What's the next project you think C.P. should crea

There has been alot of talk about C.P. vs. M.M.
I'm wondering what C.P. fans think should be Cedar Point's next move ?
I think they should put the first Thrust Air in Ohio and take it up at least 300 feet, and maybe even extend the ride and add a few more humps.
Randy Hutchinson
You build it, I'll ride it
Well I don't really know anything right now, but I'm hoping for something that will get my attention. Something new and something the world didn't see coming. Or maybe build two coasters(that are good quality;not just a kiddie coaster). That would be really cool.
Millennium Force all the way!
I just can't see another 300 foot coaster going to Cedar Point for a while. Why ruin MF's grandeur, especially when bigger doesn't always mean better?

Speaking of "mean," I think CP needs a good woodie, probably a little more so than a sit-down looper. (Although they need a good one of those, too.)

How dare you vanquish the Steel Phantom without his consent? Fear the Phantom's Revenge.

Cedar Point definitely needs a great CCI. Something SFMM, or any park for that matter should have too. God Bless Ghostrider!!!
Say no, to lap bar nazis!
The next project is the new boardwalk gig. This is an old subject, but plans will be finalized by July, with a replica of the razed 'Cyclone' of the very old CP days will anchor one end, and Dt will return to an outdoor ride with some minor cosmetic changes. This is an educated guess, going on what the direction they are heading in after the past few trade shows. Think, Cyclone here, Giant Wheel, here, and a flying bobs there. Makes a nice area. Oceana will be removed to make room. Just think about this before we have more nonsense of 400ft. coasters. The Cedar Fair board of directors will do what is best for the 'resort atmosphere'.
A 'dark ride" or a CCI would be my vote.
One thing I think they should do is invest some money in improving Mean Streak. I really think this could be a great coaster if they could smooth it out and tone down the brakes.

I would like to see a B&M floorless or perhaps an original next generation coaster.
john peck's avatar
I think we will see sometime: an S&S, a CCI, a mouse and a Vekoma or Arrow launched.

But I don't want any more wood coasters until the get Mean and Blue running better. *** This post was edited by john peck on 12/21/2000. ***
Jeff's avatar
Well, it appears that some people have been playing along at home... and some think they have. ;)

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
I do think that they will reclaim the coaster record in a year or two. If they are to, I have a feeling it should be a sweet CCI roaming the beach. I doubt that they will build anything close to the height of Millennium Force. Most people don't care for 10 inversions, or for something that will make them seriously sick. But a CCi would fit beautifully. Something small, compact, and fun would go nice,preferably a spinning mouse, but then there is always cpacity problems, but who cares? And please Cedar Point, do something to fix that Mean Streak, it just sits back there and looks pretty.

Coasters- a little slice of heaven
john peck's avatar
Jeff is going to kill be about bringing the subject back up (you know SFMM)......

But, I have a strange feeling that *IF* (and this is VERY far-fetched) Cedar tries to take back the record with like 3 new coasters to get 16, what if SFMM puts another 2 or 3 in to have 17 or 18?

I know how weird that sounds...don't remind me.
You have to remember this isn't RCT, where you just click on what you like and it appears. Real coasters cost hard money. I wouldn't be surprised if CP built one coaster next year, and SFMM took a year off. They would be tied, and both could still hold their titles of "Extreme Park" and "Rollercoaster Capital". Neither park is going to be building 2 and 3 coasters every year.

Have you ever gotten the feeling that you've been here before? Six Flags Magic Mountain 2001...
How much do you think it matters if a park has 15 coasters vs. 13 coasters. on an average day that is still too many to ride in one day. plus the average family won't ride even half those coasters. I think they are wasting there money. Just build well rounded parks that feature attraction for people of all walks and keep the rides running well and safely. besides us lunatics, no one is going to SFMM next year because they now 15 coasters instead of 12.
But don't underestimate us lunatics either, there are a lot of us!

Have you ever gotten the feeling that you've been here before? Six Flags Magic Mountain 2001...
Actually, according to a VERY reliable source, SFMM ain't takin' no breaks anytime soon. They got more up their sleeves for 2002. This is the same person that told us about X and Deja Vu Two months ago when you guys wouldn't believe us.
CP is a wonderfull park that is hurting for good wood. How about moving and restoring the Idora Park Wildcat at Cedar Point?
Actually, I find no trouble at all riding all the coasters at CP in one day. Anyway, I would really like to see the Boardwalk project happen. A CCI or GCI would be great, and then maybe in 2003, a sit-down looper.

Millennium Force: the ride of the year 2000.
The best thing for CP is a CCI medium sized woodie coaster, and a wild mouse IMO.

Have you ever gotten the feeling that you've been here before? Six Flags Magic Mountain 2001...
Jeff's avatar
It's interesting how the consensus has toned down to a CCI and wild mouse. These are two of the most common types of coasters these days, and clearly something the park needs. Still, they're a far cry from ridiculous wishes that many people have had over the last couple of years!

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com

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