when will the new Geauga Lake coaster names be announced

fearless ben

Opneing day is geeting closer by the second and to the best of my knowledge nothing has been renamed yet. maby they will wait untill opening day and suprise people.

"English! Who needs that, I'm never going to England" Homer Simpson


Again, the deal is not finalized yet and nothing will happen until after it is finalized.

2022 Trips: WDW, Sea World San Diego & Orlando, CP, KI, BGW, Bay Beach, Canobie Lake, Universal Orlando



Like touchdown said, they are waiting for the deal to be totally finalized and then they willl announce everything and more than likely launch the new website.

Joey Stewart

I bet that the only coasters that will be renamed will be S:UE, BKF and RRE. CF will probably just keep the names of the other coasters to avoid any confusion. But that's just my uneducated bet. ;)

This ain't no book you can close, when the big light hits your eyes. Cropduster-Riot Act-Pearl Jam

Jeff Rowe

April 1st is the date in which the deal is to be done. Went up Saturday to see about the season pass pre-processing and they told us they weren't going to do them until after April 1 (wonder if it'll be an April Fool's Day joke?)

The new web site, GeaugaLake.com will be launched that day as well and get information regarding probably just about everything.




Tommy P.



Jeff's avatar
The names have already been decided.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog


Avalanche Sam

I was there yesterday filling out an application, and it is evident that CF is already at work at the park, though most people there do not seem to know a whole lot. I think things will be decided shortly if they haven't been already. I can try to find out more when I interview, as I want to stop by the administration offices, and drop off a family member's resume.



DawgByte II

DawgByte II's avatar
I should hope the names have already been decided on... because not only do they need a new name for those trademarked rides, but they also need some sort of logo to go along with it (similar how Raptor & Mantis aren't themed, but have a nice logo with the ride name).

I'm wondering when GeaugaLake.com will stop linking to Six Flags site, and instead just become its own entity... whether it be a real site or a "Under Construction" link.



Mamoosh's avatar
I hope they pick good names, because everyone knows coasters with bad names suck.


And bad coasters with good names aren't so bad anymore. Watch what happens when they change Serial Thriller's name to Talon! Whooohooo!


NOTE: Severe fecal impaction may render the above words highly debatable.



Mamoosh's avatar
Exactly my point, Playa. As soon as Villain is renamed Ghostrider it will immediately become a top ten coaster for me [despite the fact I have not ridden it since 2001].


That's how we choose government officials, including Presidents, so why shouldn't it work that way for coasters? ;)

--Brett who won't vote for Kerry cause you can't call him "twiggy" *** Edited 3/30/2004 4:44:41 PM UTC by Impulse-ive***

Brett, Resident Launch Whore Anti-Enthusiast (the undiplomatic one)


All the coasters will be renamed Raging Wolf Bobs.

[url="http://www.livejournal.com/users/denl42"]My blog[/url] You said, "I'm gonna run you down." I heard, "I'm an orangutan."


Jeff's avatar

Mamoosh said:
I hope they pick good names, because everyone knows coasters with bad names suck.
I'm soooooo bummed out that Superbatman's X-Ultimate Escape Flight won't be the name anymore for any rides.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog



Now you have to deal with Wickedmillenium Magnumstreak Force type of names. :)

My favorite MJ tune: "Billie Jean" which I have been listening to alot now. RIP MJ.



Wow, Jeff's first corny joke. Well I'll be damned :)

Fate is the path of least resistance.


Avalanche Sam

My friend, who has an uncle who knows the sister of a friend of the Lemon Chill guy, says he knows what the names are going to be.

Unfortunately, I cannot disclose the names.

But here is a hint:

Old Geauga Lake stuff probably isn't going to be renamed!






The park formerly known as Geagua Lake then Six Flags Ohio then Six Flags Worlds of Adventure but now known as Geuagua Lake all over again.

Can we add this to the coaster abbreviations/terms dictionary?






Jeff had made plenty of corny jokes before...some intentional...some unintentional. ;) (Sorry, Jeff, I had to say it... )


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