The Magnum Love Thread

While Magnum was my #1 in 1996 and 1997, I'm assuming that was because I hadn't ridden more than 30 at the time. I know I'm not the only one who thinks this, but to me, daytime rides PALE (and I mean pale) in comparison to nighttime rides. I barely ever get a huge thrill in the day, but at night, it's a different story. I really love riding Magnum at night, esp when it isn't windy and there are no lights in the tunnel.

Even though Magnum sits near my last spot for hypers, I still always take a ride on her, and usually enjoy it.

BTW, please stop telling people what to, and what not to post. Yes, the thread says "Magnum Lovers" but people voicing their displeasure of the ride aren't off's still about Magnum. Magnum lovers need to chill when someone doesn't agree with their love affair for the ride, and the Magnum haters need to stop trying to antagonize the lovers. ;)

All IMO, of course!

Oh yeah, no name calling (ahem ravenguy98 ahem)!

"No listenin', you hear me?"
Damn, I am itching to ride this ride so I can create a positive debate. Mark my words, as a moderator, once I ride Magnum and all of the coasters at CP you will see a no-nonsense opinion of all the coasters at the supposed roller coast. I definitely want to be impressed with this park.

I really hope you can make some sense out of the "supposed" best park and coaster in the world. Some people just need to get out more(in one way or another). They're trapped inside their own mind with Magnum of 89.

PKI-Wooden, Helix, and Kiddie Coaster Capital of the World!
The First and Only Gigabuzzer bigger than Millie, rising Faster than Maggie, and pulls more BS than MS ever will!!!
Agreed, Koaster King. Really, have ANY of these folks ridden S:RoS?

-rob (Magnum's Car 1.3=Sprained Pelvis...ouch)
Until I get there this summer, I cant make an opinion. Remember that SFGAm is my homepark and while I think its great, I would never say its the best thing since sliced bread. Personally I think all parks have their strong and weak points. I just hope if I say that CP is or isnt the park to be, that I wont be chastised for it. Especially if I say that CP(A CF park) is about the same as SFGAm(An SF park). I would hope that people would understand and respect my opinion. On a side note, Magnum looks sweet from the pics that I have seen.

staticman00's avatar
Praise on Father CoastaPlaya!
"Supposed"? CP is the best park. I've been to tons of parks, and I definetely enjoyed CP over them. I even went to PKI before any others, so if any sentimental value would be instilled anywhere, it'd be at PKI.
Onto the subject...
Magnum XL-200 is still my #1 coaster. I've been on plenty of hypers, and a lot of newer rides, and Magnum still beats them. They layout, placement, and the lack of a gimmick make it a ride to respect. Thats right, RESPECT. I doubt anyone here can say they don't at least respect Maggie. And for all you Magie lovers out there, two words:

"God help us, our lives are in the hands of engineers..."
*** This post was edited by staticman00 on 5/2/2001. ***
staticman00, that is your opinion and your opinion only. Like I said, I think my park is great but you dont see me sitting here saying its the best. Maybe you should do the same. Magnum looks sweet to me but I know it is nothing more then an Arrow coaster with no loops. Plain and simple. I think Shockwave is a great coaster, but I wont sit here and say its the best, nor will I say it deserves respect even though it was the tallest, fastest, most inversion coaster when it debuted. It opened one year before Magnum but are you seeing me saying "OH, GIVE THIS COASTER RESPECT BECAUSE OF ITS RECORDS"! No, you dont see that, because I personally like this coaster but dont expect others to feel the same.
Chitown is done rambling making his valid point.


Koaster King said:
"I really hope you can make some sense out of the "supposed" best park and coaster in the world. Some people just need to get out more(in one way or another). They're trapped inside their own mind with Magnum of 89.

That's taking it a too far Koaster King. We all know you don't like Magnum or CP, and you are welcome to, but those of us who do certainly don't need to "get out more". Come on.
For me personally, the more parks I visit and the more coasters I ride, the more I appreciate CP and its rides. (CP is not my home park, in fact, I'm hardly ever near Ohio! You know, Magnum isn't even my favorite coaster!) Now I love S:ROS, and the B&M hypers, but after dozens of rides on each I get a little bored of the smoothly engineered ride experience that stays too much the same, and miss the personality that Magnum shows. I've never known another steel coaster that changes moods like a good woodie does! Probably has something to do with what CoastaPlaya said!

