Shanghai Disneyland will close in effort to contain coronavirus

Posted | Contributed by Tekwardo

Shanghai Disneyland will close its gates on Saturday in an effort to stop the spread of a new SARS-like virus that has killed 26 people and sickened at least 881, primarily in China. It’s not known when the theme park may reopen.

Read more from Gizmodo.

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GoBucks89 said:

The no-vaccine crowd exists on a slider (if you don't have bingo yet--multiple times--you should stop playing). On one end you have people who are the conspiracy theory/irrational processing people. You won't likely have much luck moving them off the sidelines. On the other end you have people who are just hesitant but who can be persuaded. And everywhere in the middle.

I had Bingo last fall, but I really like this analogy. I'm 100% pro-vaccine, but even I could consider myself potentially on the slider. Had availability been in some fantasy situation where it opened up to all ages on Day 1 with no waiting and endless appointment availability, I probably would have waited a month or so in a "let's see how this goes just in case" kind of situation .

Honestly, yeah, back when we were first talking about vaccines, and I was tracking odds and realizing how unlikely I probably was to get the virus, and even if I did I'd probably be sort-of attitude back then was along the lines of, "not entirely against getting it, but you go first." I've since flipped on it (and in fact have had my pfirst dose) particularly when I started to see what the effectiveness was going to be...and seeing *how* it works, I'm actually kind of excited about some of the possibilities...!

--Dave Althoff, Jr. (who already gave you a justification for getting shot last night.)

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Vater's avatar

My bingo card is under here somewhere:

Wife and I just got our first doses today (April fools?). We were given the Moderna vaccine, seems like everyone else I know got Pfizer. If my next post is comprised of only letters on the right side of the keyboard, then you can assume my left arm fell off.

OhioStater's avatar

Copied/pasted from the press release; looks like Cedar Point will be encouraging people to get the shot by by no later than April 30th...

“Weekdays in May are a long-standing tradition for many guests, especially those who visit the park locally,” explained Tony Clark, Director of Communications for Cedar Point. Working with the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) helped make this possible. Stephanie McCloud, director for ODH, applauds Cedar Point’s efforts last summer and their continued efforts to find ways to operate safely. “Now, with evidence from the CDC that the vaccines not only drastically reduce one’s chances of becoming infected with Covid-19 but also spreading it to others, businesses should have the opportunity to provide what they feel is best for their guests,” explained McCloud. “Cedar Point has gone above and beyond the guidelines established for reopening set by the state, and now guests who have been able to get vaccinated can enjoy the park in the way it was meant to be enjoyed.”

The “Restriction-Free Weekdays” will be May 17th – May 20th, and May 24th – May 27th. Guests will need to have a valid vaccination card that indicates at least two weeks have passed since the guest’s second dose of a Moderna or Pfizer vaccine, or the single dose Johnson and Johnson vaccine.

Exact hours of operation have yet to be determined for these bonus days, which were not initially in the park’s operating calendar recently released. “No one wants a return to normal, restriction-free operations more than all of us at Cedar Point,” stated Jason McClure, general manager of the park. “While the exact day of when that will be possible is the big unknown, we are thrilled to be able to offer this experience for our guests.”

Last edited by OhioStater,

Promoter of fog.

ApolloAndy's avatar

Wow. I knew there were rumblings and rumors of this, but I'm surprised that someone actually pulled the trigger on requiring vaccines. I wonder what/if the pushback will be like.

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

Jeff's avatar

Why is there no record of that PR anywhere on the Internet I wonder.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

I'm hoping this press release has more to do with yesterday's date than reality.

Last edited by Paisley,

A vaccine passport for businesses in Ohio? Good thing they are not in Florida. Governor DeSantis isn't interested in that for reasons passing understanding.

To be fair, if this wasn't an April Fools thing, I'd 100% be there.

Around 11:00 last night I fell for this hook, line and sinker.
Now I’m permanently mad at Kevin. 🤬

So is it OK to create a fake press release complete with quotes from specific, named park employees? Seems like that would be frowned upon here, even if it is a joke.

People call me the Cruiser.

Hooters is one thing but creating a fake press release that specifically "quotes" CP employees promoting a great benefit to getting the vaccine seems to be going a little too far. I suppose I am in the minority.

eightdotthree's avatar

I was ready to take a day off and go. Sounds like some concert venues may be going this route so why not amusement parks?

ApolloAndy's avatar

I think I remember hearing (maybe here?) that cruise lines are doing this (checking for vaccination status, though not letting people ignore other restrictions). Like I said, I wouldn't be surprised at all if this was a thing at some point.

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

Except in Florida. Jeff’s governor signed an executive order that prohibits businesses from requiring the vaccine pass.

Of course the argument against it is that unlike the mitigation "strategies" that have previously been applied, vaccination directly protects the vaccinated person. Vaccinated people basically have no reason to care whether anyone else has been vaccinated--my vaccine protects me. That vaccinated people, mostly by not getting infected, don't spread the virus...that's a mere bonus.

At some point the mitigation strategy needs to shift away from source control. We can get back to handrail-licking and dry-humping, and protecting against the real-world petri dish has to become personal responsibility. Get the shot or stay 6' away, but don't rely on the rest of the world to save you. Under those circumstances, the proper attitude for the venue to take is, "You may or may not encounter sick people here. For your own protection we recommend you get vaccinated before visiting."

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

    /X\        _      *** Respect rides. They do not respect you. ***
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Shades said:

Except in Florida. Jeff’s governor signed an executive order that prohibits businesses from requiring the vaccine pass.


You need to get your kids vaccinated to enroll them in school, right?
Hell, I need to make sure my Boston Terrier is caught up on her shots before I can drop her off at the Pet Palace.
So... why not a covid vaccine check?

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