PKI to restrict some rides to Gold Pass Holders

I was merely saying to drop the discussion because it was not going ANYWHERE. Repetitions of pretty much the same thing over again and again. Though some posts do have credibility, they seem to reinvent the wheel.

Sure some GP would be mad, but what can they do? Go to the public relations and complain... why not.

But until then, don't go back in loops and repeat things we ALREADY read.

BTW, CPLady: You didn't take in account of the line. If you hop in the line at the last possible minute and the line is still long, you might not ride until 8:00 or even 8:30 or maybe longer. Probably a lot darker.

The Jet Coaster ROARS!
Will Johansson, Webmaster of Xtreme Paramount Parks

Thus sayeth SLFAKE:
All I want to say is this, to all of those who have defended this policy. All business logic aside, what if a park decided that, since pass holders can return at any time, they close off certain rides two hours ahead of time to pass holders to let those people who are there for their one and only visit have a chance to have some night time ERT on certain days?

Amazing how many people defend a policy that they are on the "winning side of".

Cedar Point inadvertently did exactly that back in 2000. It wasn't the intent, but it was the effect. You can read what the pass-holders thought about it here and continued here.

Agreed about people defending bad decisions when they're on the winning side...

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

edit: fixed URL.

*** This post was edited by RideMan on 3/26/2002. ***

Here's the question that needs to be put forward to all of those who are upset with PKI's gold pass policy.

Would you be happier if they closed the entire park at 7:30 so that only Gold Pass holders could be in the park?

Would you be happier if the closed the park to all but gold pass holders for the whole day? Oh wait, they've already done that and no one complained. Maybe they should just close for the day and only let Gold Pass people in on those Saturdays.

PointMan said:

Here's the question that needs to be put forward to all of those who are upset with PKI's gold pass policy.

Would you be happier if they closed the entire park at 7:30 so that only Gold Pass holders could be in the park?

Would you be happier if the closed the park to all but gold pass holders for the whole day? Oh wait, they've already done that and no one complained. Maybe they should just close for the day and only let Gold Pass people in on those Saturdays.

Im just wondering if anyone who has the complaints about a ride shutting down early has even contacted PKI's guest relations? Those people are great at what they do and I know for a fact that every letter that they recieve is read and in most cases published in a park memo distributed to each dept.

This park takes care of its guest, No I am not here to defend it, but I can tell you that they look into just about anything that comes their way and in most cases it is resolved with happiness all around.

This is a park that gave us a $40 admission voucher on SOB opening day, just in case it didn't open then several more every time the ride broke down durring the season

I worked there a few years back and the first question they ask employees at PKIU is, Q. "What do people remember about a park visit?" A. Did we have fun?

Then it was shown how to make peoples visits more fun, From a kid who dropped a Ice Cream cone to a ranting lunatic and how to help them, The answer to the first was Go get the kid another cone :) The answer to the second was as long as you don't feel threatend to keep calm and contact your supervisor for help. If you felt threatened, contact 911 for the parks security that are always nearby anyway.

Chuck, who all he is saying is contact the park if you have a problem with something. Disscussing things is great but if you seriously have a problem with something then contact them.

Charles Nungester

Americana is opening in 2002 and needs your support as many company picnics are already schedualed for someplace else, Indivdual visits are very improtant to the parks survival.

CPLady's avatar

Sean...I'm going MAY4, not April. According to Dan at PKI, the park is open to all on May 4 "with no restrictions". EXCEPT the twilight time on Beast at 7:30 pm

*** This post was edited by CPLady on 3/28/2002. ***

Like I said in an earlier post... PKI's web site states that people who buy a one day general admission ticket are entitled to "unlimited" use of the rides and attractions. ONLY if you dig deeper into the site, specifically into the area about Gold Passes, do you see this "exception".

"With no restrictions" and "Unlimited use" means simply that... NO restrictions and UNLIMITED use.

People can defend this decision by PKI all they want by saying that they are "up front about it" on their site... but saying "NO" restricitons and "UNLIMITED" use is hardly broadcasting the early closures for ERT. At least "Dan" at PKI did add an "EXCEPT" to his explanation to CPLady. On their web site, you will find this "Exception" if you are specifically looking for it. If you just wander in there to check dates and prices, you won't see anything about it.

