KKK plans protest at Dollywood on unofficial gay day

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

Members of the Ku Klux Klan say they plan to stage a protest outside the Dollywood theme park in Pigeon Forge, Tenn., on Saturday, where several thousand gay and lesbian parkgoers are expected for a ''Gay Day'' event. About 20 protesters are expected.

Read more from The Tennessean.

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Just like the supporters of our current President and his administration, the KKK uses the so-called curtain of "morality and values" to justify their hate-filled, racist agendas.

Remember the President wants to add a discrimination clause to the US constitution regarding marriage. He is not much better than a KKK member himself.

When I read the headline deep down I hoped KKK would stand for Kustom Koaster Klub.... :(
Its so sad that these lowlifes are still emerging from the bottoms of the cesspools of existence.
I hope that DOLLY will show up and show these morons who´s boss in her parkinglot.
You see, I am a dreamer...
It's a legal issue - Cincinnati has to allow them to, or be sued.

What makes me sad is that the KKK claims to be a Christian organization. If they'd actually pick up a Bible, they'd see that everything they believe is *completely* opposite of what Jesus taught.

Super7: Okay... now you are making generalities. I happen to be one of those proud "supporters of our current president."

No need to bring Presidential politics into this. However, IF you want to compare people in politics... why not start with Senator Robert Byrd (a Democrat) from West Virginia... an acutall living, breathing former Klansman.

My personal view on this issue is this... (and I am not affraid to say it).

If I know a park is having a Gay Day (official or unofficial)... I will schedule my visit for ANOTHER time (sorry, I'm not that "liberal"... I'm "tolerant"... but not "embracing")

If I know that the Klan is going to be demonstrating at a park... I will schedule my visit for ANOTHER time (I'm a proud conservative... but regardless of what madame Hillary may think, not all conservatives are of the right wing extremist, hate spewing type. The far right scares me as much as the far left.)

If I know that it is a Gay Day (official or unofficial) at a park, AND the Klan will be demonstrating at the park... I am not sure I even want to be in the same state, let alone be at the park on that day.

(of course, it may be fun just to go and watch the fire works errupt between these two groups... And it may be a good time for "walk ons" for the rides considering many people there will be to busy standing nose to nose with each other and hurling what ever propaganda their side choses to shout in an attempt to shove both of their agenda's into the other's face)*** This post was edited by SLFAKE 5/19/2004 12:19:19 PM ***

This is hardly a reason to keep anyone away. Me and many of my friends will be there Saturday spending money and having a blast.

Yes, I concur that it is truly sad that these bottom feeders of society still exist and spread hatred. And that they do it under the guise of Christianity is even more disturbing, I think.

Jeff's avatar
SLFAKE: I'm pretty sure the gay community is out to have a good time, not advance any "agenda" they allegedly have, let alone go "nose to nose." I don't think they're there to recruit anyone into their "club." The Klan is there with an agenda. Seems kind of silly to even compare the two.

The Klan can demonstrate in public. I'm OK with that, and it's their right to do so. The rest of us have the right to call them stupid and make fun of them. It all works out!

My statement was not party related. But the current President of this country is ready to amend the US constitution in order to discriminate against this group "in the name of god" (the same god who created everyone). Just as the KKK uses their so-called morality to discriminate.

Repulican, Democrate, a bigot and an racist is just that.

Jeff: Hey... bottom line... I won't be heading out to Dollywood until around June 25. I could care less what happens there this week. Off topic, but ... Fact is, I stay away from parks on known "Gay Days", "School Days", "Girl Scout Days", "Firemen Days", "Lawyer Days", "Swedish Swim Suit Model Days" (at least now that I am happily married), or any other kind of days that will draw a crowd. I like my parks to be less busy when I visit.

Super7: We are in definatel disagreement over this one. I'm letting it stand there.

Antuan Sez:
Where is Will Smith and Martin Lawrence when you need them....

Wow. I was just thinking the same thing. freaky. But Martin would have just been shot in the @$$ again.

Yes, unfortunately, the Klan is still alive and active(I live in WV, and know Klansmen, but hey, everybody knows everbody here). Its so funny, though, there isn't a KKK in the area that I live in because the population in this part of the state is predominantly black. Go a few miles up the road and its all white, and there is a Klan.

