Rock the Vote?

Sarah Jackson said:
The reason I said inappropriate is because Jeff has always made this a coaster or coaster related site. All other topics are not allowed. I don't see how this banner is any different than a topic that isn't allowed.

Like DDR? Or pancakes? You've been here long enough to know better than that. Really.

When I started this topic I only asked if maybe there was something wrong with my computer.

But once you learned differently, you and Bob had other things to say.

Then I started to feel personally attacked, things then changed.

How? Were you personally attacking Jeff?

Methinks it was more like 'confronted with a question you didn't care to answer.' How come you get to use Jeff's bandwidth to link to your favorite bands but Jeff doesn't get to use his own to link to causes he cares for too?


NOTE: Severe fecal impaction may render the above words highly debatable.

beast7369's avatar
RTV certainly doesnt bother me. Whether they have any party affiliation or not doesnt matter. The more people vote, the better the odds are that the political process wont get stale. And if it does their is a better chance to vote someone new into office. At least you will have a voice if you vote.

Earlier I was making light of the fact that I am a registered voter and still have to see the RTV ad. Nothing more...nothing less. This is the first election year in a long time where I am still undecided in who/what I am voting for with only about 2 months left until election day.

And finally to bring this back to what this site is about.....If you ever watched the political process in action (especially congress trying to debate a proposed law) you would know that the political process is one heck of a rollercoaster.

I like that last scentance beast! Nice way of putting it.

Playa', Sarah won't address her Nickleback and Trapt links because that would invalidate her argument, then she'd have to either change her signature or drop the argument, neither of which she can do, cause then maybe she wouldn't be 100% right! Same thing with the Holiday World and Cedar Point ads, can't address those or they'd invalidate the argument.

And I'll join dexter in saying that's pretty cool that Jeff put that up there rather than just acting like the election doesn't exist.

I was hella pissed off about the PKI ride annoucement and the humongous black and white BeastBuzz and whatever the other event advertisements were as it was hard to jump to the site at work and not have it scream "Brett's not working!", but I didn't complain because if I was running an event, I'd advertise the hell out of it too!

Brett, Resident Launch Whore Anti-Enthusiast (the undiplomatic one)
Oh my. How did this become such a huge problem? Sarah, you sound like a spoiled little girl whining cause she didn't get her pony for her birthday. I don't vote for personal choice and religious reasons. Do I care its there? Not at all. If you believe in a cause and want to put it on your site that you finance out of your own pocket, I see nothing wrong with that.

If you care so much about this site being only about coasters (yeah right),then drop the argument and go talk coasters. No one wants to hear you whine.

Kick The Sky's avatar
Since when is it wrong to have opinions that differ from Jeff? It's amazing how once he speaks, everyone goose steps in line and then attacks those that dissent. I attacked no one in my arguments, except maybe the democrats, but everyone that has fallen into line with Jeff has made it a point to be rude to Sarah and I for having a differing opinion. Excuse us for having a differing opinion. If you think something else, fine, state it, but dont belittle us as being spoiled little brats or to be called an enthusiass through a Dr. Suess nursery rhyme.

This so called "non-partisan" group to get out the vote should be telling you that disent is healthy and should be encouraged. Yet, in the spirit of meanness, you folks try to quash it with name calling and belittling.

I still stand by my concerns. It's advertising, and when I signed up for the site it said no banner advertising. As a paid customer, I think I have a right to my opinion. It may not be the right opinion but it's my opinion and I shouldn't be attacked for it.

Thank you, and good day.

Certain victory.

Kick The Sky said:
I attacked no one in my arguments, except maybe the democrats

Ever thought maybe that means you attacked part of the site? Maybe your reaction as, I'm assuming, a Republican against Democrats annoyed some of us that might BE Democrats or at least believe in more of their causes than the other parties. Obviously this isn't a political site, but saying that you didn't attack anyone because you only attacked Democrats is absolutely ridiculous ... let me put that in a different light; "I didn't attack anyone, except maybe 40% of the country" ... and you wonder why you get attacked back ...

I'm "falling in line with Jeff" because I apparently happen to have the same feelings on this issue as him. Guess what, I have a mind of my own and don't base my opinions and thoughts on Jeff, but if he thinks the same as me, cool beans, I'm gonna agree with him.

Brett, Resident Launch Whore Anti-Enthusiast (the undiplomatic one)
I did address my signature. I said that you didn't have look at it because in "Your Account " you can physically Turn them Off. I can't turn this off.

This has gotten out of hand and the name calling is especially hurtful. If you think I'm such a whiny baby then why in the hell are you still reading this? It is NEVER okay to personally attack a person for what they believe. I believe I shouldn't have to look at that banner because I am a paying member. And just because I believe that doesn't give ANY one of you a right to sit there and berrat me like I'm a little child.

There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness." ~ Dave Barry
Ride of Steel's avatar
Don't take it personally Sarah, there are some big jerks on this site.

The best thing to do if you don't like it, is not to join again next year.

Thank you Ride of Steel. I know I shouldn't take it personally, but I am because of the name calling. If someone doesn't agree with me, thats fine. Actually great because that is what makes the US so great because we can disagree, but I don't think it is right to attack someone because of it and call someone a name.

There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness." ~ Dave Barry

Kick The Sky said:
Since when is it wrong to have opinions that differ from Jeff? It's amazing how once he speaks, everyone goose steps in line and then attacks those that dissent.


CoasterBuzz is a discussion forum.
People agree, disagree and debate here.
If you take folks dissenting with you personally, just...don'

If you think something else, fine, state it, but dont belittle us as being spoiled little brats or to be called an enthusiass through a Dr. Suess nursery rhyme.

I know you. You know me. We've hung out at SFGAM. We've done BeastBuzz. And that's why I started out really easy...

