sfgam press conference cancelled 2/4

Hollister. I take great offense to the remarks about the little crash. I lived for several years near the Johnson space center (my parents still do). I knew alot of astronauts including one who perished on challenger. These are remarkable people who deserve everyones respect. fortunately I work for a company that will allow us to take time out from work to watch the memorial service. Take a step back from your summer entertainment interest and think about the sacrifisees people like these make.
You should be considerate to them because you'd expect them to treat you with a similar respect.
LOL..u people r quite funny...all of u r so concerned w/ soemthing that has nothing to do w/ u people at all! So i am not feeling sry for these people, i dont have to. Stop trying to make it sound that this whole "little crash" is actually worth my time...I have my opinions, u have yours.

Surfs up in Hollister, CA! Later Dudes...

So Hollister, I guess when someone you don't know knocks you down, or spills something on you, or is rude in any way, its okay for them to be inconsiderate because they don't know you. Boy, I hope I never....oh, nevermind.

Now that our "Nutty Buddy" is back, I guess I'll have to change this...

and the government has blown this out of proportion, How? The only government comments I know of (aside from the ones from NASA itself) are Bush's peach the day, and the announcement of who would be leading the investigation the next day. The only reason this is all over the place is because people want to know. It's a big deal to most people, and it deserves all the coverage it's getting.

Let people watch the memorial. I certainly would, if I didn't have class (stupid, out-of-touch-with-the-world, college).

I hear America screaming...

odd how a simple fyi post turns into a thread about respect. hollister what are you, 12?

Perhaps they delayed the press conference because it may be bumped from the news due to coverage of the shuttle incident. Maybe they are actually looking out for the public that would be interested in this information at a time when it won't be overshadowed or unattended by the press. After all it doesn't benefit the park if the message doesn't get run by the press.

Instead of blasting the government, or NASA try turning to the press who won't be at the park covering the event

If your not the one, Then why does my soul feel glad today?
--Daniel Bedingfield
*** This post was edited by coasterrod 2/3/2003 11:51:02 PM ***

Sorry for the double post, but it's going so fast, I can't keep up. Hollister, did anybody you personally know die during Sept. 11? then I guess it didn't bother you at all, since you weren't directly affected. Not that I know your religious prefrence, but I hope you don't profess to be Christian, because Christians believe in love thy neighbor(not trying to bring religion in, just trying to make a point). You seem very self concerned.

Now that our "Nutty Buddy" is back, I guess I'll have to change this...

Hollister. These men and women that you so non-chalantly say were involved in a "small crash", are the same individuals that put satellites up for your telecommunication use. They are also the same people that are doing research on cancer and possible cures.

Next time you spout off nonsense , take the time out to realize the importance of what NASA is doing.

Arena football has arrived in the Windy City. Go "Chicago Rush"

Dacoasterman, the way u r arguing back at me makes it seem like u r the 12 year old...

Surfs up in Hollister, CA! Later Dudes...

"u" and 'r" are not words. If you want people to take you seriously, you better start using the proper english language.

Arena football has arrived in the Windy City. Go "Chicago Rush"

I'd defend DaCoasterMan, not that he can't, but it's clear from your posts, Hollister, that he dosen't need any defense, your posts show your intelligence...

Now that our "Nutty Buddy" is back, I guess I'll have to change this...

Hollister said:
LOL..u people r quite funny...all of u r so concerned w/ soemthing that has nothing to do w/ u people at all! So i am not feeling sry for these people, i dont have to. Stop trying to make it sound that this whole "little crash" is actually worth my time...I have my opinions, u have yours.

Surfs up in Hollister, CA! Later Dudes...

Actually, it has a lot to do with all of us. Do you realize how much research goes on in space, especially medical related? There are so many things we wouldn't have today if it weren't for research and inventions made possible by space travel.

Featuring original roller coaster and coaster event photos from across the US.

omg..so i use slang to type faster. big deal!!! you people on this board blow every little damn thing way out of proportion. All you english teachers really need to get a life rather then spell checking a damn message board,they arent suppose to have perfect english. if u talk to any1 online, you will know of the slang that is used on computers today.
Surfs up in Hollister, CA! Later Dudes...
I think that it is stupid to cancelle the press conference, beuase the spaceshutle crashed. I do feel bad for their family's. And its not tha big of a deal because we already know what the coaster is going to be. I dont think we willhave to waitto long for themto re schedule.
thank you, freak, that is basically what i have been trying to really say. it is just that all these people have to blow everything out of proportion! geez...

Surfs up in Hollister, CA! Later Dudes...

Hey Hollister. Do you remember September 11th?. Did YOU know that Great America cancelled the buyout the Friday after for the day of rememberance because of September 11? Just thought I would inform you of that.
you know when the arguements get really serious on this site. People have to resort to critisizing your slang typing...lol

Surfs up in Hollister, CA! Later Dudes...

Hollister... get a grip, get a clue.

Just because something is prevalent does not make it acceptable. Like, say, insensitivity towards the only truly virtuous government agency....

You'd be one of those trying to sell pieces of the shuttle on Ebay, I think.

Sept 11th was also a hell of a lot bigger, thousands of people died that day, and only 7 died on saterday. This isnt half as bad a Sept 11th was. This isnt really even that big of a deal.

Closed topic.

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