track sighted at Cedar Point!!

Hmm.....I like this idea of the coaster changing colors when it gets near other rides. Let's think about this. From the footers poured we know that part of the ride is on Millennium Force island. What other rides are around the lagoons and what color are they?? Well, MF is blue obviously. Iron Dragon is red. Mantis has predominately yellow track. Woodstock Express has tan track. The only color this leaves is white. Well, it's not a coaster, but Power Tower is white. I'm starting to think that the changing colors idea might actually be true. And the coaster wouldn't even have to travel all over the park, just around the lagoons.

*** This post was edited by Blaster_1578 on 8/25/2002. ***

Now what's the record for the longest post.... ;)

Don't Fight It, Ride It, RAGING BULL!!!!!!- SFGAm

Sigh. Ok you don't have to believe me if you don't want to but I got my information from the president of Cedar Point that this is going to be an Intamin launched coaster that is going to go out to Power Tower and around and back by Millenium Force. It will go around 122 mph and be around 456 feet high. You don't have to believe me if you don't want to, and you probably have beard something like this before because there is so much speculation. No one can technically say anything "new!" They are taking out the paddleboat excursions and relocating Chaos and Troika. Like I said, you don't have to believe me and I doubt you will till you see it.

CPgenius said:
I'd rule out a ride that goes all around the park...

LocoBazooka--Sevendust, Nonpoint, Stereo Vent, Mushroomhead
Korn Tour (With no name)--Korn, Puddle of Mudd, Deadsy

I wish there was one.


Can 122 M.P.H make it 456FT with friction/lake winds?

Arrow Engineer: "Well, we just tested the prototype Suspended with an inversion and the car broke off the stick thing. We plan to reuse the stick things on a future prototype called a 4th dimension."

If the height difference from the end of the launch to the top of the first hill is 456', then no.
BullGuy's avatar
I firmly believe in the Rocket Coaster Theory, though I wouldn't be shocked it it was less than 300 feet tall- BUT- Has it crossed anyone's mind that the "Dragster" may be a totally new type of coaster?

Thank You for challenging TOS: The Ride. We hope you enjoy the rest of your day, here at SFCB.

What about Paddlewheel? We almost know for sure that is being taken out/moved. When I was a "Paddlewheel Captian", we heard over and over that they where going to soon remove the ride. We didn't believe it though because Mr Kenzel is very proud of the ride. He LOVES PWE.

Now if it is removed all together, there will be a huge gapeing hole in the hearts of the fans of the ride. If the entrance/begining of the ride is just moved to another location (closer to Frontier Trail or Frontier Town), it will definately be in a more appropreate enviorment for it's theme.

I hope and pray that PWE is relocated and not simpily removed and forgotten. It is a classic ride that defines CP's non coaster attractions.

-KoRn is the Millennium Force of ROCK-

I hope they don't remove PWE. I've only had 1 lap on it and I was hoping to marathon it sometime soon ;) On top of that, I have to pick up the CD that the captain said is in the souvenir shops.

/sarcasm But in all seriousness, I don't think they should remove PWE.

Tommy Penner - Variable X
Cedar Point FanBoy since 2001.

BeccaRaptor said:
Sigh. Ok you don't have to believe me if you don't want to but I got my information from the president of Cedar Point that this is going to be an Intamin launched coaster that is going to go out to Power Tower and around and back by Millenium Force. It will go around 122 mph and be around 456 feet high. You don't have to believe me if you don't want to, and you probably have beard something like this before because there is so much speculation. No one can technically say anything "new!" They are taking out the paddleboat excursions and relocating Chaos and Troika. Like I said, you don't have to believe me and I doubt you will till you see it.

If you had talked to him, then you would have said his name. And it seems like you don't know it. :) You liar.

Wow, there are a lot of wild imaginations running around here. Pass some of that this way! Not that I have any inside info, (hell I've never even been to CP) but I have to agree with IOAhulk.

Sorry, guys. No deuling or racing. I have a feeling that this new coaster will be a big-brother version of Xcelerator. After riding Xcelerator, (and cleaning the crap out of my pants) I was wondering why the ride was so short when it is obvious they could have fit more track in there. It makes a lot of sense now. Xcelerator was just a test run for something bigger at CP. The track at CP looks exactly like Xcelerator's

I know that most of you guys have never ridden Xcelerator. All I gotta say is, going over that top-hat and straight down for 200 ft at over 80 mph is friggin' insane. Only X made me say more cuss words!! Over 400 ft at more than 100 mph? You guys are some lucky SOB's!

Even though Magic Mountain is my home park, I gotta give it up to Ohio when it comes to roller coasters. Oh well, at least I got palm trees, beaches, sunshine, and a bunch of fine-ass chicks with nice tans...
Coasters and Chronic
What a Combo!

Wow I would expect a smarter conclusion than that. Did you take a good look at the lot Xcelerator sits on? I don't think you did. That parcel of land is TINY in contrast to the kind of ride Xcelerator is. It's like barely fitting a roast turkey in an Easy Bake oven by forcing it in. I don't doubt that if Knott's had as much expansion room/land Cedar Point does, Xcelerator would have been taller, faster, and longer.


