PKI 2003- Symbol on the Fence?

Mamoosh's avatar

Dust Bunny? D'oh...why didn't I think of that one? Its a perfect name for a ride...thanks, Shaggy!


PS- you're still HOT! LOL!

NUTS - National Union of Thrill Seekers! [Brought to you by the maker of 'LoCoSuMo!']

I was thinking, the ride is probally going to start to be built before the end of the season because what was the point in getting rid of KC if they didn't use the land until closer to the end of the season. With this I would think it is goin to be somewhat big because a flat ride doesnt take that long to build. With the Pardon Our Dust, I bet that has nothing to due wih the theming or name of the new ride. So many people walk past there and when people see that ugly fence they will wonder why it is there and if its permanent. That just states they are in the process of construction behind their.

The sign logo is indeed the Action Zone logo. You can tell not only by the Action Zone enterance sign, but also by the signs in On Location, the Merchandise location in the Action Zone. They all have the same logos, provided they are still there-- many were moved to Emporium.

As for what will go there next year, the plot is not exactly the biggest in the world, I honestly would not expect anything big.

Dust, eh?.....


Vaccuum: the ride!

I can see it now... You're in your vehicle, and the story is that the insane maid is trying to suck you up with the Hoover... You heard it here first :)

I don't necessarily think that KC's removal hinged on the decision to add a new attraction in that spot. I am sure it had a little to do with it, but not a lot. The real reason, I think, was just maintenance.

I believe the operations department went round and round about whether the coaster's draw for one last season warranted the upkeep and attention it demanded of the maintenance staff. Ultimately, the park made the decision to remove it sooner than later. Sean F. can back me up when I say that KC's demise changed time, after time, after time throughout the off season.

The early vacancy left by KC's removal probably weighed heavily on the decision to fill it's spot. But I expect the decision to remove KC was made independant and before the decison of a new ride was made.

The park probably had ideas in the back of their minds of what they *could* do with that spot, but somehow I don't think this new ride decision was calculated far enough in the future to warrant KC's removal. Rather vise versa.

Never - the - less, I personally do not expect to see any real construction prior to daily operations ending. Park reps, I believe, have said they will probably announce late in the season, most likely just to help promote their 2003 season pass drive. A new for (insert year) season marketing campaign always aids in selling the passes.

Thus what I am trying to say is, I do not think the construction requirements of the attraction going in that spot will prompt the announce date this year. IMO, the only reason this attraction, whatever it may be, would need early construction is if the ride will be housed indoors. And again, I do not at all think a coaster will be installed.

Bottom line, I think marketing alone will determine the announce, not installation.


Oh, and Mamoosh... The only reason I looked HOT on that show was because I WAS! It was like 100 degrees out that day! LOL

A.K.A. John K.

*** This post was edited by Shaggy on 6/13/2002. ***

Dust, eh?.....


Vaccuum: the ride!

I can see it now... You're in your vehicle, and the story is that the insane maid is trying to suck you up with the Hoover... You heard it here first


Ugh, the supposed funy shoots on my "dust" comments are no longer funny Nancy. Maybe they were a few post ago but now it just is old. Maybe at about 2 o'clock it might have been funny but now that it is 11:30 it is just lame. Let it go. And if you do wanna be funny get something better than something like "Hu Yuck, the name of the ride is the Dirt Devil." No it is just lae let it go. It is about as lame as a 30 year old man who post on this board all his life, yet still has time to go to a Travel Channel Shoot claim he is Coaster Crazy or something like that and yet still claims that he doesn't not want or need another coaster to ride at a certain Ohio Park. Thank you.

Paging doctor Bob, Paging doctor Bob,

We have code blue in the PKI 2003 post on Coasterbuzz... Immediate removal of pkifanatic's heart from his sleeve required!!!


Don't take it so personally bud. You are absolutely entitled to your opinion that PKI will install a Wild Mouse or what ever themed to dus.... errrrrr sorry... so few minutes ago!

And 30? Yes.

Man? Absolutely... ALL man LOL ;-)

On this board all my life? Nope only since 11/5/2001

Still have time to go to a Travel Channel shoot? Yes, occasionally, but only for one day.

Claim he is coaster crazy? No... I said I was insane, which I am, on Discovery.

And I never said I don't want another coaster at a certian Ohio park, I said I do not think PKI will install one next season. As far as needing one, that isn't for me to determine, rather the park.

Please don't take everything I say so seriously. We are all here just to have fun. Neither rollercoasters, nor PKI, nor my comments on this board are significant enough to get offended over. We're all friends here.


A.K.A. John K.

*** This post was edited by Shaggy on 6/13/2002. ***

Shaggy said:

Sean F. can back me up when I say that KC's demise changed time, after time, after time throughout the off season.

This is true indeed. People have to realize that things can change at anytime in a process (Movie Rail anyone?) and have to accept this.

Sure, speculation can get insane at times for those that are wanting more than what actually is installed, but they have no one to blame but themselves. Did we not learn anything from Tomb Raider? I still know a few people that are mad at the park for putting in Tomb Raider because they were SO sure a new indoor coaster was being installed in the Tomb Raider building.

