SFGAm riddle

Sorry about the runon sentence and the punctuation or lack there of.

"What is it that no man wants to have yet no man wants to loose?"
"Holy Bogglers Batman I've got it the answer is a Lawsuit."

MagnumForce, I think you were the victim of bad timing. If you're on the Tri-State by around eight in the morning or so (which is when you'll need to be on it to get there by ten, even with good traffic), the only problem you'll ever have is with accidents. As far as I'm concerned, NEVER take the Ryan inbound before noon on a weekday, and before three or so on a weekend. LSD is usually fine all the time, surprisingly, but 294 is faster. Really. And even though LSD is fine, it's a slower road than 94, so I think you're right to just take 94 all the way when you come in via the Ryan. Man, why do you take the Ryan? It's possibly the worst road in Chicago in the morning, which is when you're usually taking it, right? Just get the timing right on the Tri-State.
MForce: Okay, maybe my thinking is off, but
1) Where are *you* coming from?
2) I though SFGAm didnt open till like 10-10:30 am

It takes about 50min to get to SFGAm from my parents house (10 blocks due south of the Museum of Science and Industry). I've gotten to/from there in as little as 25-30min (yes we *were* doing 90 and weaving in and out of traffic) and I've had it take an hour and a half (but most of that was *after* getting on the tollway). I've never had a problem getting through the city, but that might be because I'm already *in* the city and right off LSD (or should I say US-41 to not wake the druggies :)) to start with. The northen suburbs seem to be the worst!

But dont take my slant on things as I HATE the suburbs :)
"To get inside this head of mine, would take a monkey-wrench, and a lot of wine" Res How I Do

I always try to get to a park early. And I am coming from the east. Right where Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan come together. Right off of 80/90.

I live in the middle of cornfields. As I look out the window right now I see a hay filed that badly needs cut.

Thats my problem, I have spent too much time driving a tractor to go drive in the mass of people that is Chicago.

BTW I would never take the Ryan in the morning on a weekday. I will not go downtown on a weekday at all. But I do take it on the weekends.

I don't think it really makes a difference anyway. It's the price I have to pay to get my Viper and Bull fix. But dangit I wish there was an easier way.

1989, 9 years old bawling my eyes out because I didn't want to ride Magnum. I did anyway and look at me now. Why did ya make me do it Dave? ;)

To 2Hostyl:

Wow. I live right by the intersection of 294 and 57. Becasue of this, I have taken both 294 and the Ryan to get to SFGAm. In good traffic, I've always found 294 takes from an hour and a half to two hours. Always. Via the Ryan and LSD or the Kennedy, it takes a bit longer. When the Ryan's backed up, it's more like three. When the Tri-State's at its worst, it's like, two and a half.

25 to 30 minutes from the Museum of Science and Industry? Wow. You must be one of those people my dad always had to restrain himself from giving the finger to in front of us impressionable kids (if you meet me on the roads, though, I probably won't be so corteous).

*** This post was edited by (SF)Great American on 9/19/2002. ***

MagnumForce, the Ryan is often just as bad on weekends as it is on weekdays. It may not start as early, but it goes later. Oh, and if there's a Sox or Bears game, WATCH OUT!
Welcome to "ChicagoAreaTransportationBuzz"! What was this topic about?

"Look, we all go way back, and uh, I owe you from the thing with the guy in the place and I'll never forget it." "That was our pleasure." "I'd never been to Belize."

Hey, this is an all-to-often ignored aspect of coastering; how to get there. It's not always that easy. If I had had trouble getting to Cedar Point, I'd be asking MagnumForce (and CPLady ,and CedarPointNut, and MilleniumXL-200, and...) for advice.

Yeah but CP is in a Town of 10000 peeps and 50 miles from a Metro area. In other words it's in the country.

Did I mention CP is good ;)

I could get you to CP in about 20 different ways coming from the west, which one do ya want? LOL ;)

Thanks for the advice guys, next time I go to GAM I will definitely take the Tri State.

1989, 9 years old bawling my eyes out because I didn't want to ride Magnum. I did anyway and look at me now. Why did ya make me do it Dave? ;)

At the expense of sounding like an OLD FART, could someone please show us the pics?

bigboy said:
Welcome to "ChicagoAreaTransportationBuzz"! What was this topic about?
lol its funny, when track arrives at CP they speculate on how tall it will be. When track arrives at SFGAm everyone speculates on how much traffic they will have to go through to get to it.

Deja Vu Count = 27
SFGAm CoasterWorld

Maybe that has a lot to do with the fact that the whole SFGAm-Whizzer-Shockwave-new coaster for 2003 topic has been beat to death over the last couple of months. Of course, the same could easily be said about CP and you don't see Sandusky area road talk there.

"Look, we all go way back, and uh, I owe you from the thing with the guy in the place and I'll never forget it." "That was our pleasure." "I'd never been to Belize."

That's because there are almost no roads in Sandusky to talk about.

Although this year, it seemed like we had to take a lot more turns to get on the cuaseway than we did four years ago...

About how this topic had gotten off track... When it comes right down to it, we already knwo what SFGAm is getting next year. so if other topics come up, why not talk about them? I think some people might actually get something out of this discussion, while staying on the riddle subject is pointless (unless we get soem pics). MagnumForce, I'd like to know how your next Chicago adventure goes, so please post about it. I'll bet all us other SFGAm'ers are waiting to see if we gave you good advice, too.

*** This post was edited by (SF)Great American on 9/19/2002. ***

Everyone promises to produce pics on either saturday or sunday. So we'll just have to wait and see. But i'm a bit skeptical, unless someone wants to prove me wrong by producing some pictures.
It's a B&M flyer. Jeff wouldn't have mentioned it in the newsletter if it wasn't! Especially since he already knows everything that goes on in the industry, and had this been a hoax, it would've been closed a long time ago.

MagnumForce said:
"Thats my problem, I have spent too much time driving a tractor to go drive in the mass of people that is Chicago."

You need a boat!

Go screaming up Lake Michigan to Gurnee, and take a taxi from there!


Cameron Silver

Hey, I already tried that logic with him but to no avail. :)

Ric Flair was hitting on the female host, he told her - "Space Mountain may be the oldest ride in the park, but it has the longest line." WOOOOO!

Yes he did but it would just be too much of a pain. Good luck floating a boat to Gurnee anyway LOL. It's ten miles from the lake. ;)

1989, 9 years old bawling my eyes out because I didn't want to ride Magnum. I did anyway and look at me now. Why did ya make me do it Dave? ;)

Does anyone know if annymore track has arrived yet? How much track is there now, and did anyone get pics yet?
Patience my friend , patience. I am sure starting Saturday night and Sunday you will see more pics than you can shake a stick at.

2 superheroes in Gurnee next season? Oh the humanity. :)

Closed topic.

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