First off, to actually measure the performance you're getting, download FRAPS to get a frame rate. This way you can tell instantly what option tweaking will do.
Most of the settings, in my experience, don't have huge impact on the frame rate. There are a couple of major things. Turning off water reflection boosted me 10 fps. Turning on simple terrain textures got me another 5 fps.
There's a file in the install directory called Options.txt. Open it, and there you'll find many treasures.
The first option is resolution, so if you want 1280x1024, you can get it. Most of the remaining items can be changed from within the game in real time, but here are a few more:
SkipBannerSequence - set it to 0 and begone silly Atari screens!
CorrectDayNightCycle - set it to 0 and night comes, but it's not dark.
Shadows - turn them off with 0 and get another 5 fps.
Most of the rest of the options are pretty self-explanatory, and as I said, many can be set in game.
For fun... what kind of frame rate are you getting and what is your hardware? I have a GeForce FX 5600 and an Athlon 2000+, and I generally get 15-22 fps at 1280x1024. Dropping down to 800x600 does not improve the frame rate (which is really weird).
Jeff - Editor - - My Blog
Anyway, Cool tweaks...They helped me a little. Here are my sad stats:
Athlon 2800+, 512 MB Ram, Geforce 3 128MB.
Getting around 10 - 15 FPS. Pretty sad, But I try to keep the textures pretty good or there is no point of playing. Once you bring the textures down below half way, It looks pretty stupid.
I have NO idea who came up with those minimum requirements for this game, But if they can't get this game to use less resources...People that have anything less then a 1.5 Ghz processor, 512 ram and a 128 MB GFX card won't be able to play this game with any normal textures. *** Edited 9/28/2004 1:15:21 AM UTC by Big D***
1024*768 I got 15 fps with reflections, but all other tweaks mentioned above and detail set to max.
By raising and lowering the resolution a notch (800*600) and (1280*1024) my fps was raised or lowered 5 fps.
I have a P4 2.8 Ghz HT, 1 GB RAM, and 128 MB AGP Radeon 9200 SE so it's the video card that's hurting me.
1024x768, allsettings about 75-90%, a few set to max, water reflections on
about 20-25 during gameplay, 15-30 during coastercam
I was getting worried after reading the posts in the other thread, but this seems to work out OK.
In 800x600 (I know, I know, get a bigger monitor! :)) I was routinely getting 15-25 fps with only slight variations based on detail. The biggest factor that I found (at least on my 2.5 year-old machine) was changing the color off of 32-bit. That easily gave me a 20-30% boost.
I found a little humor in the message window, where instead of "assessed", it got abbreviated to, well, you guessed it... ;)
Things run smoothly withoutthe tweaks,except in heavy activities (Fireworks and all rides going), but still looks awesome, especially at night.
My setup is an Athlon at 2.14Ghz, ATI 9600 (256MB) and 1GB RAM
I'm getting between 26 and 32 frames depending on how much I put on the screen at a time during the day.
It drops to the 19-22 range when night comes.
If I jack up the vid card (base speed: 324mhz core, 189mhz memory) to 450/220 I squeeze out a few extra frames but get a lot of artifacts. The 3 or 4 frames isn't worth the mess onscreen.
Nothing is choppy at those FR's, I'm cool with the performance from a $100 vid card.
For the record, I did download some hacked drivers that let you OC the 9600 - I'm not using ATI's abysmal driver offering.
Still haven't crashed or gotten any weird graphics thing happening.
During regular game play, I'm sure most people will find 15-20 fps acceptable, but I can't take it for the cam view. That and there's so much eye candy. A price cut on these new parts sure would be nice right about now...
Jeff - Editor - - My Blog
The other thing, i can't get the game to start i got all the requirements, i think except my graphics card, here are my stats 1800 AMD Duron (1.8Ghz), 256 MB of SDDR RAM, a 5.1 Sound Blaster card. 9.0c DirectX, and my graphics card is a 64 MB Radeon 7000. The message i get goes something like this "*** FATAL ERROR *** : IDirect3D::CreateDevice failed." Can anyone help me? Oh, and thanks for the tips Jeff, I"ll keep those in mind!
Big D said:
I have NO idea who came up with those minimum requirements for this game, But if they can't get this game to use less resources...People that have anything less then a 1.5 Ghz processor, 512 ram and a 128 MB GFX card won't be able to play this game with any normal textures.
The first rule of system requirements is:
Minimum requirements = minimum performance
I'd say it holds true here. You can run the game with the minimum specs, but you'll be doing the absolute least the game can do - hence, minimum requirements.
The Nvidia 6800's and the ATI X000 cards are the new DirectX parts.
Jeff - Editor - - My Blog
Jeff - Editor - - My Blog
BTW, is the grass growing option strictly a visual setting or will this keep my handymen from walking right over puke to mow some more lawn??? ;) *** Edited 9/28/2004 4:35:39 AM UTC by astrosgp***
Amd Athlon xp 2600+ just slightly over clocked, 512 meg ddr 2700, xtasy 9200se nvidia chipset 128meg vid card
daytime @1024x768 maxed out on everything about 7fps, strange enough turn of grow grass it shoots to 17 fps
daytime @ 800x600 maxed out 17 fps grow grass off between 27 and 32 depending on zoom level. Very playable, allthough night drops frame rate dramically to around 10 fps.
Something bizzare we found is if you turn off 3d trees and plants the trees sway back and forth quite vigorously. We thought that was kinda strange.
Really like what we see so far.
Just a couple of G-Force junkies!
Intel 3ghz, 1gig ddr 3200, radeon pro 9800 128mb.
daytime @ extreme graphyics at 1024x768 was stable at at least 50fps
everything is fine for me... but i do have a good comp (1 month old)
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