What has happened to Coasterbuzz?

In conjunction with CKcoasters leaving...

**** you all! I am going to the corner of the continent and never coming back!


Another song for the tread sound track would be "The Rodeo Song"

It's forty below and I don't give a f***

I've got a heater in my truck and I'm off to the rodeo...."

Hello everyone,

I was just thinking that many of you people are taking alotof these posts or flames to personally. Granted i am not condoning or do i agree with someone flaming another for a message that someone does not agree with. I think on this message board , yes there are groups of friends or clques and people whom have inside jokes and thats fine juast as in real life, and i think that is waht makes this message board, great that people are able to communicate and talk about there common intrests an d have fun and get to know and meet new people. I dont knkow anyone personally on this board, but there is one thing i will say is that I think that everyone here is very fair and non judgemental for the most part, but there have been times, where i have been attacked as all have, and thats just like life.

Life woudl be a paradise, if people in life did not disagree, but it woudl be also boring.

This is just my two cents.


Thank you all for the wonderufl conversations we have shared. and to Jeff for this great site.

Wood Coaster Fan

Jeff's avatar

Intamin Fan said:

But, if I did have kids, I wouldn't want them reading about anal sex, oral sex, and everything in between at a young age, like everyone else has referred to in the previous pages.

See, that's just it. I saw no such mention of these things. You must have a vivid imagination or you're reading into things. This is a family site, not a site for making families.

And what's all of this "Jeff this" and "Jeff that" crap? You know what, I let this go because frankly, I want the kids to get it out of their system, here, right in this topic. If you don't like it, there are a number of approaches you can take to rectify (heh heh, I said rectify) the situation:

1. Don't read this topic.
2. Don't read the forums here.
3. Don't visit CoasterBuzz.
4. Never participate in any online community.
5. Never look at the Internet.
6. Lock your door, turn out the lights, disconnect the phone, and never come out.

The choice is yours. Have a superfantabulous day!

Jess: Sorry about the pink snow bunny thing. ;)

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com - Sillynonsense.com

Jeff's avatar

ucdan said:
"This was a place for people to talk about something they enjoy..."

Holy crap! What happened? Is something else being discussed in the other topics right now? Oh, nevermind, false alarm, there is indeed coaster discussion being enjoyed in other topics.

"Most people that post on this board believe that only and ONLY their opinion is correct."

Well no kidding. What's the point in having an opinion if you don't stand behind it? I've written many a newspaper opinion column in my time. You know what? Because I have strong opinions that I believe in, and will defend them with logic and reason. If neither are present I'll come right out and say "just because." Good God, we're talking about roller coasters here, not world freakin' peace.

"People on this board do not respect each other, especially you Jeff. You rarely see you not make-fun of people that post here, or close a topic just because for some odd reason."

When the hell did this topic become about me? I don't close anything for some "odd reason," I close it because it's not interesting. If I make fun of people, it's because either I know them or they deserve it. Yeah, that's right, deserve it. I loath people who are intellectually impotent. Nobody is challeneged anymore to do things better, think harder or be anything more than mediocre. That's lame.

"Jeff you have violated your own terms of service. By the way, Jeff why do you believe that you are always right?"

Hey, it's hard work always being right. ;) Seriously though, see above comments about being opinionated. As for violating the TOS, just keep in mind who writes that four-digit check to Sprint every month to keep this dump online.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com - Sillynonsense.com

OK...I was away from my computer for too long...Here goes...

Chitown stated:

Man, I cant catch a break. First I am stupid for eating ice cream when its 10 below outside, and now I get told that I dont have what it takes to be a part of the illustrious CPG!!!!

Ditto here, Chitown...I think they havesomething against us Chicago Area people...first Jeff lumps us in with the "whiny midwesterners", now neither of us are good enough for the CPG...


that was another classic post by you...(trying to erase the verbal image you created from my memory)...

As for the people claiming that the innuendos and double entendres are overdone for a "family friendly site". You had better never go to a Renaissance Faire. Every show (virtually) has so many of them, I have had tears in my eyes because we were laughing so much - as were the parents who had their children next to them...

As for Jeff always "being right", I follow this one simple rule..."He who WRITES the check is always RIGHT..."

--George H
---Superman the ride...coming to a SF park near you soon...

