Magic Mountain's Next Attraction


Thursday, October 17, 2002 6:20 PM

Those marking are very similar to the one's at SFMW right before Medusa went up. It's a B&M floorless alright, a "variation" on the Medusa rides, no more a clone than Kraken or Kumba, but similar in style and inversions.

Glad they went with a new color! ;)

"Escuse me, can you tell me where the heck the Mystery Lodge is"?



Thursday, October 17, 2002 6:28 PM
Mamoosh's avatar

There is NO way to tell from the markings what kind of coaster it is. B&M's supports are all fairly similar in could be anything.

Moosh - was hoping for a flat ride package

Sig under construction - big announcement coming soon!



Thursday, October 17, 2002 6:34 PM
Moreover, those markings aren't even indicative that it is a coaster. They could be markings for the world record breaking bathroom that I know will be built at a park someday. That said, I'm sure they are for a coaster, but I'm just trying to prove a point.

The Legend

Thursday, October 17, 2002 6:46 PM

Its obviously a wooden/steel stand-up/inverted looping/speed hypercoaster! Cant you guys see that?

As for the rocket Intamin at CP, think 300 ft Cobra roll with launch.



(SF)Great American

Thursday, October 17, 2002 6:50 PM
It's not a flyer. Someone, I believe it was Jeff, mentioned that B&M manufactured two, count 'em, two flyers for Six Flags this year. Well, we have a Superman themed flyer built this year, track painted eaxactly the same way in one Six Flags park, and a sign anouncing a Superman themed ride in another park. I think we can all draw our own conclusins there.


Thursday, October 17, 2002 6:53 PM

Good point (SF)Great American.

But how does Jeff know this? Although I'm up for anything right now, a Floorless would resemble The Riddler's Revenge a bit too much. But that's just me.



Thursday, October 17, 2002 6:54 PM
Mamoosh's avatar

(SF)GA - right...and for much of last year everyone was swearing that the only B&M flyer was going to be AIR "excusivity!...exclusivity!..," they cried. Then B&M track started to show up at SFOG.

Moosh - maybe they'll get flats, too?

Sig under construction - big announcement coming soon!


I Burn Churro Carts

Thursday, October 17, 2002 6:59 PM
B&M track IS at SFMM right now. 4 pieces of the brake run and transfer track arrived on Monday or Tuesday. The rails and cross-ties are yellow, the spine is blue, and the supports are magenta. Pictures are on the internet right now, but they are not allowed to be posted for public viewing because the park is closed during the weekdays and if you took pics, it would be tresspassing. 3 websites currently have photos of the track, and are waiting until tomorrow to post them so it is not illegal.

America Coasters Network



Thursday, October 17, 2002 7:07 PM

I Burn Churro Carts -

That sounds like a very attractive color seriously, it does.


Chris Godsey

Thursday, October 17, 2002 7:39 PM

Well, once the photos are visible, we should be able to see the type of ride it is by examining the spine of the track. If its curved, it will be a flyer, if it isn't, it will be a floorless. Also, you can deduce what it is by examining the supports as well.

According to the park, the number one complaint they have been receiving is the line issues with X. SF Corporate is eleviating this issue by adding a people eating coaster next year. They want something that will eat about 1,200pph and the floorless will definitely do just that. I think its a wonderful for the park, even though the flyer would be more innovative and unique to quell nearby competition. But, this ride will definitely be a great addition to the park.

So, what have we learned????

Next time you are at the park, go complain about there not being a decent woodie at the park and maybe the park will work on that in 2004! :)

I hear a train a comin'
Comin' round the bend :P


I Burn Churro Carts

Thursday, October 17, 2002 7:46 PM
Chris Godsey, I did that last night with the photos I have seen. All the factors point toward a floorless. There are indentations in the cross-ties (it's not rounded) and the track is sitting face-up (flyer/inverted track is placed on it's side or upside-down).

America Coasters Network



Thursday, October 17, 2002 7:47 PM
Its prob the long rummored floorless, standup, L-TH-B, hyper bathroom I keep hearing about. ;)

Chris Godsey

Thursday, October 17, 2002 7:53 PM

face up as in the rails up or down?

Because both AIR and S:UF both had track delivered with the rails up.

Also look at the supports. If they are F shaped, it will definitely be a flyer.

I hear a train a comin'
Comin' round the bend :P



Thursday, October 17, 2002 7:55 PM

I agree, kRaXLeRidAh, the color scheme does sound interesting, I can't wait to see pictures of it. I thought X wasn't going to have the most attractive colors neither, but I really like the colors now.

The top 3 all time cobrarolls.

2)Deja Vu's (times 3)
3)Batman Knight Flight's



Thursday, October 17, 2002 7:59 PM
nasai's avatar

I don't personally care what they bring to the park. Just bring a ride that will burn people through lines, reduce lines elsewhere, and be a lot of fun. Floorless would be fine with me. I rarely get to SFMM, but I am a huge fan of Medusa West (probably my fave steel), so bring it on. If it is a flyer (doubtful to me, at least), great! I don't know when I will get to Georgia (sorry, Brian), and it will spark me to get back to SFMM a little quicker. There isn't much at that park that piques my interest as it stands, so something to add a little diversity is always a plus!

Rob-who like Moosh, laughs at the insignificance of arguing over Shock/Wave and the "fact" that it will be built according to the scriptures. So endeth the reading of the Gospel.
------------------- - rock and roll never felt so good



Thursday, October 17, 2002 8:19 PM

A floorless coaster will really eat up crowds. The last three coasters did nothing to help out with capacity. Déjà Vu was a mistake to be installed, only in part due to its PPH rate. Other than that, the ride is great. Same with X. It's vehicles are extremely complicated and problematic and prevent it from running to its full capacity. As for Goliath Jr., well you know how that goes...

So this would make this Magic Mountain's what? Third B&M ride? Batman The Ride 1994, The Riddler's Revenge 1998, and ______ 2003.



Thursday, October 17, 2002 8:33 PM
rollergator's avatar

Chris Godsey said:

Next time you are at the park, go complain about there not being a decent woodie at the park and maybe the park will work on that in 2004!

We TRIED that before, and all we got was M:TR....



Thursday, October 17, 2002 8:35 PM
nasai's avatar
Yes, but WHAT a woodie!

----------------- - Leave nothing to chance!



Thursday, October 17, 2002 8:42 PM
M:TR? What's that?


Thursday, October 17, 2002 8:45 PM
nasai's avatar
Krax, If you don't know, I can't really explain...Sorry! Just know this....M:TR has the capacity to just 'blow' through the crowds. One thing though, it's not an "inside" joke;)

----------------- - Leave nothing to chance!


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