Serious accident at Michigan's Adventure

Ed Markey is going to be on this like glue.

Current Favorite Coasters:
1)Raging Bull 2)Millennium Force 3)Medusa (SFMW) 4)Vertical Velocity (SFGAm) 5)Incredible Hulk, The
Yes, I actually have been on Mean Streak lately, about 2 weeks before I went to MA, I hated Mean Streak, it was terrible, with all the made to be floating hills, there were none! But yes, the sounds it made while riding were pretty scary, like it was actually going to break. Again, my hopes and prayers.

My Top 5
(1)Shivering Timbers(2)Millennium Force(3)Magnum XL-200(4)Apollo's Chariot(5)The Boss

video here!!
Current Favorite Coasters:
1)Raging Bull 2)Millennium Force 3)Medusa (SFMW) 4)Vertical Velocity (SFGAm) 5)Incredible Hulk, The
I never did like the name, it was asking for trouble.
On a more positive note, apparently the general public is getting word that Michigan's Adventure was bought by Cedar Point.(Cedar Fair) I was just talking to someone I know from Rochester, MI, and he said that park is gonna be great in 10 years because Cedar Point took it over, and he had never even been there!

Omg is right, I just rode it yesterday, and ya know it HAS been makeing graosing and creaking noises for a long time!! I fell really, awful, but the truth is, you RARELY see the maintenence guys doing anything but stand around and smoke, and if that bearing was failing, they should have noticed MONTHS ago. Makes you feel REAL safe dosen't it?
Wow, this morning I was reading about the explosion of the train at the Medina fair. Then just a short while ago I was readin about Anton dieing, and now this. This is a lot for one day.
Chaos has always made strange noises, even from when it first opened (at least the one at Cedar Point has). If you just picture what the ride does, working in so many different directions, it must have incredible forces working on it. Accidents are never inevitable, but they do happen, and it is terribly unfortunate when they do. We can be thankful that this isn't even worse.

On a side note, I can understand why they wouldn't close the park down entirely when such an accident occurs, as horrific as it is. You have to consider the other hundreds+ of guests that have paid their admission and want to ride things other than Chaos. While it may seem cold-hearted, it is, in part, an economical decision.

Po!nt of View: A different look at Roller Coasters.
Here is information on the Choas ride for those of you who wanted it. There is better picture of it.
Not closing the park was more for safety than economics. All those people heading for their cars and trying to leave would have interfered with rescue efforts.

TV-8 in Grand Rapids claims several people called in to report that the ride was closed several times earlier in the day. Park Mgt. says she wasn't aware of any problems today.

The last two passengers have just been freed.
I am not big on big brother but for those opposed to regulation of rides...where exactly does it hurt us if it happens? I am not sure what the downside would be. On the upside...perhaps injuries could be avoided in a case like this where a mass-produced ride fails.

If a government regulation forced all similar rides to close down until the accident cause was determined then perhaps it would save some injuries from occuring.

I just don't see regulation leading to higher amusement park prices so what exactly is the downside?
It is not like you can do anything about a ride crashing or breaking down, just make your annual safety inspections and if something goes wrong, you are one out of that 1 billion that sh** happens to. They do not need to regulate, we are now just making a debate out of this incident. I am concerned about Chaos rides now, but I am still not in any way to support the government to regulate amusement park rides.

My Top 5
(1)Shivering Timbers(2)Millennium Force(3)Magnum XL-200(4)Apollo's Chariot(5)The Boss

The groaning come from the individual cars, not the the mechanism.

As far as maintanence men go, the major problem mechanism-wise w/ Chaos has been its hydraulic system.

A bearing failure blows my mind. Besides being almost impossible to spot. My god... spun off the axle. That would have been... horrifying to watch. Like a ferris wheel de-axling.

The ride was certified by the state, btw.

ThrillSeeker said:

"Omg is right, I just rode it yesterday, and ya know it HAS been makeing graosing and creaking noises for a long time!! I fell really, awful, but the truth is, you RARELY see the maintenence guys doing anything but stand around and smoke, and if that bearing was failing, they should have noticed MONTHS ago. Makes you feel REAL safe dosen't it?

Don't you think its a little early to be blaming anyone? Yeah maintenance guys only smoke. Maybe you never see them doing anything because maintenance is done mostly during closed hours? Why don't you wait until it is fully investigated to pass judgement on whose fault it is? Several people were hurt in this and yet all several people on this forum want to do is wonder if this will keep them from being able go on rides tomorrow or to hypothesize as to which parks will be sure to check their rides more carefully in light of this incident. Pretty pathetic! At least some people have voiced interest as to if the victims are ok and not which screw must have broken. It is nice to see that some people here are actually concerned for another human beings welfare. Some people have some seriously skewed priorities. *** This post was edited by Figaro on 7/30/2001. ***
john peck's avatar
Chance rides Inc. built the ride and tubs to prevent extremely dangerous injuries, and with this design, and the type of accident that occured, the safety of the ride did its job correctly.

I seriously wonder why the center bearing gave way. I assume it is a simaliar bearing to that of the CV Joint on your car, where if it begins to grind, your at a dangerous point in losing your wheel.
it looks lik I'm gonna add SFA's krypton comet ride to my list of rides to avoid at SFA,as well as iron eagle.

When was I blameing someone? excuse me for hypothisizing what may be one of the causes!

ThrillSeeker said:

"When was I blameing someone? excuse me for hypothisizing what may be one of the causes!


Yes, smoking maintenance workers. A truly thought provoking hypothesis.
I don't know if you have heard..but no fatalities. Thank goodness. I am going to the park tomorrow to check it out. I will let you guys know if anything major is discovered.

Life is a roller coaster...enjoy the ride!

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