"I wasn't always this cynical, but then I started kindergarden..."

stoogemanmoe's avatar
Yes I know that there are going to be troubles when you go to a park and some of the rides are closed due to breakdowns or rehabs. To close a ride to the general public for a select few while the park is open is just plain dirty. I love my night rides and if someone takes that away from me just because they want to be a numbskull and make a few extra bucks by closing to the GP and just let people that pay an extra 5 bucks ride at night during regular hours and keeping the GP out is wrong period. Let them ride after the park is closed after hours. To some of the GP, they may not know that the park is going to close early that day, then they will be mad if they can't ride. Yes Charles, give me some of that cheese and I want red wine with it!

Beer, my soon to be wife, coasters, and the FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Is this a great country or what!!

*** This post was edited by stoogemanmoe on 3/28/2002. ***

*** This post was edited by stoogemanmoe on 3/28/2002. ***

Parks do not want to make anyone mad. If you go to a park and they do something you don't agree with, you should complain to guest relations and they should make your situation better.


Long story short, Kennywood-Exterminator closeses early. My firend and I were the last in line-not really- I was in line and he was outside the que rails and I am trying to talk him into rideing. He finally gives in an decides to ride but the ride opp has all ready closed the line off and will not let him in even after we told her what was going on.

We then marched to guest relations to complain and they marched us right back to the ride to let us on. NO BIG DEAL!

Parks will usuially bend over backwards to help an upset guest have a great time. If something bothers you, tell them about it.

*** This post was edited by dexter on 3/28/2002. ***


The park probably understands that most people that will go on that day probably didn't go to the site so my guess is they will notify the guests before entering the park about the early ride close. That way, guests will be given a choice to decide if the want to go inside the park, or not, just as if a ride was listed on the 'rides closed' signs out front. It will then be up to the guest to make sure they read the sign.

If the park doesn't notify the guests that day, then there is no doubt in my mind that they are prepared to handle the guests that may complain because of it (which I think would be MUCH less than some think).



Waiting to notify people until the get to the park entry plaza is merely a legel obligation, and a pathetic way to alert customers.

By they time the guest gets all the way TO the park, parks the car, unpacks the car, drages the whole family (with kids) up to the entry plaza, even if they chance to notice the sign, they aren't likely to turn around.

Why? Because they have already invested so much time and energy into coming (not to mention have their family members all pyshced up) that they will more likely enter the park, with a bitter upset taste in their mouth, than to turn around.

And stop comparing this with a ride rehab day or mechanical failure, or other reason for closing a ride off. I think that most park guests, although disapointed, can understand that a ride is malfunctioning, or needs servicing. Safety first right? Guests, on the other hand, have a low tolerance for being told they can't ride a ride that IS operating merely because their season pass is the wrong color, or they are merely a day visitor.

David Bowers
Mayor, Coasterville

The park is going to deal with whatever happens. Those posting on message boards are not in the loop either positively or negatively.

It is always interesting and nice to say what if, and why that, but that should be all that is. Speculation, what if they did it this way. When a discussion like this is brought-up and discussed, bravo to everybody. In part people will benefit on both sides of this. Everybody will know the park policies and plan accordingly, and will probably let others they know about the policies that are discussed concerning amusement parks here and elsewhere.

Some will like to know that their purchase will allow perks which they may not have been aware of. Others may make other plans due to not being able to ride a ride they wanted in the last hour of a park's operation due to whatever reason they desire.

This may seem somewhat twisted, but I see most people reading and posting in this thread winning. As has been stated on here before, if people feel poorly about the situation, then they could take it up with guest relations. I would hope anybody who is aware of this particular policy will plan accordingly and not find themselves at guest relations possibly taking-away from a good day, but rather plan another day if possible.

Well your season pass can't be the wrong color till May 29th. Please guys stop complaining about this its getting way out of hand.

Waiting to notify people until the get to the park entry plaza is merely a legel obligation, and a pathetic way to alert customers.

A pathetic way to alert customers? Well, they could make it more clear on their website or they could put it on their voice line to the park, bu that still doesn't gaurantee everyone will see it. Should PKI call each person in the World individually to make sure they know that they might have one coaster closed on their visit after 7:30 if they go on a Saturday in April or May? This is such a limited time and so late towards night, I don't think that many people will really care. The sign will say The Beast or SOB will not be open after 7:30!! I think the first thing on people's minds will be, "We better go there first.", or "We need to make sure we ride that today before 7:30.", or "Thank goodness its closed. I needed a chiropractor, because of that son of a..."

