KKK plans protest at Dollywood on unofficial gay day

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

Members of the Ku Klux Klan say they plan to stage a protest outside the Dollywood theme park in Pigeon Forge, Tenn., on Saturday, where several thousand gay and lesbian parkgoers are expected for a ''Gay Day'' event. About 20 protesters are expected.

Read more from The Tennessean.

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Gemini's avatar

Remember in november which candidate is an outright, admitted bigot.

Keep your politics out of this. You don't want to go there. How would you like it if I said to remember which candidate supports the killing of unborn children?

*** This post was edited by Gemini 5/20/2004 4:30:07 PM ***

Good shot Gemini... and quite agreed.
Coasterfreaky said: "the latest news from a reliable friend is...the Sons of confederate veterans (SCV) will attend to protest the KKK using the rebel flag in their protests. They don't want the flag connected to hate and whatever."

Three cheers and a big Yankee (yes... I said YANKEE) "Huzzah!" to the SCV for standing up the the sheet wearing chowder heads in the Klan who hijacked the battle flag of the Confederacy.

jomo - you're talking about a small minority of people who do that. All groups (including the gay community) have a small minority of wacko extremists. We're not talking about a church wide agenda.

I never stated it was a church wide agenda. I even stated on my original post that it was the "fanatics" that are the problem. So I apologize if I offended anyone, the last thing I want to do is generalize, since I know first hand what if feels like to be.

Just because you disagree with the president, doesn't mean he's telling gays that they're sub-humans who deserve to be bashed or killed.

Once again, Shaggy blows me away on how insightful he is. Just re-read his above post, once again, hits the nail on the head.

And of course dubya isn't going to come straight out and say this, he has another election to buy, um I mean win, this Fall. But his actions speak volumes of how he truly feels. If he felt in his heart that gays were as equal as straights, then the whole gay marriage thing would not even be an issue.

I know for a fact that I personally treat everyone I know, gay/straight, male/female, black/white/red/brown etc. religious/non-religious, all the same regardless. It's only when the individual person wrongs me that I will treat them differently, which most times means treating them the way they treat me. Bush is amending the Constitution so I can never marry the person I love, and he doesn't even know me. He has never sat down with me to get to know me, or any others. But he's gone ahead and decided anyway that I'm not worthy of the same equal rights, privilages and protections that he and other straight people in this country are entitled to. If I'm not equal to him, then I must be sub-human, since he apparently doesn't consider gays equivilant to himself. That is the message he is sending whether you care to acknowledge it or not.

*** This post was edited by jomo 5/20/2004 5:19:09 PM ***

Mamoosh's avatar
"Once again, Shaggy blows me away on how insightful he is."

That's 'cause he's HOT HOT HOT! ;)

mOOSH - I couldn't be completely serious in this topic!

Gemini's avatar

Bush is amending the Constitution so I can never marry the person I love

And you're assuming that's because he hates you. While I'm undecided on a constitutional amendment, I do believe that marriage should be between one man and one woman. Does that mean I hate you too?

*** This post was edited by Gemini 5/20/2004 5:16:31 PM ***

Jeff's avatar

Jeff, just because "my" faith is the same faith that millions of people have had in the past doesn't mean it's invalid in some way.
I didn't suggest that. That's the reverse of my question. If you're prepared to take it all at face value and call it your religion, I'm down with that. However, it's that very point that illustrates mine: Religion is not a cut-and-dry, one-size-fits-all institution that is universally applied and accepted. A Christian saying that homosexuality is wrong is like a Buddhist telling you that you worship the wrong god. Who is right? Does it matter?

See what I'm getting at? You can share your religion, which you do, but it doesn't mean anyone else should or must subscribe to the same beliefs. You aren't imposing that, so that part isn't directed toward you, but it's just a more general statement to people of any belief system.

And you're assuming that's because he hates you. While I'm undecided on a constitutional amendment, I do believe that marriage should be between one man and one woman. Does that mean I hate you too?

Do you believe that all men (and woman!) are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness? Or do you believe this should apply to everyone except gays?

Unalienable: Not to be separated, given away, or taken away; inalienable: "All of them . . . claim unalienable dignity as individuals"

*** This post was edited by jomo 5/20/2004 5:45:51 PM ***

coasterqueenTRN's avatar
Hey now.........enough with the WV jokes. ;-)

Den, I completely agree with you. I don't think anyone in the Krazy Killer Krackheads has ever LOOKED at a Bible, let alone pick one up and read it. It's easier for hate-mongers like that to use it as a weapon instead.

So sick.


<---------who is holding out for the "Male Stripper Day" at Dollywood.

*** This post was edited by coasterqueenTRN 5/20/2004 6:01:39 PM ***

Mamoosh's avatar
I'll be there, Tina!

mOOSH [as a guest, not a performer]

Gemini's avatar
If that portion of the constitution is your argument, who's to say that a polygamist should be allowed to have multiple wives?
Mamoosh's avatar
Right on, Gemini! And people should be able to marry animals if they want to, too! And their siblings even if they don't live in Arkansas. Me? I'm married to my job ;)

mOOSH - lovin' that slippery slope!

TrickTrack said...

"I hope that DOLLY will show up and show these morons who´s boss in her parking lot."

I've gotta agree, that would be awesome!

I'm sure Ms. Parton has no tolerance for the KKK. She has a tremendous gay & lesbian fan base, and she's always been supportive of the gay community. And heck, doesn't Dolly always say "If I weren't born a woman, I would have been a drag queen?"


(not that every gay person wants to be a drag queen... believe me, they don't...)

