King Cobra's End at PKI Confirmed

dexter, wouldn't they have to build the path under the lift hill to get a path out there. The path would also go like right through SOB and I think that would take away from SOB being out on its own. Also that land has been cleared awhile now. Last time I looked back there they had an old parking lot tram sitting back there. I think that the land back there was always cleared or was just cleared to hemake more room to build SOB. One last thing, wouldnt it be a big waste of space by putting a path on the KC spot I mean there is a good amount of land there.


Are you talking about the flat area where the fireworks are shot from? If you look at it from the tower, it looks like land clearing for a attraction or something.


*** This post was edited by Sean F. on 3/5/2002. ***

Im upset to here this This was the only stand-up Togo coaster that I actually liked. Do you think a B&M stand-up or floorless would take its place?

john peck's avatar
One thing that i don't understand is why would PKI of all the Paramount parks take their Togo out?

I found Shockwave to be horrible and Skyrider to be equal to Cobra. I believe that PKI gets more attendance and earns more revenue with a decent ROI than any of the other paramount Parks, so why would they shut down Cobra?

Cobra (84) is not all that much older than the other Togo stand-ups (both 86) anyway

You don't stop playing because you grow old,,,you grow old because you stop playing.

Sorry about the empty post above, but I just read according to the Cincinnati Post in today's afternoon edition, Jeffrey Siebert officially announced that King Cobra will not be operating this season and will be replaced with a new yet-to- be named attraction for the 2003 season

You don't stop playing because you grow old,,,you grow old because you stop playing.


You mean PKI officially announced that King Cobra will not operate?

Geez, where is Koaster King when you want him ;-)

Actually, I figured it was going to hit the press anyday. We are just ahead of the GP in this respect.

So long dear KC, you deserve a standing ovation. You served us well.


A.K.A. John K.

Shaggy said:

So long dear KC, you deserve a standing ovation. You served us well.

Here Here! KC will be missed. Any coaster that can I've seen people actually jump when its hits the brake run has to be good. LOL.

1984-2001- R.I.P. King Cobra

"Back seat, no hands."

Has a link to the Ciny Post article been posted on the Cincinnati Post website? This is sad news. I`m going to guess that PKI will add a wild mous to follow the other four Paramount Parks. (Which would be another terrible capacity ride)

I`ve ridden Son of Beast 67 times!

I have been told by "an employee" from the park that they have already started to dismantle King Cobra. Anyone have any pictures? I would like to see some evidence. I am hoping I can ride it during my spring visit.
Well I do work at Kings Island currently. It was sent out in an email to the employees that KC will be removed this season. However, It also said something new will replace it in the 2003 season.

PKI Employee 2001, 2002
"We couldn't get much higher"- The doors

Hey, we all know that if you hear it through me, then its official. The big news is cleaner bathrooms for everyone at PKI for the 2002 season! Better yet, its free with park admission! Of course, this is still a rumor at the time.

It is sad to see KC be dismantled, but I must admit I still had my fingers crossed for that to just be another rumor...


I think a quote from Q (john D'lancy) from star trek says it best. All good things must come to an end.

Son of beast/top gun crew 2001 and 2002

I'll never forget sitting in my room drawing the logo in '84..... I also remember the shock that rang through the safari monorail when they announced Cobra for the following season. "A stand up? How in the....?"

She's my favorite stand up and has been a very unique part of KI's history, not to mention that she was the first full circuit stand up in the country. I'll miss the trick track, bunny hops, and of course those extremely loud brakes! Farewell old friend. I leave you with the slogan I created for one of my Copywriting advertisements: "We'll make you stand in line, but you won't get to sit down!"
King Cobra - 1984-2001

Shaggy said:

So long dear KC, you deserve a standing ovation. You served us well.

Standing ovation, HA! :)

Don't, Don't Don't believe, Don't believe the hype.

I know that the evidence point to it being dismanteled, but I still need proof. Are there any pictures or newspaper articles on this? Also, was the ride sold or is it meeting the same fate as KCKC across the park? I will surely miss King Cobra, it was my favorite stand-up and I`ve riden Mantis and the Vortex @ Carowinds.

I`ve ridden Son of Beast 67 times!

coastersrz, I've heard rumors that KC may be going to Terra Mitica. I'm not sure if it is still up for sale or not. I heard someone say that there was an article in the Cincinnati Post yesterday about KC. It's still not on the website yet if it was there.

Koaster King, I`ve heard the same rumor about the article in the Post. I too have checked there website only to find that it is not there. My friend informed me that he had heard King Cobra was being dismanteled and he`s not a coaster enthusiast and last visited PKI back around 1996. So, unfortunatly I think Kings Island`s oldest steel coaster is now The Vortex, from 1987, and not King Cobra!

I`ve ridden Son of Beast 67 times!

*** This post was edited by coastersrz on 3/7/2002. ***

The article about the King Cobra was in the evenng edition of wednesday post(3-6-02) it was only about 2 paragraphs and was on the second to last page in the sports section. And about it not being on the post website i believe that they do not usually post the evening edition only the morning.

This year PKI is celebrating their 30th Anniversary and its soon-to-be oldest steel coaster will be celebrating its 15th. Sadly, this leaves an awfully big space to be filled at PKI will the loss of KC as it really does reduce the capacity in the Action Zone area where it was needed fairly reasonably. Another part of this means that PKI is left with only 5 adult steel coasters: one of which may be thought of as kiddie to "other" visitors(Adventure Express); one which doesn't receive the attention it deserves because of the coaster's ride length to actually get back to it ratio(Top Gun); one which has its lovers and haters(Vortex); one which was reborn in 2001to rave reviews and even longer lines(FOF); and lastly, one which has a fairly bad capacity(Face/Off). On the positive side, Rivertown may be the first destination for people entering the park, so this may have been a smart decision by PKI to remove it at this time. Other than that, a nice large non-looping steel coaster looks good at this time...


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