So, I really don't picture it being as bad as everyone thinks it will be. If people are that upset, the GR people can very easily make them happy about their visit(unless that person just doesn't want to change their mind about having a bad day). Unlike Some Fudged up parks out there which don't even put up signs outside for mechanical failures or anything, PKI has an extremely limited amount of rides down, usually everything is running at full capacity, and its really hard not to have a good time. Who knows? Maybe they have a reason for doing this besides just another 'perk'? I would have bought the gold pass with half the perks they're giving.

*** This post was edited by Koaster King on 3/29/2002. ***

Okay Danny-boy, your last post was just crap! The first thing that should be done is that these closures should be posted on the operating calendar. Once it is there, there is no question about *notification* as you'd have to pretty much be an idiot to go to a park without some assurance that they'll actually even be open (see Clark W. Griswold).

Secondly, a ride going down for mechanical reasons is a far cry from a ride being closed for a "special function". Mechanical issues are *usually* not planned out far in advance (unless it's a year round park) so there should be no expection that those would be well advertised. However, these days *are* known. Give me *one* good reason why they should not be readily acessible via the operating schedule.

And finally, just because people have a vaild beef with your precious little PKI (dripping with sarcasm) is no reason to take a cheap shot at Six Flags parks...especially when that comment isnt even vaild. Every Six Flags park I've been to has had a list of non-operating rides...Hell EVERY park I've been to had such a list, regardless of ownership. Let's stick to valid complaints shall we?
Besides, if we were really shutting down people we disagreed with, would Jeremy (2Hostyl) still be around? :) I think not. - Jeff 1/24/02

Ah good, maybe we can shift the focus of this thread to constructive criticism:

Actualy the parks main information mumber might be the best place for it! I realize that it isn't in the parks interest to rattle of ride closings to every caller, but with the autmoated Centrex (or equivilant) automated information systems that more and more parks are adding to their phone systems, why isn't the following feasible:

"Thank you for calling insert park name here, the insert park advertising slogan/tagline here. For information on scheduled ride closings, press 1 now:

User presses 1

"The following rides closings are scheduled in May: From May 1 - May 5 insert ride name here will be closed for scheduled annual maintenance. From May 6 - May 10 insert ride name here will be closed for scheduled annual maintenance. Special note on Saturdays insert ride name here will be reserved for Gold Pass Holders after 7:30PM. We apologize for any inconveniece this may cause. Please be aware that that due to mechancial concers all rides may not be available during your visit. Water Rides and Rollercoasters will not operate if the temperature is below 50F"

A similar link could be available on the Operating Calendar page of their website. Disneyland's website does, or did include an annual rehab schedule right on their website. Withough having to jump through hoops, or email guest relations and ask.

David "Who ususally emails park GR before park visits to ask about ride closings" Bowers

David Bowers
Mayor, Coasterville

Jeremy said: Okay Danny-boy, your last post was just crap! The first thing that should be done is that these closures should be posted on the operating calendar. Once it is there, there is no question about *notification* as you'd have to pretty much be an idiot to go to a park without some assurance that they'll actually even be open (see Clark W. Griswold).

I completely agree that they should put this on their operating calender, but like I said, it still doesn't make sure everyone will see it. Not everyone has the internet. I've said before people should call ahead. I always do and thought most people did. Besides the SF park comment being terribly unfair(I didn't mean for it to come out as bad as it did), I never saw clear signs at SFKK, SFNE, and SFWoA telling of their closings(except X-Flight). And I don't see what else could possibly be "crap". Maybe you can help me out, so I can look for them next time. It was a huge "generalization" for SF parks, but nowhere did I see that all the shows at SFKK were closed that day and you could only get in if you happened to walk by and they were doing a practice run. Several flat rides were closed and one side of TS was closed. I definitely don't think that would have been posted.

Secondly, a ride going down for mechanical reasons is a far cry from a ride being closed for a "special function". Mechanical issues are *usually* not planned out far in advance (unless it's a year round park) so there should be no expection that those would be well advertised. However, these days *are* known. Give me *one* good reason why they should not be readily acessible via the operating schedule.

I agree with this. No reason not to. I never said that they shouldn't be advertised very well. I just didn't think it was as significant of a problem as people make it out to be. I wouldn't be mad if Magnum and MF at CP closed at 7:30 for Joe Cool people. They paid the extra money for the passes and I knew in advance not to come or to be prepared. So, don't give me any of that "precious little PKI" crap. It has nothing to do with whether its my park or not(Actually I'm closer to Americana and The Beach). I'm not biased or anything like that(anymore ). I don't care if everyone hates the park. I like the park. I like every park. Actually, I would much rather talk about WDW, DL, IOA, BGT, or BGW than PKI, but those discussions don't come up terribly often. No matter what they do, they all deserve equal criticism for what they do whether positive or negative. I actually even poked fun at PKI and/or their rides a couple times in the post I think.