*** This post was edited by kRaXLeRidAh on 8/25/2002. ***

BullGuy's avatar

...and then it dawned on me. What do Dragsters do? Race. Two Track colors... For some reason I see Hypersonic's racing lights (The signal to go before launch) being utilized here. Intamin's version of Hypersonic? I feel like Sherlock. :)

***NOTE*** Just a harmless case of speculation I can't handle. :)

Thank You for challenging TOS: The Ride. We hope you enjoy the rest of your day, here at Coasterbuzz.

*** This post was edited by BullGuy on 8/25/2002. ***

With no friction or wind resistance, it would take a speed of 116.5 MPH to go up a 456 foot hill. 122 MPH might do it. If you have ever seen the vidio of Xcelerator going over the top hat, it looks like it just makes it, so these figures might be right.

456 Feet would be the highest point of the tophat, so you can subtract the height of the track leading up to the tophat, maybe 10 or 15 feet, from the total height that the train has to climb, so yes, 122 MPH would do it. And it would give you a feeling at the top like "Are we going to make it over?"

I hope your sorce was a good one ReccaRaptor. This coaster is going to be awesome if all of these rumors are true.

The worst day at Cedar Point is better than the best day at work.

*** This post was edited by CP ismyhome on 8/25/2002. ***

Magnum XL-200 said:
Im sorry but I'm getting sick of all this "It would look to similar in the GP minds" stuff. They are not idiots you know. I think they can tell the difference.

*** This post was edited by Magnum XL-200 on 8/25/2002. ***

My expierances have shown otherwise...

When I was at MiA I overheard someone talking about CP. According to them, Raptor goes 96 mph and MF is 365 ft tall with a top speed of 122 mph. And they weren't saying it in a joking matter...

Not to mention how most of the general public still thinks MF is the tallest coaster in the world.

1.Phantom's Revenge 2.Thunderbolt 3.Shivering Timbers 4.Montu 5.Mega Zeph

I can't believe some of your still think it would race. I actually think it would be really cool but it's not gonna happen. I know "dragster" sounds like a racing name, and CP got us fooled, but what else could that mean? What are dragsters? They are fast. What will this ride be like? FAST! I think that the dragster codename also has something to do with the theme, not the type of ride.


S00perGIR said:

Can 122 M.P.H make it 456FT with friction/lake winds?

Arrow Engineer: "Well, we just tested the prototype Suspended with an inversion and the car broke off the stick thing. We plan to reuse the stick things on a future prototype called a 4th dimension."

Believe it or not but I think 122mph could go up to about 480 ft, maybe a little more. If my physics calculations are right. But I could be wrong cuz physics is pretty confusing. As for the winds it will probably slow it down enough to just make it over like Xcelerator. And it can safely roll back if it doesn't make it over.

Six Flags, the only chain of parks that can manage to have stacking with a one train operation.

Phantom Lost, I think you are exactly right. The other day at CP a husband and wife along w/ their kids were in line for MF. This is kind of their convo.

Wife:This ride looks like it's running slower this year

Son:Yeah it is, the ride was going to fast and flew off of the track. They had to slow it down after that.

And then on the bus the other day I had to argue w/ some girl that MF was neither the tallest, fastest, or longest ride. So the GP isn't too smart.

Anyways, I saw the track. Some more has arrived which has already been posted. Also, there is a hole in the fence in line w/ Troika and Chaos, which I'm pretty sure there are pictures of as well. There was also a security guard standing right behind the little fence where there's a hole in the wall by Area 51. I'm not really sure what he was doing. As far as the racing thing goes, I really don't think it'll happen, Jeff pretty much threw that idea out. Now it's just going to be hard to wait for an announcement.

*** This post was edited by Atrace on 8/25/2002. ***

Well from my experiences, some coaster enthusiasses think that just because someone does not know the exact statistics of every coaster and they history of the company that built it, they don't deserve the right to live. We all go to parks for the same reason - to enjoy rides and coasters. Heaven forbid someone miss quotes statistics or confuses two coasters. I think we can give them enough credit to be able to tell a supposed launched 400-foot coaster from a 300-foot traditional one. And for all you know, the people that though MF was still the tallest coaster could have just watched a re-run coaster show on T.V. which stated that. It’s not like there are a lot of coasters that are taller. Calling someone an idiot because they don't know about roller coasters - that's rich!

The Other Siebert

KRaXLeridAh said:
Wow I would expect a smarter conclusion than that. Did you take a good look at the lot Xcelerator sits on? I don't think you did. That parcel of land is TINY in contrast to the kind of ride Xcelerator is. It's like barely fitting a roast turkey in an Easy Bake oven by forcing it in. I don't doubt that if Knott's had as much expansion room/land Cedar Point does, Xcelerator would have been taller, faster, and longer.

Hey Krax, I've looked at where Xcelerator sits quite a few times. They could have been more creative with the space. They could have used the spaghetti bowl model. They could have taken out the bathrooms out and moved the top-hat back towards there to make room for more track. Waiting in line and looking at the layout, I was not the only one with the opinoin that they could have fit more track in the layout they already have. Sounds like you're in a bad mood or something...

Coasters and Chronic
What a Combo!

I'm starting to think this Dragster thing is like the infamous Cedar Point webcam incident last year... "Gale Cam" "Vektron Cam" "Twister Cam" Someone could be screwing with our heads again...

Tommy Penner - Variable X
Cedar Point FanBoy since 2001.

Closed topic.

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