What's the next project you think C.P. should crea

Soggy's avatar
OK, I'll get this out of the way, CP needs a record breaking 10 inversion 200 foot B&M floorless ;)!

The Boardwalk is on the drawing boards, look for a "classic" style woodie, I say paint it white with red and blue trim. Beautiful.

As for the record, SFMM will not give it up after only one season, Superbatboy and Simcoaster are correct.

"X" marks the spot in 2001!
john peck's avatar
Sorry about all that Jeff, I know the "I have more than you so I'm better" saying gets really old.
I think the fans here are narrowing down Mice and CCI's since They are popular, Cedar Fair has bought both, and they are cheap and will fit well into CP. Boy, what hisses and moans we would get -IF- they bought a boomerang!

MY OPINION: To "ME" I don't care about who has more than others, I like each park for what it is.
I hope CP does reclaim the record, If they do and they want to keep it they could defenitly use a CCI. Anything along the lines of Timbers would be great! They should try the Arrow 4D, that is one of the most creative and innovative coaster I've seen in a LONG time. And a Dark ride like the Exterminator at Kennywood park. I wish CP good luck in reclaiming the record, and applaud SFMM for capturing it.

Hamburgers are only Hamburgers when people choose to call them Hamburgers.
I think that to be called roller coaster capital of the world they should count all the major coasters none of the kiddie coasters.
Here is what I want!! A Heide Park Colosso clone! Look at the GREAT looking first drop! A big drop done right with a tight pullover unlike so-called "Mean" Streak with a gradual pullover on the first drop that does NOT work! Also look at those great airtime filled speed bumps!! You can tell because they look steep and sharp! I just hope thsi thing runs smoothely so that a US park can SUCESSFULLY build a huge woodie!CP need that BADLY more than anything else in the world WITHOUT trims!!!!!

"Still, they're a far cry from ridiculous wishes that many people have had over the last couple of years!"

Well, Millennium Force, I would think, would have been considered a "ridiculous wish" not too incredibly long ago.

How dare you vanquish the Steel Phantom without his consent? Fear the Phantom's Revenge. *** This post was edited by Lynch on 12/22/2000. ***
The Oceana midway must be redeveloped. It's a premium area, but there is no traffic there. So, if we assume this will be the rumored Boardwalk area, do it to the max! A wooden twister (90-100ft.), a wild mouse, a dark ride and some flat/spinning rides. To top it off, an Intamin launched/looping coaster.
john peck's avatar
I wonder if the big guys at Cedar Fair are reading these posts....

I love you guys! And I need a new art job!
If having the most coasters is so unimportant, then why are SFMM, PKI and CP spending so much money to attain such a worthless goal.

THe answer is simple, there are very good reasons for having the most coasters in your park. One big reason is free advertising. Another reason is the good sound bite. Claiming to have the best coasters is a subject claim, however, claiming the most coasters is undeniable and confirmable fact. It make a more indellible sound bite to say the most coasters than to say the best coasters. Also, for managers of the parks, there seems to be a matter of pride in having the most coasters. To me, it's not important what park has the most, but to the parks, the benefits are clear.
I agree with your points. I hadn't thought of the free press you receive. This SFMM situation is actually good for CP as well. Everytime it is mentioned that SFMM is adding 3 coasters and willl be the new "coaster king", they also mention CP being dethroned. And they don't even have to spend any money building new coasters. now that is good press.
"To top it off, an Intamin launched/looping coaster."

It better be full circuit...

How dare you vanquish the Steel Phantom without his consent? Fear the Phantom's Revenge.
That was my intention Lynch.

Trim brakes-a necessity???
I think that CP needs an LIM coaster! All of their coasters just have boring old lift hills, they should a Premier Rides LIM coaster.

What is life without geniuses?
Even going only 120 feet on woodie would be fine if CP would try to claime the woodie steepness record which ONLY 62 degrees is needed! I can not understand why CCI hasn't built a drop steeper than 53 degrees! I think even Twisted Sisters is only 53 degrees! Look at Big Boom( a SMALL steelie)in Japan @ only 99 meters high(barely 105 feet or slightly less) and a 75 degree drop with the standard 24 passnger train and all I am asking for is a woodie 20 feet taller and 13 degrees less steepness in order to break the woodie steepness record! Why can't that be done on a woodie? It would be less severe than Big Boom because of the shallower drop @ 62 degree and the theory is that you can go steeper if the drop is bigger.

How about a wooden freefall? Oh god, that would be a nightmare to support. ;)

What is life without geniuses?
Why does every Cedar Point coaster have to be a record breaker? I think we've learned (especially with Son of Beast and Mean Streak) that bigger isn't always better. ;)

How dare you vanquish the Steel Phantom without his consent? Fear the Phantom's Revenge.
Just build a CCI please!!!!!! Everyone pray for this to come true. PLEASE BRING BACK THE HISTORY CP!!!!
Just go for the world's STEEPEST woodie but don't even worry about the size record just make it the steepest and the most airtime beating out Shivering Timbers!!

CP already has an airtime machine. They need to build the world's greatest wooden coaster...with ALL the elements that make a wooden coaster great..like outragous helices and great air time!

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