Ditto here, Chitown...I think they havesomething against us Chicago Area people

Survey says: Wrong.

chris, lives in Chicago.

'I feel it coming on again just like it did before. They feed your pride with boredom and they lead you on to war.' - The Soft Boys 'I Wanna Destroy You.'

CPLady's avatar

You know, I think we need at least one thread like this every off season. One where everyone who has been cooped up in the house/job/school (especially those of us who live in the snowbelts) can have some fun and let off a little steam.

Those who don't consider this a "community" should really take a peek out at the real world. All communities have their dissidents, jokesters, a$$holes, and yes, even the whiners.

Hopefully, as 'playa so succinctly put it, some people will learn from their experiences and mistakes. Some people might even take those advance warnings seriously so as not to make total fools of themselves. Others will have to learn the hard way, and some will never learn. Those are the ones I really feel sorry for.

On a lighter note....

"This morning I shot six holes in my freezer. I think I have cabin fever. I'm close to bodily harm...."

Anyone have a clue? That's my suggested song for this thread.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

Kick The Sky's avatar

I think the theme song to Red Dwarf would make an excellent theme song...

"It's cold outside, theres no kind of atmosphere..." :)

Bob Hansen

Operation Wicked Twister
Goal: Lose enough weight (50lbs) to ride Wicked Twister in 2K3
Progress: 14 pounds since 1-1-2003

Mamoosh's avatar

Yay...chris is back ;)

Welcome to the New & Improved Coasterbuzz...tomfoolery allowed!

anyone who tries to yell at Jeff for TOS violation is painting a sign on their forehead that says "FLAME ME!!!"

Jeff can post whatever he damn well wants....he owns the flippin site!!!!

and why has the arguement gone on too long about content? i have been surfing the 'Buzz for two years, and have never seen anything overtly unfit for younger viewers. what is unft is always in the form of an inside joke, which should be perfectly acceptable, being that we are not only an online forum, but in my case, a group of close friends. and as for time being wasted, im sure it takes but another second to go onto another post. all this talk about posts getting "hijacked" is bullcrap, it might happen in 1 out of 20 threads, and its usually one or two comments at best......

it all comes back to one viable solution....if the content of Coasterbuzz doesnt appeal to you, then post in another forum.

Tim....whos taking bets on when page 13 will appear......:)

proud PKD homer :)
(currently a Dorney Park homer though...thanks to college:))

Wow! I am really glad that I read this thread. It was really funny. I'm quite relieved seeing that being flambade on this site for whole entire threads or being the VOTD is completely normal. I was so offended at first. I guess you just gotta roll with the punches, hang in there, and still say what you gotta say in the meantime. I took all the harassment I got way too seriously, which usually isn't like me at all. I guess I just had to learn the atmosphere of these boards better.

Actually, some people got it much worse than I did.

I promise that I will *try* not to post stupid threads that don't agree with the precious TOS, sometimes I think "bass akwards" and don't realize what I'm posting is stupid. At least I can take comfort in the fact that it will Immediately be brought to my attention :) It may take me a while though.... so hang in there and try to have just a little mercy every now and again. I had a couple of online tantrums and really fired back at some people.... sorry. I just quit smoking.... makes it REAL easy to get too intense! BTW Mamoosh; very nice post earlier.. cool of you.

...Agghh, gimme a break will ya?

Jeff said, "If I make fun of people, it's because either I know them or they deserve it. Yeah, that's right, deserve it. I loath people who are intellectually impotent. Nobody is challenged anymore to do things better, think harder or be anything more than mediocre. That's lame."

Hey Jeff,

It alright if you make fun of people that you know, but making fun of people because they are not as "smart" as you are is a joke. What happens if they have Attention Deficit Disorder? Would you still make fun of them? What about younger teenagers that have not "mastered" the fine art of writing correctly? That hurts them Jeff. Think of it like this: If you were that person would you like it done to you?

Also, you state about how people are not challenged anymore to do anything. Look at colleges now a days. Colleges are making classes harder, making the gpa you need to stay off academic probation higher, and there is more competition in the job market. People push themselves farther then they have ever done before.

I am taking a freshman in College taking 16 credit hours. I am pre-med major/Advance Medical Imaging Technology major, a dual major. I have a job where I work 15 hours a week. I did 40 plus hours of community service a quarter. I am in Alpha Phi Omega, a service fraternity. I am in Phi Delta Theta. I am starting up a new organization on campus. I know a ton of other people like me. I have to keep a 3.2 gpa for a scholarship. I am also organizing a habitat for humanity house. Is that challenged enough for you Jeff.

