Mom not pleased with Playboy bunny logo poster as amusement prize

Posted | Contributed by Junior

Kristine Severn said her son, Trevor, won a Playboy bunny logo poster while playing a dart game last Friday on a field trip to Oaks Park, an amusement park in southeast Portland. When her son brought it home, she called Oaks Park and asked why an 11-year-old would be given the poster. Severn said she received the run-around and that Oaks Park told her that they do not run the games.

Read more from KPTV/Portland.

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ApolloAndy's avatar

You really believe that the boy thought it was just a bunny?

Not to say the mom is right, but I would bet dollars to donuts (or whatever the expression is) that he knew exactly what he was getting and the mom is blaming the park instead of taking personal responsibility.

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

LostKause's avatar

We don't really have a disagreement on this topic, Carrie. I agree that the parent might have been a little too dramatic. I don't personally know the family, so it's probably a little difficult for me to understand the background of the situation.

Carrie M.'s avatar

No I don't really believe it. But that is just a speculation. The story tells it as though the boy didn't know and therefore was introduced to the concept of Playboy. LK made a point based on that idea as well. So I was just pointing out that even if that is the case (or just the angle the parent is choosing to play), it still doesn't warrant taking up issue with the park.

"If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins." --- Benjamin Franklin

OMG mom, get over it. Check under his mattress, you'll be even MORE upset.

janfrederick's avatar

Man, I was raised in the 70's. If my parents wanted to see an R movie, they saw one and I was along for the ride.

If she were a good parent, she'd tell her son why it is inappropriate. As most people have said already, sex is used everywhere. You can either keep your kid home with the doors locked, or let him go out and explain why you think the world is such a bad place with all that sex everywhere.

Man, when I was that age, my friends were 10 million times more crude than anything on TV.

"I go out at 3 o' clock for a quart of milk and come home to my son treating his body like an amusement park!" - Estelle Costanza

And if he knew it was Playboy, so what? Playboy never killed anyone.

Krissy Severn is a stripper! She's a few years younger than me - Trevor, the 11 year old, is actually her step son - and she's pranced around naked in some of Portland's dirtiest establishments for years after highschool.

This is not a joke. plenty of people here in Portland think it's HILARIOUS that she of all people would be soooo shocked and horrified by a playboy bunny. Pot calling the kettle, anyone??

Just thought that should be an important component of this conversation...

Lord Gonchar's avatar

Jeff said:
Reminds me of this kind of parenting for some reason.

I've always wondered who the people are who buy shirt slike that?

I like some dumb stuff. Like some real low-brow entertainment. I laugh at some pretty nasty and offensive things. I talk like a sailor.

But who really chuckles at a "Certified Muff Diving Instructor" t-shirt? And of those that do, how many actually purchase one? And of those, how many really wear it?

It's like the worst of both worlds - not witty or dirty...just kind of stupid and a bad attempt to rattle the establishement.

It just seems like there's too many filters between manufacturing and seeing these on the streets, yet I see an alarmingly high number of shirts in this vein of thought* in public places.

Don't be that guy.

*also includes any shirt depicting a fictional establishment named "Big Dick's" or "Big Peter's" or any other thinly veiled play on words or one that's drinking related

Vater's avatar

C'mon Gonch. There's no doubt in my mind he gets hoards of women with that shirt. Hoards.

kpjb's avatar

Duh... I mean, the guy's CERTIFIED.


coasterqueenTRN's avatar

kRaXLeRidAh said:
OMG mom, get over it. Check under his mattress, you'll be even MORE upset.

LOL! Isn't that the truth? ;) Most likely he has sees a lot worse when he gets together with his friends.


Last edited by coasterqueenTRN,

kpjb said:
Duh... I mean, the guy's CERTIFIED.

More like certifiable.
Here's a question-- do you think a park (or other establishment) should tell that guy his attire is unacceptable and either cover it up or beat it?

BuckeyeCoasterFreak said:
People get offended WAY too easily nowadays.

You got that right !!!!!

A few months ago in San Diego a group of us visited Belmont Park. One of their employees had told us about this guy who was standing in line only to get upset at the sight of seeing two guys sitting beside each other on the Giant Dipper because the guy claimed "...this goes against Prop 8 !!!" WTF ????

The same employee also went on to say that if we thought that was stupid, well last year during the Prop 8/gay marriage political thing, some woman calls up Belmont and and was upset that her son had won a toy bear at one of the games. She claimed that Belmont was promoting homosexuality by allowing "bears" as prizes. WTF..round 2 LOL

Last edited by Chriscub,

phoenixphan :-)'s avatar

Well I can clearly remember winning a poster at my local carnival as a child, could not have been more than eight or nine at the time. It was an "Easy Rider" posted with a very scantily clad woman riding a Harley Davidson bike. My family thought it was great that I was into women... boy did I prove them wrong!

My point? Just because you are young and attracted to "cool" images doesn't mean much. The truth is that its all about the parenting, and what standards you set for your children. Is is harder these days to raise kids, maybe, but I think its more due to parents wanting to be their kids friends instead of an authority figure. Go to any park on a school trip day and listen to the language coming from the 8-10 year olds. Definitely not something my parents would have approved of, or allowed.

Real men ride wood... coasters that is!

I have to agree with everyone here. Leave the parks out of this. It's the parents who need to grow up and do some parenting without freaking out about a harmless prize. Go to any beach or amusement park and the kid will see more skin than in any poster.

But who really chuckles at a "Certified Muff Diving Instructor" t-shirt? And of those that do, how many actually purchase one? And of those, how many really wear it?

Apparently the crew on the Mean Streak several years ago found it very funny, because one crew member called other members of the crew over to see this exact shirt allowing the trains to stack.

The older lady my wife complained to at customer service was far more shocked and appalled then amused.

Chriscub said:

BuckeyeCoasterFreak said:
People get offended WAY too easily nowadays.

You got that right !!!!!

A few months ago in San Diego a group of us visited Belmont Park. One of their employees had told us about this guy who was standing in line only to get upset at the sight of seeing two guys sitting beside each other on the Giant Dipper because the guy claimed "...this goes against Prop 8 !!!" WTF ????

The same employee also went on to say that if we thought that was stupid, well last year during the Prop 8/gay marriage political thing, some woman calls up Belmont and and was upset that her son had won a toy bear at one of the games. She claimed that Belmont was promoting homosexuality by allowing "bears" as prizes. WTF..round 2 LOL

Well clearly 2 men anywhere in the same vicinity clearly means they're going to have rancid un-lawful sex all over the place, duh, thats why parks should have a male and female line to buddy up, to prevent this sort of thing. Also I am kinda curious how the woman knew the bear connection thing, I mean were they wearing leather chaps or something? lol...

The Mole's avatar

Lord Gonchar said:
It's like the worst of both worlds - not witty or dirty...just kind of stupid and a bad attempt to rattle the establishement.

The worst crime is that of mediocrity, not vulgarity, eh? Kinda like the new Marlyn Manson CD or Korn....

also includes any shirt depicting a fictional establishment

What about real places? (I get my crabs at Dirty Dick's)

Also, in the vein of half-witted OBX humor: (Eat and Get the Hell Out!) ('cause you shouldn't have to get out of your car to get more beer.)

Lord Gonchar said:

Jeff said:
Reminds me of this kind of parenting for some reason.

I've always wondered who the people are who buy shirt slike that?

"For show and tell I've brought in two of daddy's shirts. He's not only a Certified Muff Diver but also in the FBI. In the FBI he's a Federal Bikini Inspector. Daddy likes to shop for clothes at the gas station."

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