What's the next project you think C.P. should crea

They should go with the boardwalk project and add a GCI woody and acouple of dark rides(Spidey).
IMHO,I really feel that CP should really start backing off on the record thing for a few years.
Well one thing is for sure we will not see any reprofiling of any of the rides. There's no ROI!

Who cares if Mean Streak is falling apart because it shakes so bad when you ride it. It wouldn't cause anymore people to come to the park if they fixed that. I swear CF:LP needs to get off the crack and realize there is more to parks than ROI

Scorching the Competition in 2001
Jeff's avatar
More than ROI? I sure hope not. I've got 1,800 shares of that company. If they start spending money they'll never make back, I certainly don't want to invest in them. A company that doesn't make back the money it spends doesn't stay in business very long.

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
I think what Dustijn Hollon is saying is that CP need to maintain their rides better and not be afraid to spend thier money on making their junk rides like so called "Mean" Streak which had ZERO airtime when I rode it except for the third drop and this was in it's opening year and now I have heard they made it tamer! CP lacks a WORLD CLASS woodie and need it badly! BS is just average but MUCH better than it's so-called "Meaner" big brother!
I agree with DirtyVern. One way CP would gain respect is tare down that wooden coaster they have in the back. Start over and rebuild a solid good wooden coaster in which that space was intended for. Now, since they dont have "the record" anymore, they need to concentrate on more rides that dont necessarily have the top height/speed, but something everyone can look at and say, WOW, that is a great coaster. And its not even the tallest or the fastest. Just a suggestion?
That would be the smartest move CP would ever make in it's history if CP is smart enough to get rid of the pile of crap("Mean" Streak) and put a real woodie there instead loaded with airtime and laterals!! But are they that smart? I doubt it!!
Jeff's avatar
Again you're losing sight of what John Q. Guest thinks. Ask someone on the midway and they'll tell you that Mean Streak is the biggest woodie in the world, even though Son of Beast is in the same state!

The people who run amusement parks aren't stupid, and we'd all be better off leaving the operation of the parks to them.

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
Actually, why not kill 2 birds with one stone and get a dueling woodie? You could count it as two, since they are completely different, throw it in there with the boardwalk, maybe a wild mouse, and Voila! record's back, you get your woodie (2 of them actually) and a nice themed area. Maybe they could have a junior woodie that wraps in and around the dueling coaster (and scrap the wild mouse) like Stampida does in Spain. It'd be a good way to give the little ones a taste of a good wooden coaster, and make them feel cool while they race along with the adult coasters.

That's what I think could be good. Gwazi anyone? If they moved that to Cedar Point, onto the beach, and actually figured out how to run it efficiently, I would make love to cedar point. :-)

Gwazi is still a bit too tame although it does beat so called "Mean" Streak a lot! John Q Public may think that its the largest woodie butthey seems to like Magnum better when I was there!! Because Magnum may still be the best coaster @ CP although I have a feeling that MF may run a close second!
CP needs a good wooden coaster more than any other type of coaster. I don't think you will ever see a replica of the Crystal Beach Cyclone as it was torn down in the first place because it was hurting people. I think if they were going to replicate an older coaster they should build a replica of the Ryeland Aeroplane Coaster. That coaster looks like it was awesome!
john peck's avatar
I still like the idea of a wood boardwalk coaster with a themed area that looks like the Giant Dipper at Belmont ...white, tourquiose, and pink
slithernoggin's avatar
Cedar Point really does need to develop the Oceana Midway area, whether by creating a boardwalk-themed area or by surprising us. That area is underutilized. Not to mention a little drab... just hasn't been the same since they took out the Funhouse!
I LOVE the Giant Dipper at Belmont!!!!! It's so twisted...thank god it was saved.
Since, I see that it has been rehashed over and over...I agree with the consensus. Like I said before: 1) Wild Mouse, preferably indoors, like Exterminator. 2) No matter how much I like CCI, I fell in love with GCI this summer and would like a Wildcat (Hershey) clone in my back yard. Just for the airtime junkies that we have in the buzz group. (That's me!) A B&M floorless would be great, but I'll take my first two theories. Reason: Both are less expensive than the B&M, and right now, heading into our countries first financial crunch in years, CP just needs to stay simple.

Trust me, I'm NOT "Mr. Wall Street Journal," but a changing of the guard in the White House usually means a dip in our economy for a while...nothing like a history lesson when talking about coasters.

There's nothing like a woodie...
Anything big!
Sounds like a good wood seems to top most of the lists.Then the Sit down Mega Looper is up there.

It's all about the X Baby:]
Woodie would be nice, or a launched coaster. That would really complete their coaster lineup.


CP already has two woodies, mine train, and Gemini, why would they want a woodie. What they really need is some non-B&M (don't get me wrong I love B&M) loopers. Like a premier rides looper, Intamin Looper (like the one in Brazil), or like X.

What is life without geniuses?
Maybe there next project should be to buy more land off the peninsula for future expansion.

It's all about the X Baby:]
Floorless launched Hyper. 200' XLC and a tilt coaster.

Oh my freekin' head!

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