Perhaps one day the big picture will come into focus for these folks and they will get a better idea of how parks operate instead of thinking a park sucks for putting in something not to their liking.

Cedar Point is even getting into the fun this year by adding hints about next years attraction. At Coastermania, the rumors were running wild. Everything from a large outdoor resturaunt crossing over the lagoon (where will the boats go?) to a mammoth new coaster.

Like Shaggy said, speculation can be fun, but don't let the fun of speculating take over your expectations and ruin what could end up being a very cool attraction just because your own selfishness.

-Sean (who doesn't think PKI will be adding that 243ft mouse coaster that some believe will be added....but could be wrong)

I still know a few people that are mad at the park for putting in Tomb Raider because they were SO sure a new indoor coaster was being installed in the Tomb Raider building.

Darn tootin! I'm still so angry that my guess at a 500 foot tall Hypersonic in a box was false that I will hate TR:TR forever! Bah Humbug on PKI! LOL

How ya doing Sean? Gonna have to hook up soon, Mr. S. was just mentioning you the other day! We have that *trip* to plan.

FYI, they apparently have a copy of the Japanese dubbed version and have been getting quite the giggles from it.


A.K.A. John K.

*** This post was edited by Shaggy on 6/13/2002. ***

It is going to be a Deja Vu!! hahaha.

I seriously dont see anything big going here, i cant see anywhere for a huge ride to fit in the spot

bigger is better

"Paging doctor Bob, Paging doctor Bob,

We have code blue in the PKI 2003 post on Coasterbuzz... Immediate removal of pkifanatic's heart from his sleeve required!!!

;-) "

What is that? Some kinda Coasterbuzz lingo for ban me. You can ban me! I have a right! A right to post my opinion! This is the good ol' USA! And as an American I have a right to post my opinion and not get banned.

"Please don't take everything I say so seriously. We are all here just to have fun. Neither rollercoasters, nor PKI, nor my comments on this board are significant enough to get offended over. We're all friends here."

Hum..somehow I don't believe that (the friends part) Yeah, yall are here to gang up on me and make me a lughing stock. Well just it dosn't look like I am going off topic here I will throw in a comment about the subject. The sign hints to a wield mouse. Ah. My opinion. Goodbless the U.S.A!

pkifanatic said:
No no. A name can be a big help. Example: "The Racers". You can assume many things about the name like it could be two coasters raceing each other. Or it could be a little Drag Raceing strip (SFKK). Another "Volcano". Has to have something to do with a Volcano. "Son Of Beast". Must be a great ride if it is the "son" of the Beast. I mean the Beast is a great ride so why wouldn' it son be. You see? Are you getting my drift yet?

I actually think the Son of Beast is almost (I said ALMOST) better than the Beast, so no Im not getting your drift.

Koaster King, I do agree with everything you say. For one, not only seeing the park from both sides of the coin, I know that PKI isnt just trying to get one group. Lets look around the area, shall we? Cedar Point is Cedar Point, a thrill seekers dream. SFWOA is turning into a thirll park as well (from what I can tell). Where is there left? Thats right, a family experience. IMHO, PKI is one of the best rounded parks in the country. Now I know I must seem biosed, working at the park, but look at the park as a whole. Without adding anything next year, PKI will still get the families with kids, teenagers, and adults because they have a great kiddie area, a thrillseeker area, and areas where the adults can remininse (sp?) about when they were kids.

Now, why cant we all just wait for the announcement and then let the people who love to complain do their thing?

SOB crew in twenty 02

Shaggy, if I remember correctly this certain PKI rep stated that during the time of the Travel Channel shoot the attraction for 2004 not 2003 was being determined. This leaves open the possibiility that this sign definately contains some type of hint. Now I hate to bring things from other boards, but I do remember you stating that the sign definately contained some type of hint on another message board. Now before I sound like I'm opposing your view, I completely agree with what you're saying. People see these vague hints and derive from them what they want for the park, not what is likely. This causes them to get their hopes up, and subsequently get dissapointed. Then they start berrating the park because the park added what the park needed, and not what the certain person wanted. This is extrmemely selfish on behalf of the enthusiast, and this is why I try to keep speculation at a minimum (although I do partake it in some, I never commit to a certain ride, and never get my hopes up on anything).

swOHman a.k.a. Brian
"Don't Look Back"

pkifanatic said:

What is that? Some kinda Coasterbuzz lingo for ban me. You can ban me! I have a right! A right to post my opinion! This is the good ol' USA! And as an American I have a right to post my opinion and not get banned.

Hum..somehow I don't believe that (the friends part) Yeah, yall are here to gang up on me and make me a lughing stock. Well just it dosn't look like I am going off topic here I will throw in a comment about the subject. The sign hints to a wield mouse. Ah. My opinion. Goodbless the U.S.A!"

Seriously, I've been reading this post, and now it's time to jump in. If you are serious about what you're saying, and I'm assuming you are, just relax. For the sake of all of us, relax.

