PKIs Flyers to Carowinds?

Throw your arms up, make some sarcastic comment, and close the thread already. I don't think you've met your quota for today. ;)


Jeff said:
John makes not the basis for decision making at Paramount Parks.

Neither does your combover.

2 points for John!
Actually. combovers have EVERYTHING to do with its departure. Down with your tyrranical combover-ruffling snaps! And cheers to its new hair-friendly site at Carowinds!

Now for John's next great cause...protesting the loss of PKI's Run Forrest, Run! sign.


NOTE: Severe fecal impaction may render the above words highly debatable.

I knew that picture would come back and haunt me one day. At least I wasn't in the wheelchair yet at that point.

There's a great picture in response to that one waiting in your PM inbox. ;)

Oooh. A picture of a middle finger on a scanner. I bow to your awe-inspiring creativity. *cough*

Anyway, at least you know this historic ride lives on. When VF retired CP's classic Bayern Kurve, it was replaced with....a multi-million dollar new coaster? Another flat ride? Uh, NO. How 'bout some picnic tables and chairs?

And where did it move? To the ride graveyard. In pieces. Where as far as I know, it sits to this day.

Guess what happened? That season--when they built the Galaxy theater (elsewhere in the park) for an outright horrid new musical show was among the best they've had.

So count your blessings.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, there's a few lunatics out there trying to--I don't know--elect a President or something.


*** Edited 10/26/2004 4:57:45 AM UTC by CoastaPlaya***

NOTE: Severe fecal impaction may render the above words highly debatable.

CoastaPlaya said:
I bow to your awe-inspiring creativity. *cough*

It was Farm Girl's creativity too, actually. She hit the "scan" button, so she is, officially, my partner in creativity-lacking on that one.

And spaketh John, "Thine horse-scented woman thou gavest me! It was she who pushed the button, and so I flipped!"

Talk about the oldest excuse in the book...


NOTE: Severe fecal impaction may render the above words highly debatable.

dot dot dot

I think I need a newer book.

Ask and thou shalt receive, my friend.

Again and again and again.


NOTE: Severe fecal impaction may render the above words highly debatable.

Jeff's avatar
Combover? Uh... did I go bald in the last few minutes and miss something?

Nice come back, John. Way to take a spirited debate and turn it in to third grade name calling.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

But you have to admit, it was funny, Jeff. And John, like me, so rarely is.
Wow..I just read through this whole thread. I'm sorry, all I can do is laugh!

Fate is the path of least resistance.

I digress, Tekno. I am always hysterical.

Just rarely to anybody but me.

Are you ever going to come to PKI and tell me you're there, 'tuan? ;)


John, I know that feeling Very well;).

Mamoosh said:
OK, OK...I finally have the answer to everyone who is angry, sad, or frustrated that PKI is removing the Flyers:

Click here

That map takes you from Ohio to my ex girlfriends house. She lived on John Price Rd.

For those who don't know John Price is on the right of 49 south and Carowinds blvd is on the left.

With all this convo abot the flyers we have totally over looked the othe family flat Carowinds is getting. Does anyone have any speculation as to what that may be.

coasterqueenTRN's avatar
LOL! Moosh and Danny! Priceless!


Mamoosh's avatar
LOL Tina...that's the new Visa commercial:

Danny? $20

Moosh? $100

Danny + Moosh? Priceless.

JZarley said:
I just wonder why PCW's fans aren't pissed... Afterall, this is the second year in a row they're getting a used ride.

As a regular Carowinds goer, I was ecstatic about Borg and that the Island was finally being transformed into something useful, as well as this year I am ecstatic about the arrival of Flying Eagles to the park. Used rides? pssh.. as the old NBC tagline goes "If you haven't seen it it's new to you!" as well as all Carolinians. I will go to the park regardless of what they add or subtract, because I love being there. If it's what is best for the park (therefore more money, for more attractions in later years ;) ) I'm all for it. How I 'feel', in the grand scheme of things, is relatively unimportant.

I love the direction the park has gone these past few years. Since the beginning of the 98 season the park has added 6 new coasters (2 major, 3 family, 1 kiddie), rethemed a bunch of rides(Carolina Boardwalk, Nick Central, Paramount Plaza) , and added a lot of rides too. The only (major) ride subtractions I can think of is the Sternwheeler for Borg (since it was an 'original attraction' there was a bit of uproar, but after Borg opened and everyone got a ride, they shut up quick), Wild Bull for Top Gun and Whirling Dirvish (which was sent to PGA) for.. uhh.. nothing at the moment. But I'm sure something will pop up in the next few years though. :)

John13601 said:

With all this convo abot the flyers we have totally over looked the othe family flat Carowinds is getting. Does anyone have any speculation as to what that may be.

I know the park hasn't said anything, and actually I've not even heard of the slightest of rumors. I'd like to say a small, family flat like a monster or spider or troika or something, but they're all just complete guesses. Maybe we'll even get our damned chairswings back.. hmm...

*** Edited 10/26/2004 4:18:05 PM UTC by JamminJ***

Closed topic.

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