault of SFA, not the fault of the ride.

SFI made a promise to us in the DC area when Kierian Burke said"we intend to turn Six flags America into what we believe to be one of our finest six flags parks" finest my foot...I assume he used that same line at SFDL as well along with the other parks that were re-branded.

Of course...it's called marketing. You did get five brand new, kick-ass coasters - bigger rides than SFGAm - but you still keep complaining. Honestly, it's time to grow up.

Edit: formatting problems *** Edited 2/1/2004 12:50:23 AM UTC by coasterdude318***

Mamoosh's avatar
Nobody at C-Buzz is going to go out of their way to travel to SFDL when their homepark is anything but...

Wrong again! My home park is SFMM. I've been wanting to get to SFDL for a while now, and I suspect I'll finally make it there next year. A few other So Cal Buzzers are planning on joining me. If that's not "out of my way" then what is?


I agree with everything nate just said(scary, ain't it;) j/k). He was completely right on every point he brought out, and I think he just showed you 2 that you should never try for a job in Theme Park Mgt.(keep playing your RCT for that).

I've never been to Darien Lake, but would like to visit, and my home park is Kennywood, so yes, its outta my way. SFA is the SF park that changed my mind about the chain. I went to SFGam first, and was not impressed(good coaster line up, but it was a case of antissapointment).

I've been dying to get back to SFA for Roar, Batwing, Superman, and Joker eversince I left. It was clean and well run on my visit, and that means alot!

Besides, as much as I like B&M, I'd take Superman over Raging Bull(one of my faves) any day...


What's the difference between Michael Jackson and a pimple?

A pimple doesn't come onto a boy's face until after puberty.

Somehow I believe that is way against some TOS their, that was rather offensive, even to me.
well, WOA isnt getting anything SO far. Thats what I have heard.This park needs something to get there sagging attendance off the ground. Not A favorite park in any way shape or form. Can some one say not going this year.T2
john peck's avatar
Im actually surprised Darien has gotten virtually nothing because Wonderland has been putting at least something in every year almost. (even though they have a good distance between them, they still compete for the same essential market)

It wouldn't ssurprise me if Darien got a flying coaster next year or so.

Mamoosh's avatar
themer2 - What SFWoA needs to do to help sagging attenedance is to address customer service and ride operation issues...which is exactly what they're doing.
rollergator's avatar
Moosh....they're telling us they've learned that lesson corporate-wide...

Remember kids: A shiny new toy MAY help attendance in the short-term, but good customer relations is something that lasts more than just that one year...;)

You still have Zoidberg.... You ALL have Zoidberg! (V) (;,,;) (V)

ApolloAndy's avatar
The thing that really pisses me off about this conversation is the mysterious idea that somehow parks are "due" or "owed" rides. Not only do SF execs. have more business training and experience than anyone here, but *it's their park.* If they want to run it into the ground and not put any new rides in, that's tough for you. They have no obligation whatsoever to supply anybody with any new coasters for any reason, regardless of the performance, status, attendance, etc. of a park or how close you live to it (which seems to be the bigger factor in whining...Nobody's complaining for parks they don't live near).

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

DawgByte II's avatar
I'm an East Coaster park goer... so I've been to Six Flags parks mainly on the East si-ide

Well, for Worlds of Adventure... I don't know where customer service is going to help attendance vs. a good marketing stragety. I've been to the park maybe once or twice a year since they became Worlds of Adventure (never before that, however)... and each time I've had a great experience. I've never had anyone b1tch to me about taking pictures (as I've heard horror stories here in the past)...
...although I did return a wallet I found on Villan to the lost/found, I never got a "thank you" from the worker there... just an "ok", so I was a little pissed that I didn't take the gold card & go on a spending spree.
If WoA caters to a more broader audience than Cedar Po!nt does, then they should market that more... but they still should continue to expand yearly, even if it's as simple as a few new animal attractions, refurbished buildings, or more themed areas while continuing to build upon a good rapport with new & returning park guests.

SFDL may not be "due" or "owed" rides to any patrons... but the declining attendance since 1999's peek year shows that not adding anything major has an impact on attendance. They've got good customer service, they've established themselves in the area as "New York State's thrill park capital" (vs. Great Escape, Cony Island, and other parks)... so it'd only be fitting to back that up by keeping it just as thrilling & not let it fall behind other parks who are advancing (yea, I know they aren't competing, but SFDL can't call itself NY Coaster Capital anymore because GE is tied & may surpass SFDL in coasters).

New England... damn fine park for the space they got. I still say that's a perfect example of what a Six Flags park should look like. I wouldn't change a thing about the looks & I think they could milk off their current crop of rides for a couple years with mild additions throughout. Customer service was fine here, no complaints

Great Escape... I sure hope that doens't get branded anytime soon... it's been my fav park because of the nastaglia it holds since I was young, but it should still continue to expand to keep on growing like the other parks... I've heard rumors this year will be nice, and next year even better... but that's all depending on how generous Six Flags will dispense their per-capita in their parks. Again, the customer service was good here too... no problems.

Am I the only one that has good experiences with customer service...
...or am I missing something? What is it bad about the customer service that y'all don't like? Ride-ops? Security? Ticket takers? Hand-stampers? Food preps? Dress-up characters?
In 2001, I saw some bored & pissed off Worlds of Adventure Ride-Ops, but they were very much improved in 2003.

*** Edited 2/2/2004 7:25:49 PM UTC by DawgByte II***

This entire thread is basically turned into proof that very few (not all, by any means) enthusiasts are happy with all the details of their home park. Perhaps if people went to several parks a year, and didn't O.D. on their home park, things would appear better.

I no longer consider SFDL my home park, since several years ago, when I was in junior high, I was at that park 3 or more times a year. In the last 4 years, I have been there 1 or 2 times. And both times, I found it mildly enjoyable, since I didn't notice any of the little things that bother people. During this same 4 years, I have visited 15 other parks, and 2 of the parks I have visited twice. By sampling the offerings of other parks, you get to enjoy your home park more.

That last analogy made me hungry for a Chinese buffet.

Don't ever underestimate the psycho factor in my head Winner of the 5th (and 6th) Annual Montgomery Burns Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence

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