Top Thrill 2 faces extended closure for modification

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

From the official Cedar Point website:

Top Thrill 2 is currently experiencing an extended closure as Zamperla (the ride’s manufacturer) completes a mechanical modification to the ride's vehicles. Once the modification is complete, Zamperla, the Cedar Point maintenance & operations teams and our third-party ride inspection partner will conduct a thorough review before approving both the modification and the reopening of the ride.

Though we cannot yet confirm a reopening date, we will provide updates here.

We know our guests are excited to experience this incredible roller coaster, and we share your disappointment that we are not able to operate it this weekend. We will do everything possible to reopen Top Thrill 2 as soon as we are confident we can deliver the ride experience that our guests deserve.

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ely bad. Yet very few enthusiasts would list a B&M coaster as their all-time favorite, Fury notwithstanding.

I just realized I would prob but the great custom Inverts as the 2nd best still at all my fav parks…

I would put Raptor at #2 for me at CP right behind SV, and prob MF at 3, and Mav at 4.

for BGW I would go Pantheon, then Alpenghiest 2, Apollos 3.

for KI I would go Mystic #1, then Banshee at 2, then Diamondback 3.

For GrAdv Id probably put Nitro at 1, and ElToro at 2, but I have not ridden ElToro this season with all the work done.

Dorney prob Steel Force 1, and Talon 2, I wish IM had 1 or 2 more elements, it had room for it.

Can't speak to Matterhorn

Looking at Wikipedia, all the major closures, are the ‘78 where they built all the caves, added the snowman, changed trains. ‘94 filled in the Skyway passes. ‘12 Mountain exterior completely repainted to be more realistic, another new set of trains. ‘15 new snowman and projections, ‘18 new que.

Looking at this pic and trying to remember riding, I wonder if the ‘78 additions made replacing track really hard? as all the rock and cave work incased the track?

Rick_UK's avatar

Interestingly (or perhaps, not), the kids on Reddit have apparently found a leak on the Six Flags website that stated Kingda Ka is to meet its end before long.

Whether that's true or not, I am curious to see that now the merged company is headed up almost exclusively by Cedar Fair execs, if decisions that they made across the CF chain will now retrospectively be applied to things in the Six Flags space.

I.e. if running a big Intamin Accelerator was deemed to be too expensive / risky in Sandusky, is it a foregone conclusion that the same is true in Jackson, or was it all down to that unfortunate event ?

... there are other potential parallels as well of, course. One to watch, I guess.

Last edited by Rick_UK,

Nothing to see here. Move along.

Jeff's avatar

Obviously they just bought SFGAdv to close it.

The crazy thing is that meme is starting to age so that many didn't remember it.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Rick_UK's avatar

It's a shame SFGAdv couldn't support a hotel, so they could close that as well.

Nothing to see here. Move along.

Now that Zamperla is off the table, it's time for Pinfari to step up and create Kingda Ka 2.

Ahem. That would be Kingdeux Ka.

Rich G


Now that Zamperla is off the table, it's time for Pinfari to step up and create Kingda Ka 2.

Pinfari went bankrupt years ago.

Wisdom Rides are still going though....

^ Or perhaps SBF Visa can come in and put one of those hamster wheel cars on the train. It would be like Sonic The Hedgehog doing a spin dash down the launch track...

Hmm. What about arrow looper cars retrofitted to Ka? There should be plenty of them sitting somewhere. :-)


^ Or perhaps SBF Visa can come in and put one of those hamster wheel cars on the train. It would be like Sonic The Hedgehog doing a spin dash down the launch track...

Apropos of nothing, I legitimately love that idea. Sonic the Hedgehog spin dash coaster would be great :)

Sonic the Hedgehog spin dash coaster would be great :)

Alton Towers already tried just with a Mauer spinning coaster…


Now that Zamperla is off the table

Is Z really off the table? While they definitely screwed the pooch, if TT2 opens next year with reliable trains and overall operations, makes good with SF for the issues, why wouldn't they then utilize a proven and perfected redesign for a Ka retrofit? In fact, a significant discount on a Ka conversion may well be the reparation that Zamperla makes for Cedar Flags.

Last edited by DA20Pilot,


Is Z really off the table? While they definitely screwed the pooch, if TT2 opens next year with reliable trains and overall operations, makes good with SF for the issues, why wouldn't they then utilize a proven and perfected redesign for a Ka retrofit? In fact, a significant discount on a Ka conversion may well be the reparation that Zamperla makes for Cedar Flags.

I agree. while intamin has been off the table for several years, they had a history of issues from Millennium Force issues, Wicked Twister needing structural changes, TTD...too many to list, Maverick needing a reprofile, I305 needing a reprofile, Shoot the Rapids incident, and whatever happened to cause the closing of Volcano (I heard they made the wrong replacement part and wouldn't give a refund to KD), Zamperla seems to make good flats. While Wild Mouse had issues initially, it seems to be a crowd pleaser that seems fairly reliable. If I was in charge, I would give a shot at a Maverick/Copperhead sized coaster and see how that goes.

What about the lightning coasters in Canada and China? Thundervolt seems to be doing well, and the Chinese Lightning coaster looks fun. If they do well, we could still see more Zamperla coasters built.

Counting down the days until I'm back at Cedar Point, the one and only place to be.

Jephry's avatar

TT2 was recorded cycling today. I imagine we'll see more of this during the off season.

Don't tell anyone on PB. They will be expecting it to be open this weekend.


TT2 was recorded cycling today. I imagine we'll see more of this during the off season.

Was surprised about the testing NGL. It puts confidence in me that we could see a may 2025 opening. Although the future hasn't been written yet...who knows what it holds.

Counting down the days until I'm back at Cedar Point, the one and only place to be.

OhioStater's avatar


Promoter of fog.

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