Some may agree with your opinion, some may not. If someone is going to post their thoughts on your opinion, they are essentially doing the same thing you are. Also, I know shaggy is in no way trying to offend anyone. Things come out differently when in type, not audibly heard. Shaggy wants to promote PKI and promote peace and happieness (spell check, anyone? LOL) throughout the land of enthusiasts.

Basically, relax. Nobody, including myself or Shaggy, is here to insult, shame, or ban you (assuming you follow rules, of course) and if they are, they don't belong. So have fun, and take everything people say here with a grain of salt (assuming certain exceptions). Your life will be just that much more pleasant. Have fun coasting, and please remember the have fun part. That's what we're here for.


rollergator's avatar

I enjoy the "guessing" game....I'm an enthusiast, sure, but the degree I worked so hard for (yeah, right), says that I'm supposed to pay attention to the business aspects first. This means that while I may want a 400' S:RoS to come right down to IoA with the new group of attractions, I appreciate that it would probably not be a good business decision...(damn the luck). I certainly won't be upset with whatever attractions are added to any park....they're all good. If a particular ride isn't "my cup of tea" (say, the teacup ride), then I can happily mosey along and ride something else while being perfectly happy for those that DO enjoy that particular ride.....

But, if my GUESS of an inverted mouse (ArrowBATic, if you will) turns out to be the new ride for PKI, I want a copy of one of those Jeff Siebert nudie pics.....ROFL....

pkifanatic said:

(Dexter said"He he (I am laughing AT you, not with you). "Please pardon our dust" is an often used term. I've seen it countless times. One time I saw a sign that said exactly the same thing on a wall sectioning off half of the bridge over Dudley Do Rights Rip Saw Falls. Should I have thought that it was a clue that they where going to theme that side of the bridge to a tornado? Of course not. I allready knew from expierance that it was being repainted. It is a common term, especially at amusement parks.

If the symbol is in fact the AZ logo, then the wall has no clues to give us. If that is in fact true, we can dismiss the rumor that somebody who is close to the park ( I've heard a few different names in a few different stories) said that the wall has a clue. "


O.K. before I state the obvious here I wanna know something first. O.K. when you saw this little posted note what did the ride turn out to be? The Dudley Do Rights Rip Saw Falls? Well, if that is it then let me say this! HA fool! ("I am laughing at you not with you") O.K. let me calm down here and ask you one more question. What do saw's produce? I know this is so complicated but c'mon what do saw's produce? D-U-S-T! See it was a hint. But only to the name. Dust = Saw. Saw= The Dudley Do Right Rip SAW Falls. Boom! There ya have it. The saying was a clue after all. Thank you and goodnight!

You didn't really read my post that you quoted from, right? I will reiterate my point. I have seen signs that read "Please Pardon our dust" in many circumstances throughout my life. This phrase is defined as asking the park patrons to not get upset that there is an unattractive construction area within thier view.

Ripsaw falls was already there when the wall in my example was constructed to close off one side of the big yellow bridge that goes over the end of the ride. I was told that the painters were repainting that side of the bridge and after it was complete they did the same with the other side of the bridge. On this wall was the same phrase we are talking about. I knew that it wasn't a clue that the bridge was to get some amazeing new attraction themed to dust, pardoning something, or the useing of polite magic words.

If what you are saying were true, and every time we read that particluar phrase on a construction wall, almost every new attraction would be themed to "dust".

Did BGT give us a clue when on thier wall when they built Rhino Rally? After all you do ride around in Hummers and they are ATV that sometimes get dirty. I can see the "dust" refrence there.

Does the mysterous new wall at CP contain that familiar phrase? If it does we can expect to see "Dust Streak" or "Dust Force". Or if it's a kiddyride we could see "Dustock Express". I bet that's what they are building next year.

I am trying to be nice but your persistance humoruosly persuades me to re-state that "I am lauging AT you"

KoRn is the Mellennium Force of ROCK

*** This post was edited by dexter on 6/14/2002. ***

*** This post was edited by dexter on 6/15/2002. ***

Yea speculation is quite fun. I do think it could possiblt be a Frisbee themed to a tornado or something. I honestly don't care. Its all in fun to speculate right? I mean c'mon we know its not a coaster so why not speculate on what kind of ride it is anyways.

Can we change the name of Top Gun to your mom so no one wants to ride your mom?

Shaggy, I think I saw what swOHman was saying as well of something you said about a hint on another board(URC?). It was probably another one of your mind games trying to get everyone all excited. You know you're guilty. ;)

Of course I am guilty. It kept bumping this PKI thread a few times didn't it? :-)

There is no such thing as bad press.


A.K.A. John K.

Well... one time I saw a "Pardon our Dust" sign was at USF, march 1998. Near the Earthquake ride. Now, according to the logic of a certain member... did that meant that the soon to open (at that time) Twister show, which is near the King Kong ride was being moved next to Earthquake???

According to that member, all went in that direction: dust=tornado and what is Twister? A show centered around a tornado! Bingo!

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