I stick to complaints as valid as I remember them being. If I went to SFMM and couldn't find Flashback, I would complain that it wasn't even there at the park and false advertising. And just because you missed the nomination process for the CB awards, you're allowed to say they didn't happen. ;)

Again, I'm sorry. I missed when the site banned opinions(and my loose factoids).

Movie Rental of the Moment: Life As A House
Movie Quote of the Moment: Furious Styles: "Something wrong? Yeah. It's just too bad you don't know what it is..." -Boyz in the Hood

*** This post was edited by Koaster King on 3/29/2002. ***

So, I finally got around to looking at PKI's site... Are they having THAT hard of a time selling season passes??? Their list of Gold Pass perks is a mile long... An hour of ERT on a bunck of mornings, an ERT "buyout" night, prefered parking, these ERT nights, etc...

And to top it off, they are upgrading regular season passes to Gold passes for free.

Coasterville Dave said:


Waiting to notify people until the get to the park entry plaza is merely a legel obligation, and a pathetic way to alert customers. .

And stop comparing this with a ride rehab day or mechanical failure, or other reason for closing a ride off. I think that most park guests, although disapointed, can understand that a ride is malfunctioning, or needs servicing. Safety first right? Guests, on the other hand, have a low tolerance for being told they can't ride a ride that IS operating merely because their season pass is the wrong color, or they are merely a day visitor.



While you have clearly stated your opinion on this topic, you have to remember that not everyone is going to contact the park via e-mail or the Web, nor are they going to call the park in advnace to see what will be closed. So what are they supposed to do? I think putting up a sign in front is probably the next step to notify those guests. I can name a few parks right off the top of my mind that don't even try to notify guests in advance. No sign our front, no mention on their web site, and not even an true answer from talking with someone at Guest Relations.

Second of all, why should I stop comparing this to anything? Am I not entitled to express my views also? I was just trying to show the side of this that I think most people are forgetting. The park IS trying to notify guests of this in advance. Can't that be said for something? Why should I even bother to ask?

The sad thing is, it would not surprise me in the very least that some of the people that are bashing this perk will be there in line, with their golden pass in hand not even thinking of what they said before.

With that being said, I believe it is time for me to exit this thread. Have a GREAT day everyone!


I just received my gold pass promo flyer in yesterday's mail, and it confirmed what I have been saying all along:
ALL Season Passes sold between November 6, 2001 and May 19, 2002 are "gold passes." Those of us who bought our passes prior to November 5, 2001 and who chose not to spend extra for the gold pass may upgrade our passes "for a nominal fee" which is probably slightly more than the nominal fee they were charging for the gold pass at the time.

Just thought I should point that out. Oh, and no, I don't have a Gold Pass, and quite frankly that's fine with me because the parking benefit I got by buying early is worth a lot more to me than the gold pass benefits. And no, I won't be upgrading. I also don't plan on being in the park on Saturdays in April and May, either, so the 'loss' of that particular Gold Pass perk will have no effect on me either. I still don't think it's a good idea!

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

I can see people whom would find benefit as well as no benefit from a possible extra fee for upgrading if they had purchased last fall.

We also took advantage of the free parking which included family parking pass since we purchased a family season pass. We did however upgrade at that time to the gold passes. I gave the free tickets to family members, and along with the family parking and the discounted cost of the family passes last fall, felt it a decent buy. We did use a few of the gold pass perks last year. I can remember a few days last year when we planned on being there so the kids could ride some of the kids rides the one hour prior to the park being open to the general public. That cost alone will be worth-it to us this year if it is even close to last year(I realize there will be more gold passes this year). Near walk-ons/5 min. waits on just about all kids rides, incl. Reptar, Wild Thornberry, and some of the slower capacity types as well. We also took advantage of a morning open-early for some of the adult areas and just took turns watching the kids as we rode. Got-in several rides that way as well. In that first 30 min. on all of the days we went last year (the 9:00 - 9:30 time) lines were very short. Those times are afforded weekdays as well as weekends on selected days this year.

While I have no doubt the number of people taking advantage of that particular perk will increase this year, picking your spots/days will still afford you to get some of the rides punched early on your ticket and let you do other things. The other interesting aspect to this, is it puts you in certain parts of the park before the general public as well, which would get you shorter lines once the park opens-up early on as well.

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