But it's all about the comedy here on Da Buzz. You know the stee-lo. Try and say you've never laughed your ass off when it was somebody else. Go on, try.

Ask FarmGirl or Gump or anybody else I've hung out with. Funny is funny. If it's there, it's gonna get said. Don't be so thin-skinned and whiny.

On that note, let me warn you: Nothing but nothing makes me laugh harder than right-wing talk radio. If ya wanna spout that noise here instead of the safety of your pickup truck, go right ahead. But if Suess has you squirming....hoooooooo boy.


NOTE: Severe fecal impaction may render the above words highly debatable.

I'm going to agree with Sarah. If I go to the home page, I find it annoying that I see an ad prompting me to join Coasterbuzz and that it only costs me a nickel a day. I joined now I shouldn't see the ad. I read one of the benefits of memebership is "No pop-ups, no banners, just all the content you can stand". Now we are seeing banner ads for voting and more ads prompting us to join the club. I didn't say anything about the promotion of Beastbuzz or other park related events because that is the topic of this site and benefit of membership. *** Edited 9/2/2004 2:29:38 PM UTC by coasterguts***

Kick The Sky said:
I still stand by my concerns. It's advertising, and when I signed up for the site it said no banner advertising. As a paid customer, I think I have a right to my opinion. It may not be the right opinion but it's my opinion and I shouldn't be attacked for it.

I completely agree, Bob. It's an ad on an "ad-free" site. I paid my 20 bucks. Why are there ads? "Public service announcment" or not, it's an ad.

I'm a registered voter and I'm voting in November. Not because of some banner ad I saw on a website, but because I already know that it's my responsibility as an American who values his freedoms to vote for what he feels is right.

And how many pop-ups prevent members from clicking any link until it appears on your screen and you've read it?

How much complaining did anybody do when the banners plugged either of the two events?

Why now and not then?

Can anyone else see the obvious, glaring inconsistency here?


NOTE: Severe fecal impaction may render the above words highly debatable.

I'm with the Captian.

Is this an issue with banners or something else?

I Adblocked those banners, too. I don't like my browser displaying stuff I don't want it to.
I do, you do, but I think we're the only ones. I couldn't stand the event banners or the PKI IJ ride banner since both were absolutely gigantic compared to the rest of the site, but I just scrolled past it and my day continued ...

That's just too much to ask of some people.

I don't think you're going to be able to break these defenses Captain, they're too convinced that they're right, regardless of reality, inconsistancies and of course, the obvious. Perhaps it's time to retreat to fight another day?


I think the Gloved One (and Chinned and Nosed One) once said, "I'm a luva, not a fighter!" Then he rang up his good friends Emmanuel Lewis and MacCauley Culkin.

Five minute projectile vomiting break, everybody! Your PC will still be here.

But seriously--I don't fight anyone.
Point and laugh? Oh, yeah.
And how much work is it, really? People always write their own material....


NOTE: Severe fecal impaction may render the above words highly debatable.

Wow! All this over a stupid banner. I'm not a paying member, but I don't believe if I was, that it would really bother me. It is a simple matter of scrolling passed it. The banner is miniscule in comparison to others that I have seen. If there's nothing to promote, like Beastbuzz and the like, then why not? I don't see that Rock the Vote has any party affiliation. They are just suggesting one thing...get out and vote. Don't let others decide for you.
Well I wasn't seriously meaning fight ... just sort of a ... well that was my stupid attempt at keeping up the "superhero" image of Captain Obvious, but it was pretty lame, so we'll leave it at that.

And you're definitely right - you can never write comedy that's better than real life ...

Brett, Resident Launch Whore Anti-Enthusiast (the undiplomatic one)

Kick The Sky said:
Since when is it wrong to have opinions that differ from Jeff? It's amazing how once he speaks, everyone goose steps in line and then attacks those that dissent.

If Jeff is putting a Rock the Vote banner on his site, then I'm obviously not agreeing with him, cause as I said, I don't vote. But it is (as has been said before, and I tire of hearing/saying it) His Site.

He advertises for Beast Buzz. He advertises for Buzz Con. He put an ad on here for Badnitrus when he put up the IJ banner. That space has always been there with an add, even when I was a club member it had something to do with advertising something else. Whats the difference between that and the Viagra ads I get when I'm not a club member? Jeff specifically put that there to remind people to vote. He isn't making any ca$h off of it. If he made a homemade banner reminding us to vote, would that have been as bad? Would the whining still take place?

I agree with you guys on the "join CBuzz Club" ad, I see no reason its on there. But the way that everyone has complained sounds more like whining and not a "Suggestion for Coaster Buzz" to me. Hey, isn't that the reason for this particular forum?

And Bob, you of all people talking about "attacking" someone else? How many times have you laughed and participated in "pointing and laughing"? Whats that signature of yours say again? Oh, thats right. You're making fun of ACE, or am I wrong on that like I'm wrong to not want to hear any whining like ya'll don't want to see advertisements.

I will be the first to say that: A) I thought the rhyme was childish and uncalled for. But thats just me. Was it funny? Probably to some, but after about the first stanza, I didn't find it amusing or relevant(sp?).

B) I disagree with alot of what Jeff says. I think Jeff can be egotistic at time, but hey! Guess what! His site! If I minded, I'd be over posting all day at URC or West Coaster(shudder).

I think that some people get away with things they shouldn't(me included) at times, and that some other people get closed threads(me included) at other times when some one else could have said that and its okay. Again, His site! If I didn't like it or wasn't willing to accept that, I wouldn't be here.

I've never met Jeff, or most of you personally. I have nothing against you, but to whine because a non-profit banner add that Jeff purposly put there is "not what you paid for" is really kinda selfish.

And to me, that is obvious.

Closed topic.

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