Roughest Ride?

I think that the MeanStreak at C.P. is the Roughest,But for some reason I ride it every year.
I haven't rode Mean Streak, but I have rode the Predator and Hercules. I'd say thanks to the bad trains on Predator I'd give it my vote.

Talon is going to rock, roll, and take its toll!
Id say mean streak....The predator is shakey and bouncey but not really all that rough, mean streak on the other hand is jarring!
Welcome Back Raptor Riders how was your ride? *** This post was edited by RaptorAdrian21 on 1/30/2001. ***
I haven't been on Hercules in years, so I can't really remember how rough it was!! But I do know that I had a headache when I got off of it!!! It is between Hercules and Son of Beast!!!! I just can't decide which one is rougher!!!
Windjammer and Manhatten Express
What a suprise, both TOGO
I really don't think it is Meanstreak. I would have to say Corckscrew also at CP. I had to cover my ears with my hands just so I didn't get a headache. I think Meanstreak is really a great ride. Everyone has ruined it just because someone didn't like trim brakes and told everyone else how evil they were------now no one likes it and thats what has ruined it. It isn't that wicked I think it does shake quite a bit and it is rought, all woodies are, but it is not like it is gonna kill you it is almost 9 years old and it is gonna get rough and I know it does go slower and that is the only part I dont like about it but I think we can all agree that it does look beautiful. Don't think CP isn't trying to make it better because they are. I think they even re-tracked some parts of it last year. But think about it---the drops are still great less A^T but still nice and steep still fast in some spots. Well since it was a record breaker I think that makes it an AwEsOmE coaster!!!!!!
Thanks for listening y'all! SERIOUSLY!!!
RaPtOr RuLeS tHe SkY!!
Yeah TOGO really sucks, just look at Viper!

What is life without geniuses?
My vote also has to go to Mean Streak. I'll still give it a chance since I have only rode it once and a icy october day doesnt improve the ride too much.

Steel aint better, wood forever!!
SRM VII: May there, or be ... well, not there.
Mean Streak isn't rough. It's slow and rough.
Wow! I'm surprised that so many people said Mean Streak! I think I may be the only one, but I went to CP for my first time back in August of 2000, and I actually thought that Mean Streak was a smooth wooden coaster, believe it or not. Maybe it was the seat I was in. I rode the front row of the back car on the red train. But I would have to say that the roughest was the Screamin' Eagle at my home park, SFStL. It may be rough, but it's full of airtime, and is one of my favorite coasters.

AIM SN-Coasterman17
Mean Streak was rough, but Corkscrew (CP) hurt much more. Magnum wasn't too smooth, either.

Matt Lynch
Co-Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard
Oh yeah, I forgot about Magnum! I guess it isn't the roughest I've ridden, but it sure is close!

AIM SN-Coasterman17
Yeah... However, I will say that I rode it last year, and according to Jeff and others, Magnum had problems with its trains in the 2000 season.

Matt Lynch
Co-Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard
My vote is for a TOGO also, Viper at Great Adventure. Also the Premier LIM coasters are pretty rough.
Windjammer, Flashback, and Cyclone at SFMM, only because I haven't been to CP yet.
Coney Island Cyclone....that ride is capable of causing some serious injuries

*** This post was edited by Antuan on 1/30/2001. ***

Coaster Dude said:
[I actually thought that Mean Streak was a smooth wooden coaster, believe it or not.


Your'e not the only one I thought Mean Streak was smooth, I also thought CP Corkscrew was smooth, as for the roughest my vote is Screamin Eagle at SFSTl, but still a very fun ride IMO.
Get wrapped in the coils of Viper at SFGAm.
Jephry's avatar
When Magnum had problems it was the worse coaster. I mean it really hurt. Mean Streak is number one the rest of the time

Number 1 And Only Cedar Point
Mean Streak is the roughest coaster at CP. Corkscrew is bad due to the bunny hop before the vertical loop where you get air and slam into the harness at the same time.

Flight of Fear at PKI is the roughest coaster I have been on. Son of Beast was a little rough but not too bad.

Raging Wolf Bobs at SFO is rather rough also.

Flight of Fear at PKI. Only rode it once and have vowed to never ride that particular coaster ever again.
Peace, Love, and Rollercoasters.........we need more of all three.

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