The Gravity Group & Holiday World

Yeah, Jeff's a keeper.


Paula Werne
Director of Public Relations
Holiday World & Splashin' Safari
Santa Claus, Ind.

Peabody said:Goku2216: Why are you calling me a troll? If you mixed up names, would you kindly edit your troll post and change the names? (I somehow have the feeling that you were talking about Patman )

oops my bad I meant patman. (Sorry!) Your no troll.......but patman sure is.

“If you give a enthusiast a footer.......He’ll want a coaster!!!"

Not to bash the Raven, (Sorry Paula) but I didn't find it to be that exhilarating of a roller coaster. When I got off the ride I was in awe about how it could be voted #1 in the world! I personally found the Legend to be more enjoyable, which explains why in 3 hours I took 6 rides on it compared to 3 on the Raven.

Yes I'm 15, no I'm not childish, I'm not being sarcastic, well maybe I do have somewhat of an ego...

*** This post was edited by MarimbaGuy 87 on 8/18/2002. ***

I agree somewhat with you Marimba, I enjoyed Raven alot but I still like Legend way better. Of course Legend has two train operation which gets you on quicker which is a plus. If Raven were a little bit longer instead of slamming on the brakes at the end, IMO it would probably better.

You can hear the laughter, you can hear the mighty roar. From the brickyard down in Indy to the white Chicago shore. It's a rollin', twistin', turnin' and might we both suggest. You get you fanny ridin' on the Cornball Express!

MarimbaGuy 87 said:
Not to bash the Raven, (Sorry Paula) but I didn't find it to be that exhilarating of a roller coaster.

You didn't ride it after dark, did you? :)

I kind of thought the same thing after my first rides. (Late morning/early afternoon....prk closed at 6) During my second visit I got to experience both after dark. My life will never be the same, and I will never miss a SRM!- Peabody

*** This post was edited by Peabody on 8/18/2002. ***

nasai's avatar

Oh to go to SRM.....:) Maybe my band can play a show at the event? LOL! First PPP, then SRM? Heck, why not?

*winks*...."hey Paula, how you doin'?"
----------------- ~ There is nothing like it

rollergator's avatar

nasai....21%....I'm guessing Paula's pretty busy.....making plans to get the most mileage out of their first TGGL coaster....

edit: Raven is "a completely different animal" after the suns goes down.....well, a Raven is still a bird, but The Raven, turns into something quite ferocious....a lifelong SRMer...

*** This post was edited by rollergator on 8/19/2002. ***

Sawblade5's avatar

PatMan007 said:
All this talk about the 23% increase in attendence is nothing, they still have no guests when compared to most other parks.

Track Record: 142 and counting.....
Holiday World Blows

Before you make any other posts on this thread I wan't you to read rule 3 in the TOS Anyway don't judge thsi park until you've been to it. Small parks can have their charm. I know I've been to a few great small parks. Even though I havn't been to HW. I would love to go real badly.

If they're getting a new woodie, I would say good deal. HW was real pleased with CCI building Raven so they had them build Legend. Since CCI is gone It became the Gravity Group (Wierd company name but we'll get used to it). Since it is a new company they may give HW a good deal the probally can't refuse so it could mean a 3rd woodie for them.

Chris Knight
Whoa I'm the 88984594th Vistor to Coasterbuzz. I wonder what I have won.

Peabody, It was about 8:30 at night!

Yes I'm 15, no I'm not childish, I'm not being sarcastic, well maybe I do have somewhat of an ego...

We fed the troll after all, but only defended one of the greatest treasures in amusements today. This thread turned into a "HW love thread" while never intending to be.....and what are the reasons?

a) Raven Maven: I have yet to see another parks' representitive online talking about his/her product with the GP. Great move on her part and only exciting us more about 'the gift' in southern Indiana. Do you ever realize how positive Paula is on the threads? That only shows their drive towards success and a committment to excellence.

b) Jeff: Living 8 hours from HW and still treats the park like it's CP.

c) Marimbaguy: I'm sorry you didn't enjoy Raven. As a matter of fact, I was wondering the same thing after my first ride, I thought it was good, but not great. After adding 9 more laps, I realized the gemstone found in the woods. Clearing the 5th hill, the ending to the 'short' ride is nothing less than spectacular in my book. The Legend, being completely different in nature (right, Patman....oh, that's right, you never rode it), owns top ranks on my list.

d) Patman: Great to feed you, but feel so sorry for you, never experiencing one of the greatest one-two woodie punches around. Find some money and head to S. Indiana or stop the nonsense.

