What has happened to Coasterbuzz?


That's a ton of reading to do while pretending to actually get some work done! Here are my thoughts on what has transpired here (in no particular order)

1. "Can't we all just get along?" - NO. We all will never get along. Wars will rage, and people won't like each other over the silliest of things. The world is funny like that. Accept it. Deal with it. And then move on.

2. No one's holding a gun to my head to read this stuff. I was blessed by the good Lord with beautiful things called "independent thought" and "freedom of choice". You have, too. Try using them.

3. Seconding someone else's thought, disagreement does not neccessarily equal disrespect. I have by biggest arguments with one of my best friends. And I love it like that.

4. As a parent, it is MY responsibilty to monitor what my children see. No, I can't always make sure that they are not exposed to questionable things. What I CAN always do is make sure that they are brought up having good morals and values, so as not to be adversely affected by some of those things that they are exposed to.

Now, on the lighter side.......

AssFat Corollary = CoastaPlaya for President 2004!

What Would Jesus Drive? That's easy, a 4WD Pick-up. He was a CARPENTER, you dumb-a**, whiny, spoiled, delusional, tree-huggers!!!!!

Yes, I AM the bad guy, thank you very much! ;)

And finally.....

"Would you like a shmoke and a pancake?"

"A cigarette and a flapjack?"

"A cigar and a waffle?"

"A bong and a crepe?"

"Well, I can see that there is no pleasing you!"

"I swear -- by my life and my love of it -- that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine"
Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged, 1957

CPLady's avatar

Yes, Gator, the faculty, as sflake said, are just a bit less whiney, demanding, etc. than the students. I can also tell you within a couple minutes of meeting any of the said faculty or students whether they are in Management, Education, Engineering or Arts, Sciences and Letters. I would say I'm right a good 85% of the time.

Education=totally clueless, especially when it comes to having to deal with more than one computer password

Management=Pompous, think they are the boss and everyone should cater to their needs. Can handle more than one password, but don't see the sense.

Engineering=Know it all, don't need or follow directions, understands the idea of more than one computer password, and the need, but refuse to admit when they've forgotten one. Always blames the "system"

CAS&L=Pure Academians. What? We need a password? Why? At least they listen to directions, and once you explain it, they tend to get it. For a short period of time anyway.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

Yay! 14 Pages!! Thanks I-Fan! That damned DDR thread is going DOWN.

Mike Miller

Intamin Fan says we have to behave. Let's bring this discussion back to coasters. Do you people think I have all day to dick around?

CPG will own joo, DDR!

I would just like to say to all those who say that ADD and ADHD are not true disorders: you are dead wrong. I have been diagnosed with ADHD for a good 10 years now, and I am currently taking more pills than anyone else I know for it. But what happens when Im off the medicine? I bounce off walls (literally) and can get distracted by sitting down. Lack of dicipline? Hell no. My parents firmly believe in the paddle (when I was smaller) and I have been grounded more times than I can count. But its something that I have lived with throughout my life, and probabily will never outgrow.

Sorry bout that. Just cant stand people who believe that kids can have something wrong with them

SOB crew in 2002
TRTR crew in 2003
111 SOB laps, and wishing the park was still open

EchoVictor said:

I just read the AssFat Corollary.....

OMG, I am literally in tears!!!

That was hysterical!

...Agghh, gimme a break will ya?

For those of you who are into the pancakes, go to this weeks Onion, about halfway down the page on the left side is the statshot. Enjoy!


I personally have to side with the Jemimans on the subject.


*** This post was edited by Mustang on 1/24/2003. ***

What's wrong with you people? I give up. You think what you want about who I am and I will just keep-on-a-post-n like nothing's wrong.

BTW, doesn't anyone on this site like Waffles for Pete's sake? ... buttered with powdered sugar is yummiest!!

...Agghh, gimme a break will ya?

Sure! What on you would you like me to break? ;)

"I swear -- by my life and my love of it -- that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine"
Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged, 1957

*** This post was edited by EchoVictor on 1/24/2003. ***

rollergator's avatar
Should I bother explaining at this point that a person's DECISION to take offense at this thread IS the easiest way to single themselves out....waving a red flag at a bullfight....it WILL get you attention, but probably NOT the kind you want...;)

I, too, just had to play catch up and read A LOT of pages of this thread. You guys aren't right. :) This is too funny. But it does make my day here at work a lot better. Speaking of which, I had better get myself under control. There is no way I could ever explain M:TR on a resume'.

Go Jr.!!!

Mamoosh said:

It was bound to happen...ask chris what he admits to thinking about on his way to work a few weeks ago...

I know nothink!

Too bad I agreed to lay off M:TR jokes.

nasai's avatar

That's it! I am done with this thread. I am never ever coming back. In fact, I am dropping my membership to this website as we speak. I can't believe I paid $20 ($21.95;)) to read filth all day. This is unbelievable.....

Screw you Jeff!
www.sarcasticbastard.com - riiiiiight

Would M:TR be listed under "Job Experience", "References", or perhaps "Personal Accomplishments"? :)

---Yeah! My first M:TR reference!---

"I swear -- by my life and my love of it -- that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine"
Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged, 1957

EchoVictor said:
Would M:TR be listed under "Job Experience", "References", or perhaps "Personal Accomplishments"?

---Yeah! My first M:TR reference!---

Sorry EV, it's become passe to make references to M:TR. You just missed it, by a few hours or so. Better luck next time!

Mike Miller

Intamin Fan says we have to behave. Let's bring this discussion back to coasters. Do you people think I have all day to dick around?

Yeah, some C-Buzz 'insider' didn't think they were funny anymore. ;)

'I feel it coming on again just like it did before. They feed your pride with boredom and they lead you on to war.' - The Soft Boys 'I Wanna Destroy You.'

CP Silly,

If you keep spazzing out every time pancakes are mentioned, everyone will continue to think you are CPNoNuts...The pancake references within this thread have not mentioned you as far as I can remember (especially the ones on this page.)...

By your posts recently, I was starting to believe you, but with your outburst, you took two steps backward in credibility...

--George H
---Superman the ride...coming to a SF park near you soon...

Mamoosh's avatar

The waning popularity of the whole M:TR phenomenon can be explained by using the indie band theory:

"When only a select few know about it, it's cool. As soon as it becomes popular to the masses, its passe."

Face it, people...M:TR is now a phenomenot!

Moosh - trying to deflect attention to something else...

Since when are the New Kids an Indie Band?
As I see it, M:TR is unstoppable. It has grown to such epic proportions that it may need its own website. A phenomenon indeed. It may have to now be called M:TPR.

Go Jr.!!!

Closed topic.

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