From the official Cedar Point website:
Top Thrill 2 is currently experiencing an extended closure as Zamperla (the ride’s manufacturer) completes a mechanical modification to the ride's vehicles. Once the modification is complete, Zamperla, the Cedar Point maintenance & operations teams and our third-party ride inspection partner will conduct a thorough review before approving both the modification and the reopening of the ride.
Though we cannot yet confirm a reopening date, we will provide updates here.
We know our guests are excited to experience this incredible roller coaster, and we share your disappointment that we are not able to operate it this weekend. We will do everything possible to reopen Top Thrill 2 as soon as we are confident we can deliver the ride experience that our guests deserve.
Per Tony Clark in an interview with Marcus Leshock, the trains for TT2 have shipped, and will (hopefully) arrive in time for a Saturday, May 3rd opening. Looking promising for the future of the ride.
Counting down the days until I'm back at Cedar Point, the one and only place to be.
I do not believe they have ever said what the issue was. They said at WCO 2025 that it was all “under the hood changes” that the guests wouldn’t notice.
Counting down the days until I'm back at Cedar Point, the one and only place to be.
The nerds will notice. I look forward to the comparisons to see what changed.
Jeff - Editor - - My Blog
The nerds will notice.
Notice they (probably) will. I spotted a new Made To Thrill tshirt at WCO that showed TT2 with MUCH lower trains. I chalked it up to either being artistic liberty (highly likely) or somehow they saw a rendering of the new trains to make the artwork. I think I have a picture of it somewhere.
Counting down the days until I'm back at Cedar Point, the one and only place to be.
We call the person who is intensely interested in the TT2 train redesign a nerd, but what do we call the person who took a picture of the nerd's shirt?
Posting anything on this site makes you a nerd. It’s too late already.
2022 Trips: WDW, Sea World San Diego & Orlando, CP, KI, BGW, Bay Beach, Canobie Lake, Universal Orlando
I drove out of my way Sunday on the way to the airport to take photos of a closed amusement park (Kennywood) I haven't visited in 35 years. This after doing the same to visit Hershey Park on my last trip to PA (though at least the World of Hershey store was open). Pretty nerdy for a 50+ year old.
"You can dream, create, design, and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality." -Walt Disney
From Peninsula of Thrills on Instagram, TT2 has begun testing for 2025. Looks like it may still haul over the top.
Counting down the days until I'm back at Cedar Point, the one and only place to be.
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