SFGAm riddle

rollergator's avatar
The B&M flyer that is S:UF, to me, really does have a *dud* layout once you pass the pretzel...(making me thirsty, LOL). Sure the trains are INFINITELY better than the Vekomas, without question, but the V-flyers have it going on when it comes to layout....as for operations, I really believe *most* of the differences other than easy load/unload of the Beemers, is that SFoG just has plain better operations than any of those three other parks (PGA, SFWoA, SFA). I could very well be wrong, it's happened once before...;)

yes, Chitown, I'm trying for Media Day.

I could find my way to Oakbrook. any info on the time or date?

-Bob (formerly Coaster Jedi)
Do any of you know how to build a sundial out of a pen and a donut?
uh oh, sounds like someone has a case of the mondays.

Gator, there are no many bad things about the Vekoma's that keep me from enjoing them. Namely the gawd awful restraints and rattle trap rough trains. But I will give you an awesome layout.

S:UF's pretzel is second to none in the intensity department and the flying sensation afterwards is also second to none. the Vekoma's have two things that the B and M's need. the Helix and the Horseshoe. Put those on a B and M and you could quite possibly have the greatest coaster imaginable.

As for operations teh Vekoma's by nature are operational nightmares that have been plaugued with problems. That is not the parks doing.

All I need is 4.5 million bucks and a half a mile long sliver of land and maybe someone could build me my very own Shivering Timbers. ;)

swimmerkev said:
Oh the suspense! In just a few hours we'll see some pics.

It's just track... we all know it's there...

Yeah, so I'm excited too... :)

*** This post was edited by JoNoJ27 on 9/21/2002. ***

rollergator's avatar

MagnumForce, I'll agree that the Vekoma's control systems are worse, and the restraints on ALL Vekomas could use some serious improvements (save for my beloved Rollerskaters), but the beef I've had with the parks they're located at has been one of disregard for lines, operating one train/side of station because of "lack of personnel" to operate them. Beemers, everywhere, all the time, are reliable as anything, easy to load, easy to dispatch, with EXCELLENT computer control systems. The pretzel loop, however, is the ONLY time I've ridden ANY Beemer anywhere and come off the ride with a feeling of "Wow, that was INTENSE".....I wish more parks would push for B&M creations with that sort of intensity.....then again, maybe my pleas have already been heard....

*** This post was edited by rollergator on 9/21/2002. ***

Mamoosh said:
"A 3 foot stump? That definitely means its a B&M Flyer!


*** This post was edited by swimmerkev on 9/21/2002. ***

*** This post was edited by swimmerkev on 9/21/2002. ***

Mamoosh's avatar
swimmerkev - I was being sarcastic.

"Mmmmm....forbidden donut!" - Homer Simpson

I haven't had the pleasure of trying a B&M flyer, but I found the Vekoma ones extremely comfortable. Believe me when I say you want the restraints nice and snug. The Zamperlas are so damn uncomfortable, I felt like I was going to fall out.

-pt300(who came off nemesis and said wow, that was intense, but also thinks the dragons, top gun, and alpie are too)

*** This post was edited by PT300 on 9/21/2002. ***

OK Moosh, I didn't understand.

Anyways, does anyone know of anyone who was/ is in the park today? We want pictures!

Have you ever seen the Demon?
Have you ever heard him scream.............

*** This post was edited by swimmerkev on 9/21/2002. ***

Alot of people are going to the park today and said they would get pictures.
Well I think that we will see some pictures after the park closes today.Or we might see them 2morrow who knows probobly today though.
One of my friends is at the park today, and he said he would get some photos for me. As soon as I get them, ill upload them and post a link.

Deja Vu Count = 27
SFGAm CoasterWorld

I'd bet that if they get their photos devoloped in one hour we'll see some pics at about 8:00. Until then...

Have you ever seen the Demon?
Have you ever heard him scream.............

This is the digital age... surely somebody will have taken photos with a digital camera, right?
The track is there and I just posted a picture at

Deja Vu Count = 27

*** This post was edited by CoasterDude316 on 9/21/2002. ***

My friend who took the picture said there was alot of track there, he didn't have time to count. And there were also Blue Supports there. So this looks like a Superman Coaster for sure.

Deja Vu Count = 27
SFGAm CoasterWorld

well I just hope that the good people at SFGA are smart enough to come up with a good excuse for Superman to be in Cajun Country.

-Bob (formerly Coaster Jedi)
Do any of you know how to build a sundial out of a pen and a donut?
uh oh, sounds like someone has a case of the mondays.

Fianally, pictures. Guess I'll be "Flying over to Great America" in 2003.;)

I am proud to say my homepark has 3 B&M's, soon to be 4, hopefully.;)

gracias for the photos! i've been waitin for this for a while.

i must say i obviously agree w/ B&M flyer as the type.....

BUT keep in mind theres a 1% chance it could be somethin else.... because we have NO distinction between these track pieces and those of other B&Ms

(*sarcastic irony on*) Gamfan, that pun was ultimately terrible. Try making them more super, man. (*sarcastic irony and terrible puns off*) :)

Warning: This message was composed on a computer in a household where peanuts and peanut products are served.

*** This post was edited by SFGAmLover on 9/21/2002. ***

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