What has happened to Coasterbuzz?


Your pompous attitude is getting you nowhere, dude. The whole "I'm in this, that and everything else plus I do 40 hours of service a quarter, and I..." BLAH BLAH BLAH. It doesn't mean Jack Schnitt. You go to UC. So what? Your professors supposedly care about you. So what?

You sit there and whine about how Jeff does this, and other people do that, and yet you sit there and (probably with a smirk on your face) do the exact same things you think are so wrong with this site. I don't get it.

I don't get a lot of things. After all, I wasn't a pre-med in college.

Redman: You need backup for that song? :)

My K'Nex Coasters
Coming to Wyandot Lake in 2003: Hi-Striker's Revenge

*** This post was edited by jimmybob on 1/24/2003. ***

readman822: Thanks ok. I go to the University of Cincinnati. I am in their college of Allied Health Sciences. In my college, there is only about 300 students. It was founded 1996. It is the newest college here. http://cahs.uc.edu

Mark: I have the same professors every year. During the last two years I will only have two professors during those two years. All of my professors now I can go talk to. You have to make the effort to get to know them and they will care. In my classes it is not enough to just go to class, but the professors want the students to come to them for help.

A few points about colleges-

1) Colleges, particularly state-supported institutions, do not turn profits. We want your money so that we can get/stay out of debt, give raises to student affairs professionals (the "advisors" ucdan speaks of), and maintain and build better facilities.

2) There is a great deal of research that shows that the undergraduate experience has actually gotten much easier. The higher GPA requirements have come about as a result of the older systems being devalued. If you're interested and would like to give me some time, I can link you to theories about grade inflation, dumbing down, cooling out, and the Theory of Nobody....oh wait, that's 'Playa's thing.

3) Dan, you sound like you've got a lot on your plate, maybe take a break from CB, particularly if you don't like it anyway. The internet has caused trouble for college students from the early 90s on...I speak from experience.

Dawn, professional staff at the University of Illinois who spent 5-1/2 years as an undergrad because of an IRC addition in 1994.

redman822 said:

but, this is boring...let's get back to the fun!

Amen, that last post felt a little too much like my work! :)

Yeah, that's what it is, I have a vivid imagination. Everyone who was using double entendres is obviously trying to make you think of something else at the same time. When the Six Flags shirt says "Ever Ride A Woody?" it has two meanings a) Have you ever ridden on a wood coaster and b) ******************" Sorry, I'm not leaving Coasterbuzz because I'm a bastard that way. I won't give anyone the satisfaction of leaving. I can look at it all I want. I pay $21.95 a month so I can look at it and other sites. As for the anal reference, see 2Hostyl page 4.

[vulgarity removed... you should be bounced for it, but we're all having too much fun. -J]

*** This post was edited by Jeff on 1/24/2003. ***

Great, Dan. Being a music major, I had the same professors all 4 years. Going to class was also "not enough." Who cares? Your naivete would be sweet if it wasn't so stupid.

And what does any of this have to do with the fact that you're whining like a little girl who doesn't get the Barbie she wants?


Draegs's avatar
I remember being a freshman a few years ago...

I was in a very small school that catered espeically to the engineering major. I believed so strongly that I wanted to go into that field. The school promoted it's small class sizes and ability to hook students up with co-op jobs for future careers. I talked and acted a lot like you do, Dan.

Since then I have changed schools, changed majors, and opened up my eyes about what kind of stuff college is really made up of.

James Draeger
-Captain Sarcasm (aka Sour Boy)

Geez, I-Fan, I hope no 13 year old read your post.


No kidding. Some people make double entendre, but no one outright said anything until there.

If an 8 year old read the double entendres, he would have no clue what was being implied. Ever re-watch a movie you watched as a kid and realized there were lots of double entendre and sneaky sexual references that you didn't get as a kid?

- "I used to be in the audio/visual club, but I was kicked out because of my views on Vietnam........and I was stealing projectors" - Homer Simpson

*** This post was edited by Peabody on 1/24/2003. ***

Where's CPNUT when you need him, huh? ;)

- "I used to be in the audio/visual club, but I was kicked out because of my views on Vietnam........and I was stealing projectors" - Homer Simpson


I will tell you something that was told by a professor to my sister who is in college: "I dont get paid overtime to stay and help students."

I have ADHD, the worst type of ADD, and I dont care if anyone makes fun of me. Normally, I deserve it. Just because I have ADHD doesnt mean that I want people rubbing my hand and telling me everythings going to be alright. So before you open you trap next time, why dont you ask if certain groups dont want to be made fun of?

About those kids who havent mastered English yet: Let put it this way. Only people who go to school to teach English ever master the language. BUT, there is an age restriction on this site. Because of minor laws, kids under the age of 13 have to either get a parental email or not allowed on this site at all. And most kids have a decent grasp on the language by then.

Oh and do me a favor. Look out your window. You see trees, grass/grass covered in snow? Thats right. Just because someone gets made fun of on a message board doesnt mean that the entire world has ended.