Hey Magnum Lovers: (That is what this thread is supposed to be about, right?) Not to brag, but I am SO excited, I just found out that I am going to be near Space World in Japan (home to Titan, the closest thing to a Magnum clone Arrow ever built!), and I had time put in my schedule to go ride it. I am VERY anxious to see how Magnum's sister is. I'll take LOTS of pictures, and write a detailed ride report!
- Peabody *** This post was edited by Peabody on 5/2/2001. ***
staticman00's avatar

Chitown said:
"staticman00, that is your opinion and your opinion only. Like I said, I think my park is great but you dont see me sitting here saying its the best. Maybe you should do the same..."

#1. We have the same home park.

#2. It is my opinion, but it is a well educated opinion. I have a well established track record, and I think my opinions have some validity to them.

#3. I am not saying Magnum should be respected for its records, but for the quality of the ride. It has withstood the testament of time better than most roller coasters out there. In a world where every year has a new this and that, and top 10's get shuffled, Magnum is still holding steady in many people's top 10 after 12 years of existence. That's something to consider, because rides just as old, or younger don't stay #1 for long, if at all. Obviously Arrow did something right with Magnum, something yet to be duplicated, or even captured in another ride. I respect Magnum like I respect an old, good friend, because that's what Magnum has been to me over the past 12 years.

#4. My previous comments weren't directed at you, or anyone else in particular. Ease back.

"God help us, our lives are in the hands of engineers..."
This topic is starting to deterierate, it is, afterall, the "Magnum Love Thread", in other words, talking about how you love Magnum. It is not supposed to be about how people have biased home park opinions, or how people have not been to enough parks to compare, or how other coasters are better than Magnum. I just thought the topic of this is pretty simple, and I don't understand why we couldn't just stay on it. I thought that it was nice that for once a thread that was 100% positive and without any grounds for argument was posted (since all people that posted were supposed to love magunm) but it seems that is just not possible.

Koaster King said:
"I really hope you can make some sense out of the "supposed" best park and coaster in the world.....They're trapped inside their own mind with Magnum of 89."

To paraphrase Rip Torn from "MIB" when addressing the failed candidates:

"Thank you, KoasterKiddie. You're everything we've come to expect from a measly 15 years, 2 months on this earth."

It's a little bit difficult to judge how original Magnum is, or if Magnum fans are 'stuck in 1989' if you were still in preschool in those days, hmmm??

I don't fault the Kool-Aid and MTV generation for needing computer-tuned 'smoothie' coasters or Bucky Beaver for selling them trinkets at the exit. I even showed up for the first smooth, cartoony coaster (SFGAM's B:TR) and liked it. But if I live 20 minutes from a shiny, new Morgan hyper and still enjoy Maggi, it can't be too bad. If my 8 year-old's third hyper was Maggi and she liked it, I know it can't be completely lost on the new generation.

We know you don't like Magnum. So? Millions of satisfied riders every year do. Do you actually think your posts will change that?

Back to the fun, everybody.


Chitown said:
"Especially if I say that CP(A CF park) is about the same as SFGAm(An SF park). "

Actually, ChiTown, that's exactly right IMO. There isn't a great deal of difference in the two.

Anyway, back to Maggie. Why is it so hard to believe that Maggie is a favorite among people? Is it not possible to like something even though it is not the best? Give you a non-coaster example: Clearly, the Yankees are the best team in baseball, they have been dominating the last five years. I STILL hate them. I'm a die-hard CUBS FAN and you know haow bad they sucked last year (though they are doing alright now). It doesn't matter if they are the "best". I still like them dagnabit!

Same with Maggie, while I think that every other hyper I've ridden was "better" (RB, S:ROS@SFA, Sonny, Millie) that doesnt make me like Maggie any less. That was the last coaster to strike FEAR in my heart. And I LIKE IT!
--Pass me that Brontosaurus rib!
Love the comment about the Yankees' 2Hostyl :)

Chalk another one up for Magnum, mostly for the reasons that CPlaya already gave. I could waste my time arguing with some people, but I see no reason to reply to some of the things. I will not be instigated by the instigators, which I know what some people try and do

If you don't like Magnum, fine. Stay out of line so I can ride this great coaster more. MAGNUM RULES!
Well said 2Hostyl. I'm also a Cubs fan and Yankees hater (for life!). I don't like the Magnum too much, but I agree that it's possible to have more than one favorite coaster.

I also wish this hadn't turned into a war; Ravenguy98 made it obvious in his starting post that it was meant to be about Magnum love, not hate. Myself and others had our shots at Magnum in the "worst coaster" post. This is a perfect example of one of those "if you don't like it, leave" threads. Is it possible to start a thread on CoasterBuzz without it going sour after a few days?

