What has happened to Coasterbuzz?

rollergator's avatar

SOB_TOM, there is little doubt that ADD/ADHD *does* exist and is a problem for some kids and adults. The *issue* that some people here (myself included) have is that it is HORRIBLY overdiagnosed and misdiagnosed.

...for MOST people without an actual medical condition, treating *symptoms* that could have a different underlying cause is IMO downright dangerous....you could be masking symptoms of something more sinister when you take medicine for an illness you may or may not have....you have my sympathy, and you seem to *deal* more than adequately.

As for M:TR, sure its yesterday's news NOW, but wait 'til you open the buzz tomorrow, as I'm sure we'll have something new and fun to discuss....if you like FUN, that is....:)

Mamoosh's avatar

Since when are the New Kids an Indie Band?

Shut up, chris, or I'll be forced to tell my Milli Vanilli story ;)

Welcome to the New & Improved Coasterbuzz...tomfoolery allowed!

Thank God!! A thread that may prove more popular than the DDR thread. It may even be more amusing too.

Strange, the same group of people seem to keep both alive. If only the rest of us could be so amusing, maybe we could have dueling threads. Then we could spend the entire workday reading through even more pages of pointless fun! Oops- I mean *coaster related* topics.

Well back to work, the *boss* just caught me munching on pancakes.

If your not the one, Then why does my soul feel glad today?
--Daniel Bedingfield

Kick The Sky's avatar

I want to hear the Milli Vanilli story!!!

Bob who embarassingly admits to seeing Milli Vanilli as a club band when he was stationed in Germany...

Gator, I understand where you are coming from, but after you get told to your face by several teachers that you are a failure and should just get out of school now all over ADHD, it hits ya kinda hard.

Oh and in CP Sillys credibility, I think he just fell off a cliff :)

SOB crew in 2002
TRTR crew in 2003
111 SOB laps, and wishing the park was still open

CPLady's avatar

Thanks, Gator, for explaining that to SOB_Tom. In no way did I mean that ADD is not a valid disorder. Quite the contrary. I only meant that I, and several other parents I know, were told to take our children to a doctor because the teachers/counselors/principal thought our children had ADD. Two of those children were medicated needlessly, and it caused many more problems for them.

One child didn't have ADD at all, but another disorder that was diet related.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

First of all, I apologize for calling out the wrong page number Jeremy. Second of all, all this nonsense could've been stopped on page one. Jeff would've simply stated what he did later on about it being his own website, I pay the bills, if you don't like go somewhere else etc.etc., and then he could've closed the thread. My feelings would have not been hurt. As for the I-Fan diet, I was in full blown mania when I was making those statements. I've been diagnosed manic/depressive (or bi-polar) It cost me my job, and almost my life. If you think I was being irritating on here, you should've heard my advice to all the potheads and alcoholics that I worked with. I'm on medication to control it, but I still get irritable sometimes, or as Jeremy called it "Anal".
Kick The Sky's avatar
I gotta give CP Silly some credit though. He came up with a good ruse even though his posting proved who he really was. A recent chain smoker chick with a boyfriend and I believe some college under her belt. Why dont you just admit who you are CP Silly and not post like an ignoramous and maybe you wont get booted this time. Jeeze, is it that hard to do?

Bob Hansen

Operation Wicked Twister
Goal: Lose enough weight (50lbs) to ride Wicked Twister in 2K3
Progress: 14 pounds since 1-1-2003

rollergator's avatar

CPLady, it is kinda weird working closely with the medical community....seems like every other month or so a certain diagnosis becomes *popular*...then everyone is suspected of having it, and the only REAL benefit$ seem to accrue to the drug companies. SOME people who actually DO suffer from said disease/disorder/syndrome are helped, but at a cost to the rest of society....

Makes ya kinda wsh for the *good old days* of family doctors....before the HMO's took over. But, on the flip side, medicine IS more profitable these days....IF you're an insurance company...;)

edit: Bob, are you sure that's *college* under *her* belt....;)

*** This post was edited by rollergator on 1/24/2003. ***

Wow everyone on here seems to have some disorder, from pancakeholics to ADHD. We certainly seem to run the gamut here. Raise your hand if you have no disorders (that you know of anyways). Oh by the way I prefer waffles to pancakes anyday. Another thing did anyone pick up on the Krusty pancakes thing early on? It's Krusteaz.

Raises his hand.

The world's going to Hell, and I'm going to bed.

*** This post was edited by Revolutionary on 1/24/2003. ***

Mustang said:

...this weeks Onion ... the statshot. Enjoy!

I was reading that during, err, i mean, before, my 12:00 class today, I almost cracked up during, err, I mean, before the lecture. :) Nothing like a big plate of pancakes to make a lecture go by.

Goblins and furies, old friends and new, blow on a horn so we’ll know that it’s you.

Mamoosh's avatar

Raising my hand, too!

Why is everyone laughing?

Welcome to the New & Improved Coasterbuzz...tomfoolery allowed!

CPLady's avatar

*raises hand* I have no disorders...that I know of anyway. Except for being a grumpy old fart who refuses to act her age. Does that count?

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

Revolutionary said:

Wow everyone on here seems to have some disorder, from pancakeholics to ADHD. We certainly seem to run the gamut here. Raise your hand if you have no disorders (that you know of anyways).

Is wasting your whole day at work reading/responding to Coasterbuzz a "disorder", or am I just really F'ing lazy?

Bass sorta raises his hand

Mike Miller

Intamin Fan says we have to behave. Let's bring this discussion back to coasters. Do you people think I have all day to dick around?

Mamoosh said:

Raising my hand, too!

Is impotence clinically considered a "disorder"?

Mike Miller

Intamin Fan says we have to behave. Let's bring this discussion back to coasters. Do you people think I have all day to dick around?

Except he said raise your hand if you DO NOT have a disorder :)
rollergator's avatar

Ya know Bass....with THAT sig, and THAT reply....you might be straining the limits of credibility when we *claim* to maintain an air of respectability....(oh wait, that wasn't respectability, that was just gas)...

....and who said fart and d*** jokes weren't universally appreciated....;)

Thank god for threads like this. I think I would die without them.

May the gods of humor ever smile on the CPG

Oh, and thank you 'Playa for the classic Ass Fat Corollary.

Nobody tosses a dwarf!!
-Gimli, Son of Gloin

Ah, nothing like reading drama while eating corn flakes and listening to Clipse.....good times!

Jus' gimme de light!

ApolloAndy's avatar

While we're witch hunting: I think 'Moosh is CPNut. I mean he cleverly posted ~2280 posts in a thread and then deleted it to throw us off the trail. And that picture? I mean he just copied Brent's picture and did a little photoshopping. As for the fact that he's actually funny and coherent, well, that's where the theory breaks down.

Be polite and ignore the idiots. - rollergator
You must be this dumb to ride Viper. -SFGAdv.

Closed topic.

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