Unlike hate groups like Nazis or the Klan, Dolly doesn't use her strong Christian beliefs to pass judgment on others. And even though I am not personally religious, I am respectful of whatever belief structure anyone wants to have, provided that they don't force their beliefs on others to infringe on their basic human rights or use their faith as an excuse to promote hatred & violence.

I certainly wish more Christians would follow Dolly's example. She's a class act, and her park is extraordinary.

Yes, Dollywood is a place for family fun, but there is no reason that gay & lesbian people cannot enjoy it with their families and friends. People go to amusement parks for recreation - not to promote some sort of agenda, religion, or lifestyle. If everyone behaves with respect, courtesy, and decency, there is really no reason that people of all different backgrounds shouldn't be able to get along and enjoy their day at the park. That's one of the great things about rollercoasters & amusement parks... in the queue lines you can have lively conversations with friendly people that you might not otherwise encounter in your everyday life!

Dolly probably won't show up, but DW security and Pigeon Forge Police will be standing there with guns. Think about it, DW is Private Property, they could be ejected from it, and that wouldn't be treding on their rights at all. It's not like DW's front gate is the steps of the Sevier County Courthouse, or something.

I see the Klan putting up a fight before they are kicked off of the property, hopefully, noone will be hurt.

((and to think that tourists from around the nation come to DW looking for a great Southern time....Folks, wer'e not like this, it's these biggots who should be shot who are ruining our reputation))*** This post was edited by CoastermanX 5/20/2004 8:31:46 PM ***

Basically, I don't think any of us have the judgement to decide ahead of time who will be accepted into heaven and who will be condemned to hell.

The comment on serial killers possibly being born into that psychological predicament may be entirely true, but, as I mentioned earlier, that predicament harms society, two people of the same sex being married to each other, is NOT harming society. We are what God made us, and my God loves all of his children regardless of what his mortal written book says, I take my faith directly from the big guy himself.

coasterqueenTRN's avatar
Hey Moosh, my cats are not married to me but they "own" me and let me live with them as long as I pay for their rent and food. Does that count? ;-)

SFGAMDie Hard, you hit the nail on the head, buddy. Well said!


<-----who also prefers to take the faith directly from the big guy also. *** This post was edited by coasterqueenTRN 5/21/2004 7:17:57 AM ***

I will not keep politics out of it when the current administration wants discrimination to be part of the US constitution, when this country is supposed to stand for the opposite. While i agree that abortion is wrong, it is a CHOICE 99% of the time. Homosexuality is not a choice. The only choice with homosexuality is to completely suppress one's natural feelings, and live a life which is a lie to oneself and others. These kind of acts result in much worse outcomes. For example, gay men and women who are trying to please others enter into hetero marriages, which end in divorce. Some of those who suppress their feelings resort to suicide. And while our current administration waives their so-called "morals" high in the air, they have intiated a very murderous war which has resulted the uncessary loss of thousands of innocent lives on both sides.....more than 9/11. All for their own agenda. Keep beleiving the lies you are told. Weapons of mass destruction? By instilling fear in the American public, the current administration continues their agenda.
*** This post was edited by super7 5/21/2004 8:55:20 AM ***
Super7: And how did WMD discussion get into this? Your hatred of the president / conservatives / Republicans (basically anyone who does not agree with you) is blinding your vision here.

You state... "By instilling fear in the American public, the current administration continues their agenda." Personally, I believe that is the credo of the other side (the liberal Democtatic party) in spreading their socialist agenda and doing ANYTHING, even endangering national security, to gain power.

As someone said (who's post was deleted), the side that is crying about how terrible "hatred is" seems to be the side that is being the most hateful in this otherwise civil discussion.

*** This post was edited by SLFAKE 5/21/2004 9:22:38 AM ***

Wow, this topic gets so many posts! How great.
Makes me.... urgs.. I can't help it...
..anyway, I've been raised a catholic, and I think I know the bible pretty well - and the bible doesn't say much at all about homosexuality. In the Old Testament there are about three places which mention "it", it is referred to (indirectly) in the Sodom&Gomorrah story and in the mosaic laws, where it says homosexuality is subject to capital punishment.
Fine - but two sentences later, it says that if a married couple has sex outside of marriage, the WOMAN has to die, even if it was the man who is '"at fault". I could continue - there are a lot of other laws that are completely unacceptable by our modern standard written in black and white right there - so why should they even be considered a basis for our moral standards nowadays?
There is also the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, but I it remains unclear whether the true crime that is committed is indeed homosexuality but rather the desire for non-consensual sex. ("where are the men who came to you tonight - bring them to us so we can have sex with them" (Gen 19)). And in the end, there's also the story between Jonathan and David, to be read in book Samuel, which arguably carries some homoerotic lineaments.
In the New Testament, Paul is writing about how "homosexuality won't earn the kingdom". Apart from Paulus writing bad things about women (quote: "women should sit silent when men talk"), he is referring to "homosexual" prostitution in the temples of concurring religions of the time. Paul had no idea of the 20ieth century society and the human rights that we believe in.
The bible needs to be interpreted with the time and circumstances in mind when it was written - if you want to believe in it. You can't just go and take everything literal if you don't want to believe that the earth is a pancake and women are beings of a lesser dignity.

Okay --- small excursion from the topic if B&M inverted coasters.

Gay Day is everyday - open your eyes.

Wow.. I didn't even want to write that post anonymously :)
Now I can't even edit it anymore.
Anyway, I take full responsibility!

*** This post was edited by superman 5/21/2004 9:55:03 AM ***

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