The problem if you where to ask me of these intamin rockets like TTD that are built pretty much just to break the current height and speed record is that once their built and a few years later the park again wants to break the height and speed record and does. The popularity of the Intamin rocket wont be their at all anymore.

Proof: STE; SFMM who cares about it anymore. MF still a great ride. Even once its records are betten. When TTD records are broken at CP TTD will greatly lose its popularity.

-Eric: Major Parks: SFNE(homepark), SFA,SFGADV,CP,BGE,BGA,Kennywood,and Sea World: Track record 65 different coasters ridden #1 is Millennium Force #2 is El Toro and than there are all the others

Coasterbuf: Hey, I think you might be onto something there... "White Elephant" would fit that jungle theme...

Please don't hit me... :-)

Yes, Dragster will suddenly take a nosedive in popularity after Great Adventure's coaster is built and people that go to Cedar Point will no longer care about it nor will people care to visit the Point for the second tallest and faster coaster in the world... Luckily the park has the world's biggest family coaster or they would be doooooomed!! Or not. ;)

+Danny, still thinks Magnum is the best coaster at the Point but loooves MF and TTD

I get the joke. :D *** Edited 9/27/2004 3:24:35 AM UTC by MForce2k***
I'm going to bank on TTD doing better than MaxxxStealthTiger in the AT polls even though MST will be just a larger near-clone.

When TTD records are broken at CP TTD will greatly lose its popularity.
Yea, because you know the average guest at Cedar Point knows there's a bigger and faster one only 11 hours away. They'll never ride Dragster again just because it's fun! Come on, people queue up to ride what they like, 95% of the people that ride Dragster won't even have a clue that theye is a bigger one out there, let alone care.

CP Ride Op '05 TL Thunder Canyon '04 TL Power Tower '03 ATL Sky Ride '02 Wicked Twister
^ Wow... someone else wanna explain it to him?
None of this matters anyway once PCar announces its 550' thrice looping TA2K for 06' themed to Rugrats...
i heard PKD was were going to repaint Shockwave something even more hideous, but then realized this was impossible to do, so they've decided to pack it up and send it to PKI, who will re-theme it for the movie "Changing Lanes" because nobody remembers it well enough to hate it.
If they wanted to make it a groundbreaking ride...

stick a holding brake up on top... now THAT would be cool. imagine being stranded on top for a good 5 seconds before you plummet to your doom...

surprised i've never seen this idea pop up anywhere.

-- alan "patent pending" jacyszyn *** Edited 9/27/2004 5:11:50 AM UTC by SFDL_Dude***

Proof: STE; SFMM who cares about it anymore.

Well, ya know, most people don't care about a ride they can't ride! I'm sure the GP really dig S:TE when its up and running (I know it is currently, but it took half the year).

Parks don't put in coasters that will only be "popular" until a bigger one is built. Magnum is still popular @ CP, and CP itself has Millie.

People that are at a park aren't going to go "I'm not going to ride it now that it isn't the tallest anymore". GP really don't care about it as much. Sure, the parks are going to use records in marketing, and when GP see the marketing, they may say "Hey, I wanna try that out!" But once they're in the park, they aren't going to go "Oh, I'm not riding any other coaster here because it isn't the record breaker".

Go eat some logic for breakfast and then come back and talk to us, Mmmkay?

Tekno - Are you trying to say it's going to be 461 ft and 174 mph? or is that 161 mph and 474 ft? :)

Not following ya, Hon:).


Oh, are you talking about my sig?

Sorry, wrong answer, but thanks for playing:).

Who says my signature has anything to do with a certain coaster that may possibly be going up at SFGAdv next year?

;) *** Edited 9/27/2004 10:24:06 AM UTC by TeknoScorpion***

Oh ok I see! Just making sure the answer wasn't right in front of my nose! :p

All will be revealed in a few days... must be patient!

All is infront of your nose, but patience is a virtue, Becca-san.

That was actually a good start, I would never have guessed that.

Ahhhh tis has been revealed to me! The secrets of life and all! I will take the blue pill!

And...I will follow the white tiger... ;) *** Edited 9/27/2004 1:18:31 PM UTC by BigJim4Life***

Haha no I'm not giving Patrick the finger

ApolloAndy's avatar

RavenTTD said:
I'm going to bank on TTD doing better than MaxxxStealthTiger in the AT polls even though MST will be just a larger near-clone.

Yeah, but Magnum is still highly regarded in the AT polls. :P

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

ApolloAndy's avatar
And for those of you playing the "decode Clint's sig" game, just read it backwards.

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

Well if that is so, I would consider those numbers "acceptable" in taking the record. ;)

ApolloAndy said:
And for those of you playing the "decode Clint's sig" game, just read it backwards.

450 feet, 140 mph? Sounds logical to me.

This is the guy, behind the guy, behind the guy

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