Stupid Enthusiasts On Coaster Specials

When are the producers of coaster specials going to realize that those fools they put on camera during the POV shots are just excruciating? I'm not sure which was more annoying tonight; the automaton on Ghostrider, or the language challenged gang-banger on X. . . . Who would you vote for?
lauguage challenged "gang banger"? So because the guy was a different nationality you label him a gangbanger? I think the racist enthusiast is the most annoying in my mind...
stoogemanmoe's avatar
How do you know he was a gangbanger? People that are racist really really annoy me. Maybe you should get a life. Oh wait, you already have a life of hate. Shame on you.

Beer, my soon to be wife, coasters, and the FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Is this a great country or what!!

No, it was the inability to articulate himself that factored in the 'gang-banger' comment.
That guy talking about Son of Beast really got on my nerves, and if I may say so the two of you were very quick to flame WickedScorp. Maybe next time you'll give him some time to explain what he said?

*** This post was edited by Corbin on 5/28/2002. ***

UH That was our own Shaggy on Sonny who i think you will find to be one of the most knowledgeable and well thought out posters on this board. Just thought I'd point that out.

The Beast and Night, They go together like Peanut Butter and Jelly

I think everyone on the shows, especially the "On Ride" segments, did a Great job!! I've attended some of these shoots and after experiencing them 1st hand they are nothing at all as to what you see on T.V. & Talking to the camera can be very odd. Round of applause for everyone!!

*** This post was edited by JulieSFO on 5/28/2002. ***

BTW I need to flame him too, I have a lot of freinds who are from other countries and don't speak the best Emglish but very very good English. Anyway they in no way shape or form act anything like a gangbanger. To say something like that is ignorant in the least and obnoxious no matter how you look at it.

The Beast and Night, They go together like Peanut Butter and Jelly

I thought the girl on GR was a little much when she was talking about things that looked more or less man made. Uhhhhh...last time I checked ALL coasters are man made or are they grown out of the ground like a tree now? :)
Why do people always talk smack about people on coaster shows? I almost think it's jealousy. Like YOU would look any cooler. Give me a break. These people do 95 percent what the parks ask them to do. They're actually making us look good for a change. If you can do any better, get your butt off the couch and go do it.

I hate stupid people! :(

First off, It gose something like this, They use enthusiast for the shoots because

1. Most of us don't have to act to look like we are enjoying a ride.

2. We give permission to use our image in any way they deem needed to make the shows.

What you are not realizing is that many times they are using footage from more than one ride and inserting voice overs in some cases so basically what is the final result is a combination of several different shoots. Basically the person or people who are doing this have no idea how they will come out on the end result, But

I really thought they did a great job! I really found humor in many segements such as Shaggy saying "We are Insane!"

Basically nobody made you watch, so why make a negative comment? That was more rude and annoying than anything on the shows.

Chuck, who thinks everyone did a great job.

Charles Nungester
Lesourdsville Lake, The great American amusement park opens the season June 6th Thurs-Sun every week. Park phone is (513)539-2193

This guy got on my nerves.....That guy was a dummy...this other one said something I didn't like.....ooooooh, look at me in front of my TV on a holiday with my Cheeto-stained fingers and eyes watering from the week-old socks I'm still wearing.

Enough with the bellyaching! Don't playa-hate, congratulate. Better yet, participate.


(who COMPLETELY forgot about the specials because he was out on the midway with his kids, wife and nephew)

Coming 6/6/02--the CoastaPlaya 100!
Check Meeting Calendar for details...

*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya on 5/28/2002. ***

Jeff's avatar
Wow, a CoasterBuzz record... getting booted for making racist generalizations, slamming my friends and just generally being a dumbass. Nice going.

Jeff - Who is glad his wife wasn't in this show because he'd really have to go off.
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

WickedScorp said:
When are the producers of coaster specials going to realize that those fools they put on camera during the POV shots are just excruciating?

For the record, it's not the producers who choose the "fools," it's the parks.

Holiday World's "fool" is a great guy. And he'd probably be the first to call himself a "fool." But he's a happy fool and would never criticize others for just being themselves and having fun.


Paula Werne
Director of Public Relations
Holiday World & Splashin' Safari
Santa Claus, Ind.

WickedScorp said:
When are the producers of coaster specials going to realize that those fools they put on camera during the POV shots are just excruciating? I'm not sure which was more annoying tonight; the automaton on Ghostrider, or the language challenged gang-banger on X. . . . Who would you vote for?

You're calling G man and Rebino Africa gang bangers? FOR SHAME!!! You try coming from Columbian families to the USA the hard way and still trying live in the unbalanced of America. Does that make anyone who speaks the second most used language in the world with an acsent a gang banger? Those are my friends you're talking about and are in no way gang bangers. Grant it we all grew up in the California dream, and moved to New England, but that in no way makes us gang bangers. Too bad I didn't get to go to Magic Mountain with them, instead, I was on a DC/New York trip. I did, however luck out and get to go to Six Flags Mexico with G man and our families, but Rebino didn't go because he doesn't have the relatives down in San Andreas, so I guess we're even.

Lake Compounce-So Fresh and So Clean Clean

I just hate it when they go crazy and start screaming. Most of them have ridden the ride many many many times before, and still scream. There is no need for that. And when someone explains ever single bit of track, just let me watch the POV!

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Actually, we're INSTRUCTED to do that -- makes for "better TV".

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RubberDucky said: I just hate it when they go crazy and start screaming. Most of them have ridden the ride many many many times before, and still scream. There is no need for that.

Huh? You don't scream on coasters? What else is there to do--sit quietly with your arms folded? After all, there's no real and compelling reason to raise your arms either.

IMHO that's just part of the fun.....especially on Vekoma RollerSkaters with Da Midget (Remember the Japanese guy on SD2K?) or CP's Schwabinchen. On a good day, you might catch me screaming at that barmaid to stop staring at me. But does she listen? Nooooooooo.


Coming 6/6/02--the CoastaPlaya 100!
Check Meeting Calendar for details...

*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya on 5/28/2002. ***


And when someone explains ever single bit of track, just let me watch the POV!


Isn't that why they make a MUTE button? These shows are for fun and you don't have to watch them. If you don't like them change the channel. I know during certain segments I changed it to WWE (F) RAW.

The former Newbie to coasters. Ridden 100 coasters. Not so new anymore :)

I thought the riders on the shows did a nice job. However, the kid on Millennium Force kind of got on my nerves, but overall, there's not much to complain about. By the way, I am sick of seeing Ghostrider!


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