PS. Chitown at least you dont have to eat ice cream cause you cant swallow anything else! I hate mono!

SOB crew in 2002
TRTR crew in 2003
111 SOB laps, and wishing the park was still open

Robocoaster's avatar
English, heck how about numerals! I'm referring to page "4", where I don't see anything from 2Hostyl:(

Rob Bob-"But officer, that IS my real I.D."

Mark W. Baruth said:

And what does any of this have to do with the fact that you're whining like a little girl who doesn't get the Barbie she wants?

If people are going to be whining about not getting Barbies, I suggest they just suck it up and make their own. Problem solved, and you'll have a new friend who never disagrees with you or posts stupid topics on the Buzz.

*** This post was edited by Kristin Marie on 1/24/2003. ***

chris-LMAO (not really, actually repressing giggles as I'm in the main office today) you were indeed missed, I hate (ok, who am I kidding I like it) to think of the contributions you could have made on the previous 11 pages.
rollergator's avatar

just when it couldn't get any better, chris returns (as noted, a second-city resident), and then Bob chimes in with Red Dwarf...(which I am now humming in my office). Jeff says exactly how HE feels about the *state of the buzz*, and guess what....he IS having as much fun as the rest of us....

funny how the *new people* who WANT to get along do just fine, and those who come along just to whine and complain get a less-than-spectacular response....maybe you really DO *get what you play for*....ain't life grand!

*What's happened to the buzz*? Mama just LOOK what they've done to your baby boy...;)

Mamoosh's avatar

After that post, Intamin Fan, perhaps we need to start talking about IF:TR?

Welcome to the New & Improved Coasterbuzz...tomfoolery allowed!

IFan, there is a definite difference between double entenre and straight out screamin obscene things. Unless your mind is already "corrupted" you will not get the double meaning in a phrase, hence the ability to use them in all sorts of situations and in front of all ages...

--George H
---Superman the ride...coming to a SF park near you soon...

*** This post was edited by redman822 on 1/24/2003. ***

I-Fan was the one going around talking about what great shape he's in, right? and all the looks he gets from the ladies at the theme parks? From the tone of his posts, I seriously doubt it- chicks don't dig guys who talk about "cocks," unless they are South Carolina fans.


Vater's avatar

Mamoosh said:
"After that post, Intamin Fan, perhaps we need to start talking about IF:TR?"

Actually, if you take it literally, it should be MC:TR. Er...not mine, mind you, but Intamin Fan's...


*** This post was edited by Vater on 1/24/2003. ***

Jeff said:

"Oh, give me a freakin' break. Colleges want your money. Maintaining standards is an inconvenience for them. I thought college was a joke. "

FINALLY on this board I get to be an "insider" on something... I work at a college (in admin).

Baiscally... Jeff's right. Now working at a small college not known for any sports programs and not recruiting for sports, I will leave that out of the equation. However, on to other things:

"We want your money!": Absolutely. Here is the way hierachy:

MAJOR DONORS: I am talking corporations, doctors, lawyers, trusts etc. A tip... invest in Chapstick stock.... the folks in development keep that company in business with all of the arse's they kiss in order to get money.

ALUMNI: Just your average alums... they give, but not like the major donors. However, all of that small change does add up.

PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS: Gotta snag them away from the competition somehow and get tha tuition money.

CURRENT STUDENTS: We really don't give a two penny damn about these students. While they could go somewhere else, unlike prospective students they do have something invested here, so they are not going to be all that quick to go anywhere else. Its not like going to restaurants... can't swich colleges quite as easy as you can decide to go to another fast food restaurant when you are dissatisfied with the service at another.

Then there is the population of the colleges. You will never find a more whiney, self important, self centered, out of touch with reality, spoiled group of cry babies anywhere... and that's just the faculty. The students are not much better.

We have a story here... Use a student who fails to meet a dead line and can't do something because of that. Years ago that student would simply chalk it up to dumb luck, if they complained to their parents, they too would chalk it up to the student's dumb luck. As time went on, a student misses a dead line, the parent calls the office involved and whines. After a while, parent's were no longer calling the "offending offce" but rather the president... their whines were now rants. And now we are to the point where the parent's lawyers are calling the president's office to make their demands.

As for Standards... yeah, an inconvience at best. A down right headache at worst. Inconvient for the Faculty because they that would mean they need to actually teach instead of writing some elitist scholarly paper to get personal fame and recognition amongst their peers (ordinary people never read "scholarly" papers, more commonly known as "really boring s***"). Inconvienent for the students because they have to actually study and learn and perhaps even take responsibility if they fail. Inconvient for Admin because standards have to remain high for certain grants etc. Probably the most usefull college course I had taken was Statistics... lots of neat ways to fudge and pad the numbers to make them look better than they actually are.

Basically, its a rather pathetic and disgusting business really.

Okay... just thought I would vent on that. Carry on.

Kind of hard to take a post as objective if a park or coaster name is part of the "user name"

Closed topic.

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