Also, people on this board needs to respect other person opinion. If you do not agree that’s your prerogative. You can battle over your opinion, but do not dis someone because of it.

By the way, if you think this place is a dump why don't you stop working on the site??

Hey, UCDan, let me say it simply for you: Shut Up.

I don't understand people who want to whine about a website or message board. For the love of God, stop visiting the forums if you don't like them. Nobody is forcing your browser to www.coasterbuzz.com/forums , are they? Go start your own coaster site with only serious content-I bet Jeff would even allow a link from the 'Buzz, if only to get all the sniffling, whining babies off the forums. In fact, I'll even host your site for you. How's that?


Hey, can I take you up on that hosting offer? I mean, I'd like to move my "site" off of Tripod anyway...

ucdan- With an attitude like that I'm sure you'll go places. "I'm so good. I do this, that, the other thing, and even some other stuff and I'm still cool!" Should we bow before you because you put in 40 hours of community service over the course of 3 months? Wow... that's impressive. That's 3.3 hours a week. I spend more than 3.3 hours a week taking a pee.

- John, whose "Evolution of a Coasterbuzz thread gone awry" on page 11 is slowly coming true...

*** This post was edited by Michael Darling on 1/24/2003. ***

Jeff's avatar

Oh, give me a freakin' break. Colleges want your money. Maintaining standards is an inconvenience for them. I thought college was a joke. My wife, working on her PhD, has to be a TA to non-traditional students who cry about how they should have it easier because they're older, all the while the kids cry about having homework. And that's just the intro courses!

I'm not talking about kids with ADD. My God, I'm lysdexic. That has nothing to do with it. I can't stand the attention whores, the "insiders" who don't actually know anything, the people who think a message board will make or break their lives, the kids who can't type out the word "you" and college freshmen who know everything.

Furthermore, you need to realize that disagreement is not the same as disrespect for other opinions. I can't stand when people cry foul because somebody disagrees. Waaaaaaahh! Hardly anybody agrees with me on anything, so what? Last I checked, all fingers and toes are accounted for and the sun continues to rise.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com - Sillynonsense.com


Note, there are plenty of people with doctorates that are stupid as well as plenty of homeless people who are smart.

Higher levels of education do not automatically invoke a higher level of being...

I have a cousin who is going to school to be a doctor, she is good in her classwork, but in the real world, she is "not that bright"

--George H
---Superman the ride...coming to a SF park near you soon...

*** This post was edited by redman822 on 1/24/2003. ***

I will admit that I do not know all. I am stating what my views and opinions are.

Mark, I am just stating my opinion and I defend it. Don't like it? Tough. By the way i am going to be serving my own website soon.

You think college is a joke? What about having doctors that never go to college? Would let them work on you. The introductory courses are to weed out the strong from the weak. They are made to make the students think. By the way, colleges want to make some money, but the professors, advisors, and staff at the University care about the person. I go to a state university, and my college is one of the newest and smallest. The dean and all the faculty and staff want the students to get a good job. They want the students to do good because it reflects on them as professionals. At my college they become your mentors and support through college. College is more then to learn it is about the experiences. It is an opportunity to meet new people and have fun, but I guess you did not get that aspect Jeff.

There is a difference between disagreement and making fun of that person. People on this board push the limit sometimes.

*** This post was edited by ucdan on 1/24/2003. ***


you're ugly and your momma wears combat boots (sorry I had to)

but back to your post, you said, "I go to a state university, and my college is one of the newest and smallest."

According to your profile, you go to University of Cincinnati. UC was founded in 1819 and graduates 5,000 people a year. Something just doesn't quite match up here...

but, this is boring...let's get back to the fun!

/me singing "Kumbaya, my Lord, kumbaya"

--George H
---Superman the ride...coming to a SF park near you soon...

*** This post was edited by redman822 on 1/24/2003. ***

Sorry, John, my offer only applies to whining babies. If you complain a little bit more about Jeff, maybe I can help you out.

UCDan, come talk to me in about 4 years, and I'll make you reread your post about how professors "care," and we'll both have a good laugh.


Closed topic.

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