There's nothing like a woodie...

Wondering why Jeff treats the park like CP???

Well one reason may be because Holiday World is made up of customer satisfaction. Now I haven't been there YET, but word of mouth is always good for that park. They have the coasters, they treat their customers excellent, and we get to interact with Paula. Who would not want to go there? Not to mention the free pop. Now I have no idea what is in store for a new coaster, but I know it won't be a disapointment, I think they know the right buttons to push.

Gemini 100

Raven and Lagend family coasters? I doubt it! If you want tame family coasters just go to Valleyfair. Valleyfair proudly calls themeselves a family park. I get way more extreme high quality thrills (on the 2 woodies) at Holiday World. Hey Paula would families that visits Holiday World enjoy a 20-30 story drop tower type ride or would that be too extreme for Holiday World guests? The 2 woodies in your park are BOTH top 5 material or at least top 10 and anyone who disagree with that must be smoking way too much crack! :-)


BTW I wouldn't treat Holiday World like Cedar Point. I'd treat them BETTER than CP. CP isn't a bad park since they have MF but CP still has a little bit of TPM (Theme Park Mentality) not as much or as bad as most larger parks but a little. But TPM does NOT even exists at Holiday World!!!! :-)


Dr. Ruth once said, "size doesn't matta" (In her lingo). But, in this case, I see why TPM can occur at CP. CP = 365 acres and HW is about 80 to 90 acres, 15 coasters vs. 3. CP cannot treat guests with the small park atmosphere unless it drops off into the lake. Overall, I agree with you.

There's nothing like a woodie...

I have to agree...anyone who doesn't "get" The Raven hasn't had a late night ride. The differemce between an afternoon ride and a late night ride is unreal. But this is true with many of the "great ones."
The more wood, the better...
-Matt in Iowa
Approx. 200 coasters ridden

Pink Floyd Fanatic said:
. Hey Paula would families that visits Holiday World enjoy a 20-30 story drop tower type ride or would that be too extreme for Holiday World guests?

For the life of me, I don't understand why anyone would ask a small park with fabulous custom coasters to build me-too drop attractions the nearby competition has had for years....especially when the price tag is enough to build another top-notch real coaster or two.

Just had to get that off my chest.


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

I actually like the Raven better during the day. Nothing like flying under the trees and over the lake. Night rides are a blast, but the scenery is so nice it's a shame to miss it.

And while we're on the subject of good things, kudos to the guys operating the Midnight Ride at SRM. Nothing like manual operation to keep the cars spinning.

Wood - Raven
Steel - Millennium Force
Generic, isn't it?

Holiday World don't HAVE to build a large drop tower ride to please me and they have do that already and with TWO world class woodies I'd have plenty reasons to return. I may be planning a trip on a weekend in September to hit HW and SFStL since the parks are closing early. The main reason I was asking Paula that question is to see how extreme of thrills HW would be willing to put in their parks besides the 2 woodies because I find both woodies to be plenty intense. But there may be some people who'd think those drop tower rides are too extreme for families. Look at Valleyfair. They toned their Power Tower ride down after 2000 because they thought it was too extreme for a family park. In short I just wanted Paula's opinion on such as ride. Someone else on another thread thought that a large drop ride would be too extreme for HW because HW calls themselves a family park.


I thought that the Raven is superior to the Legend. My first ride on the Raven was VERY dissapointing, but I came back later after it warmed up and what a ride! It quickly became my #2 woody and it was a walkon too so I racked up 25 rides! I dont like Legend as much but its still a great ride although some people make it seem like its the best ride in the world. Oh well, I guess im just a sucker for airtime.

Hopefully I can get out to SRM next year! Also, before Holiday World adds another coaster, I would like to see a dark ride and some more flats. A sally dark ride would be the perfect addition to the park.

CoastaPlaya said: For the life of me, I don't understand why anyone would ask a small park with fabulous custom coasters to build me-too drop attractions the nearby competition has had for years....especially when the price tag is enough to build another top-notch real coaster or two.

You're absolutely right about the "me-too" factor. Will Koch was quoted in a newspaper last season saying, "When they 'zig,' we 'zag.'" Not sure where the "zag" will take us in '03...but I think it's safe to say it won't be a tower and it won't be speed slides. (And, as I've already stated on CoasterBuzz, there is not a coaster planned for next year either.)

Thanks, Paula

Paula Werne
Director of Public Relations
Holiday World & Splashin' Safari
Santa Claus, Ind.

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