Home Park: Silver Dollar City, Branson, MO
First of all, Peabody and CoastaPlaya and Peabody rule. Now! back to business! What is everybody's fav part of Magnum? I really can't decide....its just so perfect i really can't choose. the first drop is mind blowing, of course, the second drop is one of the best of all time, the third hill has one of the best moments of air time ever, the turnaround is just plain fun, and those bunny hops.....god, those ejector air bunny hops. I just can't decide. maybe you guys can help. What is your fav part?

Don't touch the watch.
The 3rd hill is by far my favorite part, followed by the second part of the pretzel (sitting in the back).

I also love Magnum for that little dramatic moment where the train heads down the dip and makes a sharp turn before starting up the lift hill. For the unsuspecting, first time rider, this part is one of the scariest on the ride. The rider, nervously focusing on the gigantic first hill, is usually not paying attention and is completely surprised by this dip (which you must admit packs more of a punch than it would seem) and then thrown onto the snarling lift chain with 205 feet of track ahead of them. This is an effective little artistic touch to add intimidation to the ride, and I've seen it work a lot of times.


Coasters...the best natural buzz available.
Soggy's avatar
Boy, it's hard to pick a favorite part, it's all so good. I remember as I was going up the lift, I was not expecting much. (despite it's #1 reputation) I had been on Desperado, and was not too impressed by the look of Magnum. I guessed it would be like Desperado, only not as tall, and therefore not as good. WRONG-O!!! As the train crested the first camelback, I isntantly thought to myself "Dang, Arrow got THIS ONE right!"

I guess my favorite part was the turnaround. The train felt as if it would just fly off the tracks at any moment. I loved how it slams the helpless riders to the right as it barrelles through the pretzle. I kept saying to myself "This thing is out of control!" This was easily the biggest surprise to me at CP. I was expecting a dud, and got a megaton blast!

"X" marks the spot in 2001!
You know, the Magnum is really not that rough. It is not nearly as bad as you think. You might get in an odd position with the lap bars, but all in all, it is smoother than a lot of other Arrow's I have been on. What is all this junk about woodies? Magnum is a straight up rock em sock em steelie. It's name is Magnum Xl-200 (that is so hardcore 80s) not Maggie.

Coasters- a little slice of heaven

Soggy said:
I kept saying to myself "This thing is out of control!"

Exactly, after all it is an Arrow Runaway Mine Train. The way the train just kind of hovers above the track, mentally some may think "this thing can fall of any minute." In addition to this, I do believe Magnum's upstop wheels are not locked into the track, like almost every other super engineered hyper. So for some split seconds when ascending or descending hills, the train's only part in contact with the track are the guide wheels. So Magnum does not just have the feeling it leaving the track it almost actually is! . (If I'm wrong on this please someone hit me with a Windex Bottle)

There are so many great parts, 2nd hill, pretzel loop, and the final tunnel. Can't Pick!

Peabody said:
"That's taking it a too far Koaster King. We all know you don't like Magnum or CP, and you are welcome to, but those of us who do certainly don't need to "get out more". Come on."

You're right Peabody, I don't like Magnum or CP. Which is exactly why I can't wait to get there next Saturday and get my first Magnum night right. I love CP and Magnum. I love all parks and coasters no matter how good or bad. It's just some more than others. I challenge you to find a single post of mine that says I hate or even dislike this park or coaster. And I said "some" not all. Calling something the best is very different from favorite which I won't question. So, no, none of you know anything(at least in that category) about me. I won't respect Magnum for being the first coaster to cross 200'. Does anyone respect the first coaster to cross 100'? Does anyone even know what it is?

And CoastaPlaya, I think that is one of the most ignorant comments I've ever heard. Practically calling me stupid or less informative just because I'm younger is nothing more than age discrimination and downright rudeness on your part. Looking at my age just to downsize me is pathetic. And I'm 16 not 15. It seems the tables have turned. Now who's one screw lose of a safe coaster? I can't help being so intelligent that some people don't know what I'm talking about. ;)

Yes, Magnum's a good coaster, but I found the hype to be more intense and fun than the actual coaster. My suggestion is to appreciate it, love it, like it, whatever. Just don't break the spirit which made this the "best" coaster which led to many disappointments. Anyone can change moods, but nothing matters if they're dead inside before it even begins. Let Magnum live and not fall to the death of overhype. Long live Maggie!

Thanks for listening and have a nice day! :)
PKI-Wooden, Helix, and Kiddie Coaster Capital of the World!
The First and Only Gigabuzzer bigger than Millie, rising Faster than Maggie, and pulls more BS than MS ever will!!!
*** This post was edited by Koaster King on 5/2/2001. ***

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