But, hey, stupid is as stupid does. Hideing behind a sheet will get you nowhere. The Klan on Bad Boys 2 is exactly how they act, tobacco chew and all. Disgusting!

20 protestors?!? big deal, i'd take that over a bunch of screaming 9 year old girls anyday
Man, I wish that Christians didn't get so up in arms about the gay thing.

If there are any Christians reading, know this: it's not our job to "convert" gay people or make sure they know what they're doing is sinning. It's our job to spread the gospel message and live our lives right. If there's anything else to be done, God will take care of it.

/shakes head

The President is just trying to keep the term marriage what is has been since the creation of man by god, a union between one man and one woman.

Im totally against what the kkk is doing in there protest, but lets not kid ourselves or be in denial, both groups are there with a agenda in mind.

I have been to gays days at wdw in the past and while the majority of attendee's were there to have a good time, you did have a segment that wore the same clothes so as to draw attention to themselves and were acting in a in your face manner with public displays of a sexual nature meant to draw attention to themselves.

Well said SLFAKE, I can't agree more. As a Christian, I don't support homosexuality, but what people do is their own bussiness. I just don't like when they try to force their beliefs on me. On the other hand, it is really scary to think that we still have KKK type people running around here in this great country of ours. And there are a lot more than you think. They are really no different than the terrorists who attacked us on 9/11. All they wish to do is spread hate and fear. Only cowards run around with sheets over their heads and terrorize people. If they want to say something, they should be men and take the sheet off and tell us their opinions. When I feel strongly about an issue, I write or contact my elected officials, that is how you try to get things done. What the KKK is doing actually will help gain support for the gay people.
Bob O: Marriage has meant different things at many points in time. In fact the meaning of marriage has been pretty fluid over the centuries. Your notion that the president is trying to preserve anything is valueless. He's discriminating...and it seems that only the people he's discriminating against understand that. Call it what it is...Discrimination!

CP ismyhome: Who's trying to force anything on YOU? And who is that you are that we as a minority group need to worry about pooping on your parade?

After reading a few of these posts it's pretty clear which side everyone is on. You either support the KKK or those like them - the president, focus on the (straight) family, Confused women for america and countless other hate groups, or you advocate a 'liberal' or fair lifestyle that doesn't exclude persons because they are percieved as different from you or believe differently than you.

Ugh, Because me and my girlfriend hold hands and neck a little in the park does not mean I want others to join in an orgy. People of the same sex showing affecton does not connote "I want to convert you to gayhood"

And what is so wrong with their "agenda"? They are showing off their pride. Lastly, no one cares....(really... we don't) if you choose not to attend for whatever reason. The point is already made, and I doubt anyone will change their minds because of one less person in the queue!

*** This post was edited by Antuan 5/19/2004 2:27:42 PM ***

All US citizens are required to pay their taxes. All of those citizens should receive the same legal and financial benefits that marriage provides under the law.The government using the cloak of god, religion and morality to deny those legal benefits to tax paying citizens is no different than the fashion in which the KKK uses their "morality" stance to further their cause.

Im surpised that the current administration has not tied this discrimination agenda into 9/11 somehow as that is what is done to get support of their other unethical policies. Countless speaches bring up 9/11 so this administration can gain the support or their policies by fear, instead of logic.
*** This post was edited by super7 5/19/2004 2:46:30 PM ***

Mamoosh's avatar
You're not gay, 'Tuan? Wow...I must get my gaydar fixed ;)

No sonny, that would be a complete shock to my other half. I am in a frat though, and those intitiation processes ...well I'll stop there :)

TeknoScorpion said: "I live in WV, and know Klansmen, but hey, everybody knows everbody here"

Forget knowing everybody knowing everybody in WV... isn't everybody related to everybody too?

(sorry... easy WV joke... couldn't resist)

This group is doing exactly what "groups with agendas" want, confrontation. Everyone in this group, Straight, Bi, Gay, Transgender? wants to enjoy amusement parks and roller coasters. If you focus on the fun then the "activists" loose their audience.

Remember that not all gays are "sex starved" flamers and not all Christians are "war loving hate mongers". It is a shame that a small percentage of the population creates a stereotype for the entire group. I would be more concerned at Terrorists blowing up Cinderella 's Castle at the "Mouse House"

Ignore them all and try to enjoy your day at the park.

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